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Everything posted by Can_of_corn

  1. Can_of_corn

    Sacramento A's

    You have to be worse than this for the other owners to kick you out.
  2. Not every owner with money spends it. We don't know if he will spend until he shows us.
  3. If you are a GM of a rival team do you suddenly give up more for Stowers or Norby? And yes I would, if it helped my team. You give up quality to get quality. You can't trade scared.
  4. I think they are looking at his tools and his career to date. I didn't say they were going to not look at the additional data, I just don't think they will give it will have an outsized impact on their evaluation. In other words, Stowers and Norby have enough of a track record that a hot streak repeating AAA isn't going to spike their value over where it was in the offseason.
  5. I think teams are pretty smart overall and aren't likely to be unduly swayed by what is happening in Norfolk.
  6. I don't think they are. Not by much. Teams aren't going to go all gaga over a hot stretch by a 26 year old with 800 PA in AAA.
  7. You are very much not wrong but I was really tempted to go with a young band. Maybe this.
  8. Hey now Kimbrel is a proven closer, how else are the O's going to nail down those one run leads in the 9th? He's also tied for the team lead in Wins.
  9. Would it make sense to send someone like McKenna down to Bowie? He's not down for development, he's a break glass in case of emergency fellow. He can get his reps at AA as easily as AAA.
  10. What I don't get is why it wasn't done in the offseason. It would seem to me that it would be easier to get a deal done at that time.
  11. Dangerous choice. What if you get caught guessing fastball and K on the change?
  12. With his 23rd percentile splint speed?
  13. Who would have thought guys too good for the level to which they have been assigned would be doing well?
  14. He's been pretty good at walking this year.
  15. I was trying to be realistic...
  16. Those leadoff walks are a killer!
  17. Lean into a pitch McCann!
  18. This year's data isn't up yet but as of 2023 he was exactly average.
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