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We're waiting on ARod


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Well actually I was thinking that $20mil is likely what it will take to get Tex. So I was wondering if you would be onboard with that... personally, I might go $18M but not $20.

I'll let Burds13 answer the question of would I pay $20 for Tex! :D Where are ya brother?

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I forgot the White Sox and the Blue Jays could use an upgrade at SS even if they signed McDonald. The Phillies have been mentioned as the other team highly interested in Tejada. I forgot about Reynolds so the D'Backs would be crossed off the list...

The White Sox' trade currency these days is Jon Garland, Jose Contreras, and Joe Crede. So much for that.

The Jays make sense only if the O's are taking McDonald or Glaus back as partial payment for Tejada.

In other words, those teams are not good fits.

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Cubs -- rumored to be focused on OFers

Phillies -- rumored to be focused on pitching

Red Sox -- in the ARod sweepstakes

Yankees -- rumored to be interested in several other 3Bs

Giants -- in the ARod sweepstakes

Dodgers -- in the ARod sweepstakes

Angels -- in the ARod sweepstakes

Twins -- trading for Tejada would be very un-Twins-like

Blue Jays -- not seeing a need here, so long as Glaus is around

D'Backs -- not seeing a need here either

I don't see MacPhail being able to leverage anyone with Tejada right now.

Would Tejada for Rios and Glaus work for the Jays?

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I cannot believe that SOOOOO many teams have the ridiculous amount of money to sign Rodriguez that the Orioles are held hostage.I still think the steroids list is what's holding the gun here.I wish they'd just release the thing and have done with it.

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Anyone think this guy can still play SS?

How many teams need a SS upgrade?

I believe the two Chicago teams may looking at him as a SS. Maybe Houston (but they apparrently have nothing good to offer). Thats probably about it though.

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If A-rod's destination impacts Tejada, how does Miguel Cabrera being put on the trading block by the Marlins impact Tejada?

And since we are asking such enquiring questions, what if we put our Cabrera on the trade block, and teams confuse him with the Marlins Cabrera? Could we get a huge return before the other team realizes they have the wrong Cabrera? :confused::D

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If A-rod's destination impacts Tejada, how does Miguel Cabrera being put on the trading block by the Marlins impact Tejada?

Not only that, but Lowell will be viewed as a better option for third base then Tejada. I guess the Red Sox are considering moving Youkalis back to third.

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If A-rod's destination impacts Tejada, how does Miguel Cabrera being put on the trading block by the Marlins impact Tejada?

Considering Tejada would only require one top prospect as opposed to Cabrera requiring 3-4, I would say Tejada is still looking pretty good. The Marlins are only contacting certain teams for MCab. They will pick and choose. Any team can have Tejada if they offer a top prospect...

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Not only that, but Lowell will be viewed as a better option for third base then Tejada. I guess the Red Sox are considering moving Youkalis back to third.

Lowell will cost a first round pick for those teams out of the bottom 15 and will require a 3-4 year contract for Tejada money...

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Lowell will cost a first round pick for those teams out of the bottom 15...

Thats true but we're asking for a top prospect and more for Tejada. Additionally Lowell is a proven defender at third and Tejada is not. Lowell will probably go for 2/22 or 2/24 with an option (although he is looking for a 3 year deal). I serioulsy doubt anybody is going to give Lowell a 4 year deal. Additionally, offensively they may match up about the same.

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On the one hand you have a very productive former AL MVP locked in at 2/26 requiring only a couple of quality ML-ready minor leaguers in return, on the other hand you have a very productive former AL MVP asking 10/350 AND you have to spend extended periods of time with Scott Boras.

I'm not disputing the information, but I am having a little trouble seeing the linkage.

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