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Billy Rowell isn't happy


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He didn't take advantage of that i'm assuming. For part of his first two years at frederick he would stay at a hotel for the most part but during his third year he would either try to sneak into the clubhouse which wasn't allowed or sleep in his car. Like i said he was a strange guy so why he decided to stay in his car i don't know. It was a really nice Beamer though.

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Pretty funny article, in a sort of jaw dropping incredulous way.

The best thing for the Orioles is to cut ties. It's clear that their development style doesn't mesh with Rowell's ability to succeed. In spite of the comments, Rowell just needs a change of scenery.

You mean he needs to move out of his vehicle?
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Pretty funny article, in a sort of jaw dropping incredulous way.

The best thing for the Orioles is to cut ties. It's clear that their development style doesn't mesh with Rowell's ability to succeed. In spite of the comments, Rowell just needs a change of scenery.

To be fair, the Orioles development style hasn't meshed with many players in the last 15 or so years.

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Well, he's got some personality. He's the kind of guy I would like... if he could hit.

Also, why would he sleep in his car? From what I understand, lots of the O's minor leaguers live with host families, and Rowell himself mentions that he was with one in Bowie.

Maybe not welcome with the host family after a rough night.

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Billy Rowell will go to Toronto and become the next Jose Bautista. Book it!

I am willing to take the chance. Most likely even if he somehow decides to grow up and starts putting together some good years he will end up a Montanez if he is lucky. Maybe a cup of coffee in the bigs in his late 20's at peak physical max.

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Wow, what an amazing lack of self-awareness. Like, disturbingly so.

Criticizing Baker for not putting up numbers in AA-ball, when Billy hasn't put up any decent numbers for 3 years?

And then talking about how the org. just wanted to make the trade look good? Gee Billy, why do you think you've gotten so many chances? Possibly because you were a first round pick and the org. doesn't want to look bad?

I mean, certainly you can understand his frustration, but to express it in this way? Terrible.

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