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Jim Duquette's comments on the orioles this morning.


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He said Hunter was a #5 starter. Hammel was a #5 or a maybe spot starter. Matusz and Arrieta were #4 starters. And Chen was a number #4 or 5 starter.

He said we were a 95+ loss team. Mark Reynolds was barely a major league hitter and he doesn't know why we released Simon when we need pitching depth. And the Reds were a good team who picked him up.

He said we had no #4 hitter. But at least we will be be better than the Astros.

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His opinions are a lot tougher from the outside looking in. lol

I'm not sure what that means on Reynolds. For barely a major league hitter, Reynolds has been more productive over the last 4-5 seasons than guys Duquette probably figures are real major league hitters. I think he's unfair to both Hammel and Hunter. Actually, I prefer tough criticism to the cupcake approach but I don't think he's right.

I don't either. He must be working on the cousin angle to stir up interest again.

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He said Hunter was a #5 starter. Hammel was a #5 or a maybe spot starter. Matusz and Arrieta were #4 starters. And Chen was a number #4 or 5 starter.

He said we were a 95+ loss team. Mark Reynolds was barely a major league hitter and he doesn't know why we released Simon when we need pitching depth. And the Reds were a good team who picked him up.

He said we had no #4 hitter. But at least we will be be better than the Astros.

I don't have an issue with the pitching comments. It's getting to the point where our SP's "are who they are". They can still improve but I think the probability of that happening is getting less likely.

I don't know how a guy who hits 37 HR and has an OPS over .800 is "barely a MLB hitter". Yeah he K's a lot. So what. People get so hung up on that. He also has a good OBP compared to his AVG.

We don't have a legit #4 hitter. No complaints there.

I am glad this guy isn't in the FO anymore with comments like that...but I chalk it up to him needing something to say about a team he probably doesn't know much about anymore -- and a team that no one in the national media is going to know much about. Or care about.

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He said Hunter was a #5 starter. Hammel was a #5 or a maybe spot starter. Matusz and Arrieta were #4 starters. And Chen was a number #4 or 5 starter.

He said we were a 95+ loss team. Mark Reynolds was barely a major league hitter and he doesn't know why we released Simon when we need pitching depth. And the Reds were a good team who picked him up.

He said we had no #4 hitter. But at least we will be be better than the Astros.

I disagree with his comments about Reynolds as a hitter, but he's probably not wrong about our pitching. Matusz and Hammel have the ability to be more than a number four and five respectively, but I really can't quibble too much with his pitching comments. When you look around baseball you see how weak our rotation really is going to be unless they all somehow put it together this season.

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1) Saying Reynolds isn't a ML hitter is absurd. That is someone who only looks old school stats like K's and BA.

2) BMat may only end up being a #4 this year or for his career...acting like that is his ceiling would be moronic.

3) No idea if Hammel will bounce back or not but he was a 4 WAR pitch in back to back season pitching in Coors Field.

Those 3 comments alone tell you why he is on a radio show and not in an organization. He is horrible.

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Dan builds us up, Jim knocks us down. It's like a Duquette sandwich with one fresh piece and one moldy piece of bread.

There appears to be limited familial interaction between the two. Flaherty's priest is a cousin or uncle of them as well.

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1) Saying Reynolds isn't a ML hitter is absurd. That is someone who only looks old school stats like K's and BA.

2) BMat may only end up being a #4 this year or for his career...acting like that is his ceiling would be moronic.

3) No idea if Hammel will bounce back or not but he was a 4 WAR pitch in back to back season pitching in Coors Field.

Those 3 comments alone tell you why he is on a radio show and not in an organization. He is horrible.

Agreed. With a few more comments like this he may not have a radio gig anymore.

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I think his comments on the pitchers are too extreme. Maybe nobody is above a no. 3, but I think it will be significantly better than a pack of 4's and 5's. And, I think our 4th/5th spots will be better than a lot of teams'.

Reynolds has flaws, but a team with 9 Mark Reynolds in the lineup would score 5.2 runs per game. To say he's not a major league hitter is silly.

I'm also going to take atomic's summary of Duquette's remarks with a grain of salt, considering that atomic is a very negative poster and probably picked out what he wanted to hear. Then again, if Duquette actually said we were a 95+ loss team, that's pretty negative.

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1) Saying Reynolds isn't a ML hitter is absurd. That is someone who only looks old school stats like K's and BA.

2) BMat may only end up being a #4 this year or for his career...acting like that is his ceiling would be moronic.

3) No idea if Hammel will bounce back or not but he was a 4 WAR pitch in back to back season pitching in Coors Field.

Those 3 comments alone tell you why he is on a radio show and not in an organization. He is horrible.

Hammel's best WAR was last year when it was a 2.0. And he bounced back and forth from starting rotation to bullpen even then.

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