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The defeatist attitude on here is pretty lame


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It's possible we take 4 out the next 5 games. The Orioles are a good baseball team.

Either way, I'm proud, but I'll have faith until the last AB.

I am too. This may the Royals year but it sure doesn't mean the O's are crap all of

a sudden. Seems some only want to support the team when everything is roses.

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There's a small number of vocal posters who have constantly, over and over again, publically given up on this team all season. Over and over again they have quailed at every single bit of adversity. On a micro scale, when our pitcher walks a batter in the first inning, they will declare in the game thread that "he doesn't have it" or if he struggles in the 4th and 5th they are screaming for Buck to "yank him". On a larger scale, when we lose a game or series they say the season is over or explain why we can't possibly win. If we are in a hitting slump, our hitting simply isn't good enough. If our pitchers aren't pitching well, that's why we aren't good enough.

They extrapolate any negative. A bad at bat by a hitter or by a pitcher pitching to a batter means we are in trouble; a bad inning means we will lose the game; a bad game means we will lose hte series; a bad series means the season is going down the tubes.

Yet these people, for some reason, don't extrapolate good stuff. A good game doesn't mean we are going to win the series. A hot streak doesn't mean we will be the best team in baseball.

All year long they have sounded the same repetitive garbage over and over again. And they have been wrong and wrong again and wrong again, over and over. Despite their pathetic outlook, the team has reacted with resilience every time they were down and come back. As of now we have won 99 games, more than any team in the major leagues.

Now of course we have had two bad games and they are out in force, as I sat on the light rail riding home about an hour ago I noticed that the most recent post in about 8 threads was by the same person, the leader of the loser brigade.

And you know what... if we aren't the ONE team out of THIRTY that wins the World Series, they will come out and yell I told you so at us and tell us how they were right all along. It doesn't matter that they were stupidly, ridiculously, hilariously wrong ALL DAMN SEASON with their constant predictions of doom and failure. If we lost to the Royals, which could happen, they will strut around here about how they were finally right, and they will feel so proud of themselves.

I feel nothing but pity for them. They are pathetic. And I think goodness that Buck and the players on the team in now way share their outlook.

I haven't posted since the game last night because I knew that Birdland and his little group of haters would be the main voice for a while. These are the folks who projected 75 wins for this team in mid-May, the guys who talked about hoping they could stop the freefall in the middle of the Delmon Young game, the people who see every poor at bat as a morality play with the inevitable lesson being that the 2014 Baltimore Orioles are a bunch of losers.

Some people are just toxic, and they ruin things for everyone else. This is an Orioles team that outside observers had pegged at about .500, some worse than that, they lost several key contributors to injury and are starting players like Flaherty, yet they're still in contention for the AL title. And listening to the toxic group you'd think they're coming off a 65-win season with no hope for the future.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

I suspect that most of the sniveling whiners that are giving up are still teenagers living in their parents basement.

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I suspect that most of the sniveling whiners that are giving up are still teenagers living in their parents basement.

I hope so. If you're 34 years old with a wife and kids and responsibilities and a job and you're not hopped up on 17-year-old levels of testosterone and angst and you're still posting crap like we see from this group, I feel sorry for your family and co-workers.

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I hope so. If you're 34 years old with a wife and kids and responsibilities and a job and you're not hopped up on 17-year-old levels of testosterone and angst and you're still posting crap like we see from this group, I feel sorry for your family and co-workers.

Hey, some adults with adult motivations get upset, turn negative, and lash out. But they do not make a habit of "exposing" every weakness and reason that the Homers have been worshiping a false idol. It's easy to tell who is just having a bad day because the Orioles failed and which folks just like making other's feel miserable. There is a place here for every opinion and every conspiracy theory. Making others feel bad on purpose is not a legitimate posting style in my opinion.

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Hey, some adults with adult motivations get upset, turn negative, and lash out. But they do not make a habit of "exposing" every weakness and reason that the Homers have been worshiping a false idol. It's easy to tell who is just having a bad day because the Orioles failed and which folks just like making other's feel miserable. There is a place here for every opinion and every conspiracy theory. Making others feel bad on purpose is not a legitimate posting style in my opinion.

Good post.

Of course Miller can't pitch 170 innings, but that's beside the point.

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Hey, some adults with adult motivations get upset, turn negative, and lash out. But they do not make a habit of "exposing" every weakness and reason that the Homers have been worshiping a false idol.

Part of being an adult is having some kind of minimal filtering between your autonomous lizard brain and your mouth (or in this case, typing fingers). It would be nice if people could count to ten before typing out and hitting reply on the vile and ignorant things we sometimes (certainly not always, and not from the solid majority of good posters) see here.

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The deck is stacked against us, for sure. I think I saw on ESPN earlier that no team has come back from an 0-2 deficit.

I'm not giving up, I just don't think there's as good of a chance for us to win.

KC is playing really inspired baseball, timely hitting, speed, lockdown defense and bullpen. It's not that we've lost these games, for me it's that we just haven't looked that good. Sure our offense has fought back and put up some runs and made these games close but Tillman wasn't particularly sharp at all, pulling his typical high pitch count routine through 5. I didn't get to see all of the game yesterday but from what I could tell Norris wasn't great, either.

Bullpen has been suspect. I've been saying for weeks that O'Day hasn't been as sharp as he was earlier, perhaps he's tired. Watching Brutton not being able to throw a strike on Friday night was awful.

Giving up homers to a team that's not known for hitting homers is a bad sign. At times we haven't looked good in the field.

I REALLY thought KC was going to fall apart on Friday night during that inning with the 75 bloop infield hit and throwing that ball into the back of our baserunners head. Didn't faze them. I think they're for real.

I'm not giving up, I'm not saying this series is over...but it just doesn't look good.

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The Orioles lost two games at home and all of a sudden this team is garbage. I agree that these losses are tough to stomach, but get a grip! We could just as easily go to KC and take all 3 there. It doesn't seem likely, but it wasn't likely that we would win the division by 10+ games either.

Some of you guys on here are sounding like some straight up chumps. It was two games. Baltimore has been a very good road team this year. This series is far from over.

Good post. I was thinking the same thing. I think the O's are playing great baseball. Unfortunately the Royals are hot right now and playing slightly better. Win tomorrow and it's a whole new series.

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The deck is stacked against us, for sure. I think I saw on ESPN earlier that no team has come back from an 0-2 deficit.

Didn't the Red Sox come back from 0-3? Yea, 2004... they were down 0-3 to the Yanks, including a 19-8 loss at Fenway in game 3.

Maybe nobody yet has come back from 0-2 at home in the ALCS, not sure.

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No team has lost after winning the first two the road. The O's rarely lose 3 in a row, and rarely win 4 in a row. We scored against their two best SP and I like our chances vs what's left. I can see us taking two of 3 in KC and bringing it back home.

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Some people are just toxic, and they ruin things for everyone else.

Agreed. Not that I contribute in any major way to OH, but I normally enjoy the forum immensely. Well, the last two days, I mostly stayed away because of the toxicity Drungo alludes to. By no means do I think we should always abstain from criticism, but some of the recent posts are simply not based on any rational analysis of the facts.

What really puzzles me is that some of the most irrationally negative posters seem to have achieved a certain level of respectability on the forum (as evidenced by their number of greenies) when, post after post, they exhibit so little understanding of the game ("Our bullpen is the worst," "Norris can't pitch," "This is all on Buck," etc., not exact quotes, by the way, but you get my gist--and theirs), and they sometimes even cross the line and venture into trolling territory.

It's obviously not my place to decide whether or not they should be silenced, but I would hope that at the very minimum, other OH members would stop rewarding ignorance and irrationality, and abstain from enhancing any further those posters' respectability.

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The way the Royals have been playing recently, I just can't see any way they completely fall apart and we're able to win 4 of 5. Its been a good season and we're a good team, but we just unfortunately went up against the wrong opponent at the wrong time. It happens.

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