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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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The Toronto Blue Jays have zero interest in making a trade for Dan Duquette.

Not for one mini-nanosecond.

Now, Rogers Communications on the other hand ...

That’s completely different.

’Tis a true love affair.

Eddie Rogers, deputy chairman of Rogers Communications, with his sports consultant Roger Rai, have been head-over-heels, in full bloom with Duquette since early November. Rogers and Rai want to bring Duquette to town to replace president Paul Beeston.

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Cross-posted. I did not expect this.

When Montreal Expos president Claude Brochu confronted then-GM Dan Duquette with rumours that the Red Sox were pursuing the New England native to be their own general manager in January 1994, Brochu informed him he was under contract and that he would not let him go. The response from Duquette, who had taken over the Expos from Dave Dombrowski in 1991, was that if he stayed his heart may not be in it and he would not be able to do the job to the best of his abilities.

Fast forward 21 years to January 2015 and rumours are now out there that the Blue Jays are interested in hiring Duquette to be baseball president and CEO, in a similar capacity to Theo Epstein in Chicago with the Cubs and Andrew Friedman with the Dodgers.

source - Toronto Star
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The way Jays ownership has handled this has been a disgrace. They have tarnished the legacy of Beeston, who was only going to stay on for one more season anyways. They have disrespected all Canadian presidential possibilities like current business exec Stephen Brooks. They have made a silent statement about, and thus made it difficult and uncomfortable for, current GM Alex Anthopoulos, who has not commented on the situation, perhaps too busy looking over his shoulder.

The fact is that Duquette is in a no-lose situation. The O’s are believed to be asking for at least two top prospects, led by Hoffman.

Two. Two.

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Ed Rogers: "I'm not giving up more than Hoffman and I'm going to walk away from the table now"

PA: blink

Ed Rogers: "seriously... I'm leaving"

PA: blink

Ed Rogers: "I'm not kidding...no deal, I'm leaving"

PA: blink

Ed Rogers: "That's it...I'm gone"

PA: "Are you going to put you're shoes back on or are you just going to walk out of here in you're socks?"

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That's just astonishing to me. DD was good, but I would not give up substantial compensation when I could get another good baseball mind (I don't know who specifically) for "free."

I have a very high opinion of Dan but I agree. This CAN'T be worth all the trouble and besmirching their own reputation and giving compensation etc. Just get someone who's available. Like 27 or 28 or 29 other teams do.

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Predictable in all regards

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Duquette was asked about his situation at the Boston BBWAA dinner tonight. His response: "Not today. It's not something I can talk about."</p>— Dan Connolly (@danconnollysun) <a href="

">January 23, 2015</a></blockquote>

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I don't know how Birdland did it but here's this:

Dan Connolly ‏@danconnollysun 3m3 minutes ago

Duquette was asked about his situation at the Boston BBWAA dinner tonight. His response: "Not today. It's not something I can talk about."

Buck was at that dinner too. Hopefully we'll see some quotes from him soon too.

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I don't really get why anyone is still upset at this when it looks like we are going to get a very nice haul in return. If we get Hoffman+ this is an absolute win for the O's. Quite frankly, I think Angelos has played this masterfully. And if you don't think this is evidence of him caring about the team, I don't know what to tell you.

Duquette was a big part of the return to relevancy. He wasn't everything. Not at all. They will find a new GM and all will be fine.

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I don't really get why anyone is still upset at this when it looks like we are going to get a very nice haul in return. If we get Hoffman+ this is an absolute win for the O's. Quite frankly, I think Angelos has played this masterfully. And if you don't think this is evidence of him caring about the team, I don't know what to tell you.

Duquette was a big part of the return to relevancy. He wasn't everything. Not at all. They will find a new GM and all will be fine.

The bolded portion is where you lost me.

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