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Blue Jays end negotiations for Dan Duquette (Beeston re-signs for 2015 season)


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So, they plan for a possible succession this season and then let him go if the Blue Jays still want him. At least the O's won't be blindsided. Right now it's not the end of the world for any of the parties involved. DD will do a good job, that's one thing I'm sure of.

I doubt the Orioles will let him go after this season. The Orioles most likely have a winning season in 2015. The team could do poorly in 2016 and the DD could get the heave ho.

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It would not surprise me if Duquette were gone after this year. Frankly, that doesn't concern me. What concerns me is how he handles our pending free agents, the June draft and the potential candidates for extensions, Machado, Tillman etc.. These matters will determine the relative success of the team over the next three to five years.

The other issue of significance is creating a succession plan for Duquette's departure . Angelos, seemingly has bought himself another year with Duquette. He needs to have the organization prepared to roll out that plan when Duquette leaves

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BTW, I'm assuming Bowden is free and clear of any charges in the skimming scandal. This guy has too many character flaws to be calling out other people for theirs. And then there's this...


Really. Bowdon is such a horses ass. How come nobody calls him on why he is out of baseball and has less chance of getting back in than Pete Rose, when he gets up on his high horse. So if Angelos just steps aside as Bowdon wants and lets TOR have Dan free of charge, what does that do to MLB's tampering rules? Why even have them if no price is to be paid?.
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Dan's response

Yeah, well, that's a good question Jim, you know, I don't have the answer to that question

I was suprised by his answer. It doesn't look like much in print but I find that to be a pretty strong response by Duquette. Read between the lines and he's basically saying that Angelos should have let him go and he doesn't like the fact that he didn't. I would have expected a no comment or a more PC answer.

That was kind of strong. I was surprised he was forthcoming.

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This is a disappointing situation all around. It will be interesting if this tarnishes the potential for DD to be here long term assuming a successful future for the Os MLB team.

This seems a strong opportunity for DD and one he appears to have truly coveted. It is disappointing to see DD ..... disappointed in how this turned out.

On the other hand, Peter Angelos can't simply allow his front office to be turned upside down by another organization - especially in the manner in which Toronto's pursuit of DD occurred - which is its own sideshow. For the organization to be coasting along and suddenly have a GM well under contract depart would be a large amount of upheaval. Especially also after such a difficult GM search a few years ago.

I feel for DD and can understand PA's annoyance with DD and Toronto - lots of losers here. I would have liked to see something worked out to get DD the job he wanted. It sounds like PA entertained a supremely high price which, in retrospect, appears unreasonable.

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This is a disappointing situation all around. It will be interesting if this tarnishes the potential for DD to be here long term assuming a successful future for the Os MLB team.

This seems a strong opportunity for DD and one he appears to have truly coveted. It is disappointing to see DD ..... disappointed in how this turned out.

On the other hand, Peter Angelos can't simply allow his front office to be turned upside down by another organization - especially in the manner in which Toronto's pursuit of DD occurred - which is its own sideshow. For the organization to be coasting along and suddenly have a GM well under contract depart would be a large amount of upheaval. Especially also after such a difficult GM search a few years ago.

I feel for DD and can understand PA's annoyance with DD and Toronto - lots of losers here. I would have liked to see something worked out to get DD the job he wanted. It sounds like PA entertained a supremely high price which, in retrospect, appears unreasonable.

I don't think the price is unreasonable at all. PA has an asset that has helped turn his club from a long term loser to a repeated winner. He would have to crazy to hand that over to a division rival without equal or better compensation.

There is another thing standing in the way of a deal. There is no one to take Dan's place with the O's. Since there is now time, I wonder if PA will hire or position an assistant GM to learn under DD during this season. That is the position that the Red Sox were in when Epstein was allowed out of his contract. Cherington was ready to take over. If that situation was in place then PA may react differently though I think he still will want compensation to hand DD over to a rival.

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MLB radio interview with DD regarding the Blue Jays job, he doesn't seem to understand why it didn't happen !!

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Orioles?src=hash">#Orioles</a> VP, Baseball Operations Dan Duquette is asked about the <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlueJays?src=hash">#BlueJays</a>-Peter Angelos situation AUDIO: <a href="https://t.co/UkDmYEStyD">https://t.co/UkDmYEStyD</a></p>— MLB Network Radio (@MLBNetworkRadio) <a href="

">January 29, 2015</a></blockquote>

<script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

The leading nature of these "questions" and Bowden's obnoxious tone were really annoying to me. I think Dan did a decent job of answering under the circumstances. I don't expect him to pretend he's happy that he didn't get the opportunity to be Toronto's CEO. He kept his answers short and vague, which is the right approach. Time to move on and focus on the job he's doing for us.

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This is a disappointing situation all around. It will be interesting if this tarnishes the potential for DD to be here long term assuming a successful future for the Os MLB team.

This seems a strong opportunity for DD and one he appears to have truly coveted. It is disappointing to see DD ..... disappointed in how this turned out.

On the other hand, Peter Angelos can't simply allow his front office to be turned upside down by another organization - especially in the manner in which Toronto's pursuit of DD occurred - which is its own sideshow. For the organization to be coasting along and suddenly have a GM well under contract depart would be a large amount of upheaval. Especially also after such a difficult GM search a few years ago.

I feel for DD and can understand PA's annoyance with DD and Toronto - lots of losers here. I would have liked to see something worked out to get DD the job he wanted. It sounds like PA entertained a supremely high price which, in retrospect, appears unreasonable.

I'm sort of taken aback by how many folks, even here, keep talking about Angelos being unreasonable in terms of compensation requested. There seems to be this expectation that we are/were supposed to engage Toronto on a level field of two parties looking to make a deal. This is not such a case. It's not like if we tried dealing for de aza and they would only do it for bundy. Toronto coveted something that was NOT for sale. If they don't like the price, that is their problem, not baltimores.

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The leading nature of these "questions" and Bowden's obnoxious tone were really annoying to me. I think Dan did a decent job of answering under the circumstances. I don't expect him to pretend he's happy that he didn't get the opportunity to be Toronto's CEO. He kept his answers short and vague, which is the right approach. Time to move on and focus on the job he's doing for us.

The other thing to note is the comparison with Theo Epstein is completely invalid.

He says John Henry didn't want to lose Epstein, but thats clearly not true. . they had already lined up his replacement.

Epstein was entering his final year of his contract as opposed to Duquette who just signed an extension. Epstein also left the AL entirely, not moved to the Yankees.

The idea that teams should just be expected to uphold a contract if they're unhappy with the GM but that GM is free to accept any offer considered more lucrative or prestigious is ridiculous. I'm sure Dan appreciated the contract when it meant he couldn't be fired, but now it should be meaningless.

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The leading nature of these "questions" and Bowden's obnoxious tone were really annoying to me. I think Dan did a decent job of answering under the circumstances. I don't expect him to pretend he's happy that he didn't get the opportunity to be Toronto's CEO. He kept his answers short and vague, which is the right approach. Time to move on and focus on the job he's doing for us.

I could not disagree more. If he had asked the same straight questions as everyone else, he likely would have gotten the same BS responses. By showing sympathy for DD's situation he got DD to open up a bit. That is an interviewers job. Say what you will about Bowden, he did a phenomenal job.

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The other thing to note is the comparison with Theo Epstein is completely invalid.

He says John Henry didn't want to lose Epstein, but thats clearly not true. . they had already lined up his replacement.

Epstein was entering his final year of his contract as opposed to Duquette who just signed an extension. Epstein also left the AL entirely, not moved to the Yankees.

The idea that teams should just be expected to uphold a contract if they're unhappy with the GM but that GM is free to accept any offer considered more lucrative or prestigious is ridiculous. I'm sure Dan appreciated the contract when it meant he couldn't be fired, but now it should be meaningless.

On top of this, the inability to see how AL to NL is different from AL to AL, and in the same division at that, is absurd.

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I could not disagree more. If he had asked the same straight questions as everyone else, he likely would have gotten the same BS responses. By showing sympathy for DD's situation he got DD to open up a bit. That is an interviewers job. Say what you will about Bowden, he did a phenomenal job.

I don't know that DD "opened up" as much as the insinuation dripping from the question colored the interpretation of his response.

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I could not disagree more. If he had asked the same straight questions as everyone else, he likely would have gotten the same BS responses. By showing sympathy for DD's situation he got DD to open up a bit. That is an interviewers job. Say what you will about Bowden, he did a phenomenal job.
Bowden's premise that we should have taken what the Red Sox did is totally wrong.
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This is a disappointing situation all around. It will be interesting if this tarnishes the potential for DD to be here long term assuming a successful future for the Os MLB team.

This seems a strong opportunity for DD and one he appears to have truly coveted. It is disappointing to see DD ..... disappointed in how this turned out.

On the other hand, Peter Angelos can't simply allow his front office to be turned upside down by another organization - especially in the manner in which Toronto's pursuit of DD occurred - which is its own sideshow. For the organization to be coasting along and suddenly have a GM well under contract depart would be a large amount of upheaval. Especially also after such a difficult GM search a few years ago.

I feel for DD and can understand PA's annoyance with DD and Toronto - lots of losers here. I would have liked to see something worked out to get DD the job he wanted. It sounds like PA entertained a supremely high price which, in retrospect, appears unreasonable.

If Toronto really would have given the Orioles Hoffman, and Angelos insisted on Hoffman plus Pentacost and another propsect, then I agree this is unreasonable.

But I haven't seen any confirmation that Toronto was willing to give up anything more than the usual token roster filler in this case. It's entirely reasonable for Angelos to insist on getting something of genuine value in return for letting his GM to a division rival in the middle of the offseason.

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