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Drum beat a little louder for Cubs deal


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Isn't there a hint of...irony? Or perhaps the pot calling the kettle black with this post?

Fact is that SG is right. No ones speculating on PA vetoing anything, except people on this board. It hasn't been reported in the media or press.

I seriously can't believe that people are getting so heated over this.

No, that's not entirely true, there was a lot of media coverage at one point that PGA nixed a 7 for 2 deal that would have netted the Cubs both Roberts and Bedard. I don't know if that was true or not, but it was definitely reported in the media.

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Ok...But you are posting as if it is...Your tone and what you are saying has led me, and others, to think you believe it to be a fact.

You can detect tone in posted messages? I won't go back and look at all my posts, but I'd be willing to bet that you won't even find a post of me discussing PGA nixing a deal without a preface of something stating that it's in my opinion.

It'd be a pretty stupid argument to argue that anything on these boards is fact at all, until either AM or Hendry come out and shed some light on the situation.

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You can detect tone in posted messages? I won't go back and look at all my posts, but I'd be willing to bet that you won't even find a post of me discussing PGA nixing a deal without a preface of something stating that it's in my opinion.

It'd be a pretty stupid argument to argue that anything on these boards is fact at all, until either AM or Hendry come out and shed some light on the situation.

You're joking, right?

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<img src=http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b385/JosephJoeyJoe/banjohitler.gif></img>

Okay, I GODWINNED the thread. Can we all stop arguing now? :D

Sure Lex, this ones for you......Giggity Giggity, Giggity Goo.

<img src=http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w80/Pirate9977/Quagmire.jpg></img>

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My friend and I flying out for that series and I have to say deep down that I hope Brob is coming out of the O's dugout. I just feel if the cubs dont include the pitching that has been rumored than we should wait for the trade deadline. By that time Brob is gonna have his usual great numbers and I think other teams will give up more for him.

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I'll be there one of the games as part of my 9 game plan. As I've said before, I grew up with the Orioles being team 1-A, as I grew up in Hunt Valley area, I am looking forward to meeting a lot of O's fans.

One of the games (the one I'm going to) is Country Music Night, so that should be fun... (except I hate country music)

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It's a pretty amazing coincidence that on the 2008 Orioles schedule, we're playing Seattle at home in the first week, practically guaranteeing an early Erik Bedard start at OPACY and our interleague division this year just happens to be the NL Central meaning we'll play rare games against the Astros at home (Welcoming Miggi back to the Yard) and go on a rare trip to Wringley for a possible Brian Roberts reunion.

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