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Seriously, we can't plate one run in 5 innings against 5 mostly mediocre relievers?


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"Jones also acknowledged after the game that the team had abandoned the pass-the-baton approach that helped the Orioles get off to such a great start."

What else am I supposed to interpret from that?


I am quite sure that Jones is not willfully swinging at sliders that he knows will end up well out of the strike zone.

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They're willfully going up there with a crappy approach and trying to hit home runs instead of working with what's being pitched to them, in turn giving us less of a chance to win.

IMO, you are doing a very crappy job of analysis.

I think you are using this, to take swipes at AJ.

What team do you root for?

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Seems like we have fallen into the same trap as last year. Everyone is swinging for the fences instead of taking a patient approach, working the count and driving the ball to opposite field. If Coolbaugh is not stressing this then he should be removed. There is something seriously wrong with this team and it's approach. Want to see how it's done right? Watch the Red Sox. Their hitting coach is the best in the business and the results show, and in my personal opinion they have no more significant talent in their lineup than we do. Chew on that for awhile.

Did you see the article in the Sun? Most hitting coaches want this.

"I think the bottom line is you get two strikes and they're yours," Coolbaugh said. "After two strikes, the third strike is the team's. That's really what it boils down to.

"Once you get to two strikes, you have to find a way to put the ball in play or find a way to extend the at-bat, to make it tougher on the pitcher so even when you do make an out, the next guy behind … you might get a mistake. Good things happen. That's kind of passing the baton."


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Seems like we have fallen into the same trap as last year. Everyone is swinging for the fences instead of taking a patient approach, working the count and driving the ball to opposite field. If Coolbaugh is not stressing this then he should be removed. There is something seriously wrong with this team and it's approach. Want to see how it's done right? Watch the Red Sox. Their hitting coach is the best in the business and the results show, and in my personal opinion they have no more significant talent in their lineup than we do. Chew on that for awhile.

Chili Davis is the best hitting coach in the business?

He's been a hitting coach for what five years?

What makes you say he is the best?

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It's extremely annoying when the players are willfully doing something that they know gives them less of a chance to win and score runs.

So you think the players screw up on purpose? Every team has periods of struggle It's the nature of the game. Just accept that the O's are in a cold streak. Every

team has them. IMO

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I don't have an issue with cold streaks. I do have a problem with them bragging about how they ditched the approach that put them in first place and replaced it with just trying to hit home runs to impress each other instead of taking what the pitcher gives you and making the best of it so the next guy up can keep it going. The fact that they think this is a better approach is asinine.

Is there "ONE" single OH poster that will agree with you that he was bragging about this?

You take the guy out of context and you get on your soapbox and flame away.

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I don't have an issue with cold streaks. do have a problem with them bragging about how they ditched the approach that put them in first place, and replaced it with just trying to hit home runs to impress each other instead of taking what the pitcher gives you and making the best of it so the next guy up can keep it going. The fact that they think this is a better approach is asinine.

A) They bragged about it?

B) They did it to impress each other?

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I don't have an issue with cold streaks. I do have a problem with them bragging about how they ditched the approach that put them in first place and replaced it with just trying to hit home runs to impress each other instead of taking what the pitcher gives you and making the best of it so the next guy up can keep it going. The fact that they think this is a better approach is asinine.

This has been the Orioles approach for years now. They hit homers. It seems to work for the Orioles.

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Adam Jones is my favorite Oriole ever, so FOH with that, but when you brag about and embrace the fact that your team is purposely deviating from what has led to success so far is annoying.

If you want to talk to someone who doesn't care about the Orioles and verbally assaults people who do, talk to Drungo.

I was going to rep you and then I got to the line where you talked about other posters. Let's not.

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A) can you go one post without unnecessarily using different color/size fonts just to draw attention to yourself?


Nice try.

You might want to try capitalizing the first words in your own sentences if you're going to critique my use of colors and fonts, also. You're throwing stones while living in a glass house.

B) when you're being interviewed by the media and openly say you're trying to hit home runs instead of the successful approach that had been working for the team in the midst of a cold streak, that projects as bragging

No, it doesn't. If anything, it projects that the player is conceding that he and his teammates made a mistake by getting away from their game plan/plate approach.

Periods at the end of your sentences would be helpful, also.

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Seems like we have fallen into the same trap as last year. Everyone is swinging for the fences instead of taking a patient approach, working the count and driving the ball to opposite field. If Coolbaugh is not stressing this then he should be removed. There is something seriously wrong with this team and it's approach. Want to see how it's done right? Watch the Red Sox. Their hitting coach is the best in the business and the results show, and in my personal opinion they have no more significant talent in their lineup than we do. Chew on that for awhile.

So what are you espousing that Buck and his hitting coach should force all position players watch some recorded Red Sox games that are edited just to show them hitting?

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Seems like we have fallen into the same trap as last year. Everyone is swinging for the fences instead of taking a patient approach, working the count and driving the ball to opposite field. If Coolbaugh is not stressing this then he should be removed. There is something seriously wrong with this team and it's approach. Want to see how it's done right? Watch the Red Sox. Their hitting coach is the best in the business and the results show, and in my personal opinion they have no more significant talent in their lineup than we do. Chew on that for awhile.
So what are you espousing that Buck and his hitting coach should force all position players watch some recorded Red Sox games that are edited just to show them hitting?

I have to go with my OLD friend here and dismiss the New England love.

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