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Starting Pitching Ranks?

Bahama O's Fan

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I am not sold on Tillman yet. Above average sounds about right.

However, I still hold on to hope that Gausman can be better than average.

Hard to put Wilson and Gausman in the same category although the results so far would seem to justify it. That is partially a compliment to Gausman, but mostly just a knock on Wilson. I really like him but I think his ceiling is Miguel Gonzalez and the reality is closer to Gallardo/Ubaldo.

We don't really know what we have yet in Gallardo. I think he could be average or even slightly above average.

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First, I gotta wonder what the criteria are... Are we talking how they're pitching right now? Over the past three games?

If you look at it as a combination of present and future value, I'd say Gausman should be your top "above average" guy. He's an ace waiting to happen, IMO. He's got the pedigree, the big-game college experience, the makeup, the stuff, the cool tat... everything you need for a TOR. I cannot believe how quick some folks are to write off Gausman as if this is pretty much what you'll be getting. Gausman won't peak for another five years! He's still basically in development.

Tillman, I would say is above average - in terms of present and future value.

Gallardo would be average or slightly above average in my book. His career numbers would bear that out I think.

Wilson... I believe this is about what you're going to get. A feisty, gamer-type player who can shore up the back of the rotation.

Ubaldo is a huge question mark, but I'd put him at below average.

It would be great to see us make a sensible trade for a solid starting lefty... but we shall see.

Bottom line: I somehow don't feel like this win-rate is sustainable unless we shore up the starters.

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