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Nuggets: The wit and wisdom of Buck Showalter


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As managers go, they don't figure it that way.

I would think, that if one team had evidence that pointed toward a manger being worth say four wins over the course of a season, that they would pay that manger well over market rate.

Of course that is the same logic that tells me pitch framing can't be as significant as some analysts think or the market and team usage would reflect it.

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I would think, that if one team had evidence that pointed toward a manger being worth say four wins over the course of a season, that they would pay that manger well over market rate.

Of course that is the same logic that tells me pitch framing can't be as significant as some analysts think or the market and team usage would reflect it.

There is a very large pool of people who might have the tool sets to do that job. It;s not like there is a physical portion to measure. Keeps the cost down.

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There is a very large pool of people who might have the tool sets to do that job. It;s not like there is a physical portion to measure. Keeps the cost down.

Which doesn't explain why large cap CEO's get paid what they do. I suspect that if you took a random middle manager, made them CEO and paid them a few hundred K you wouldn't be able to detect any performance difference.

Sorry for veering off topic.

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Which doesn't explain why large cap CEO's get paid what they do. I suspect that if you took a random middle manager, made them CEO and paid them a few hundred K you wouldn't be able to detect any performance difference.

Sorry for veering off topic.

Interesting analogy. Of course so much of their total comp is in options. which brings initial astronomical returns.

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Which doesn't explain why large cap CEO's get paid what they do. I suspect that if you took a random middle manager, made them CEO and paid them a few hundred K you wouldn't be able to detect any performance difference.

Sorry for veering off topic.

Especially when their company loses money. Then if they do get fired for said poor performance a CEO still gets a golden parachute. Nothing like getting paid whether you perform or not.

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Stop, you are making Wade Miley blush.

Lol! Add and subtract a few words and I could be talking about baseball players. But baseball players at least don't get a golden parachute. Although it does seem like it when a player completely under performs during a lengthy contract.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Buck on crowd: "It was an energy that we needed. It was a pick-me-up." <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/orioles?src=hash">#orioles</a></p>— Roch Kubatko (@masnRoch) <a href="

">August 23, 2016</a></blockquote>

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Buck had this to say to Roch, last night about Hoes pitching in relief:

“I saw that,” Showalter said. “I was checking who pitched before we decide who. I want to check and see how L.J. did first. If he’s breathing and can throw some left-handed, too, maybe we’ll find he’s ambidextrous. These challenging times call for things that aren’t necessarily aesthetically pleasing to look at.”
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Roch had this quote today:

September baseball picks up in intensity tonight. And yes, the expanded roster is part of the package.

“It doesn’t happen in any other sport,” said manager Buck Showalter. “Can you imagine in the last month of the season if they let coach (John) Harbaugh expand to a 100-man roster or whatever? He could play a different lineman on every play. Four different kickers for different yardages.”

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It isn't September if Buck doesn't have a diatribe about expanded rosters.

I'm ambivalent about expanded rosters. On the one hand, there isn't any other sport like baseball that has as many games...and then the prep between games. Think: pitchers/catchers report, spring training, regular season, postseason.

Football is a violent sport. But they only play 16 games a season. Their "preseason" games are essentially 1 out of 4 where the regulars play...and not even the entire game. Their playoffs are single elimination. Could they benefit from an expanded roster? Possibly. But there are 53 of them on a roster for the NFL. Only 25 in MLB for nearly the entire season. There is always the 40 man roster and callups/calldowns throughout the year...think of the 40 man expansion as a way to prevent more injuries.

But I get the problem with it. No other sport does it. But comparing to football is a joke. Those guys play once a week. I don't care how violent it is.

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It isn't September if Buck doesn't have a diatribe about expanded rosters.

I'm ambivalent about expanded rosters. On the one hand, there isn't any other sport like baseball that has as many games...and then the prep between games. Think: pitchers/catchers report, spring training, regular season, postseason.

Football is a violent sport. But they only play 16 games a season. Their "preseason" games are essentially 1 out of 4 where the regulars play...and not even the entire game. Their playoffs are single elimination. Could they benefit from an expanded roster? Possibly. But there are 53 of them on a roster for the NFL. Only 25 in MLB for nearly the entire season. There is always the 40 man roster and callups/calldowns throughout the year...think of the 40 man expansion as a way to prevent more injuries.

But I get the problem with it. No other sport does it. But comparing to football is a joke. Those guys play once a week. I don't care how violent it is.

I don't think he was too serious, to me, if was just conquest in cheek humor.

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