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11:00 am Press Conference


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Yeah, dude.

You've gotta be encouraged by that sentence.

This guy is definitely saying all of the right things. Could Andy MacPhail be the savior of this franchise in the long run?


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Yeah, dude.

You've gotta be encouraged by that sentence.

This guy is definitely saying all of the right things. Could Andy MacPhail be the savior of this franchise in the long run?


He is saying the right things....No doubt about it.

But he still has to follow up these words with the proper actions but you have to like what he is saying.

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Do you guys think that this signals the team has decided to rebuild? I'm just thinking that they bring in someone (at this point in the season) to oversee baseball operations, could be that Angelos thinks that this just isn't working. I mean attendance is down, MASN is probably not returning on its investment yet. Angelos might want to trim the fat from payroll and bring in some younger cheaper players that can be groomed from the system. So he brings in someone who is capable of putting such a plan together on a macro level then hands it over to the GMs to handle the negotiations.

I don't necessarily believe this, but the thought is popping up in my mind.

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It's not just what he's saying, it's how he's saying it. He's so much more polished and confident than Flanagan ever has been.

I agree. Compare this to Flanny's press conference on Monday. MacPhail stands still, looks questioners in the eye and keeps looking at them as he responds. Motioning with a hand that has a giant WS championship ring on it doesn't hurt either. Flanagan sways around, looks everywhere, etc. I know Monday was probably a tough and confusing day for the FO but you have to project some confidence and certainty on TV.

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He's certainly saying some great things, but again, I'll believe it when I see it. With his background as a cost-cutter in Chicago, let's hope he's in favor of cutting the dead weight from this team and get some young talent in here.

And a new FO.

Yeah...I too will believe it when I see it. But, I like what I'm hearing. If this is all true, and there is actually a baseball man with full authority of baseball decisions, I will be thrilled. This move would improve the team infinitely more than a new manager.

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I don't remember the exact wording of the question but one guy asked basically if he thinks we should go in a rebuilding route or build off of what I have. MacPhail kinda dodged the question a bit but in a way that made it sound like he wasn't objected to a rebuilding effort if that's what's in the best interest of the club.

He also mentioned how he wanted to get on board now because he'll have five weeks before the trade deadline to figure out what we have and what we need. Sounds like he's planning on getting to work right away.

I like this guy. A lot. It's all words right now but they're words that sound a lot better than what we've been hearing recently. I'm glad he thinks it's ridiculous for a clubs goal to be a .500 season. It IS! It's about time someone starts thinking beyond that.

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