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NEED one of the Big Three Pitchers Left

Bahama O's Fan

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2 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

I was talking about Manny.

Whether they trade Manny at the deadline (along with others, possibly) or a the teams QO is rejected by Manny that results in a pick, the Orioles have put themselves in a position where the only thing that makes sense is to burn this upcoming 2nd round pick and chase a title this year. Sign Cobb even if it takes opt outs or mutual options and whatever else. Pay him big if you must.

Because behind door #3 is what the Rays are considering: a 4-man rotation. That's not going to play well for the Orioles with Britton currently injured and Brach's decreased velocity.

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42 minutes ago, tntoriole said:

All in or all out is better than being in the middle of the road where you always get run over.   They are not going to rebuild until they have finished in last place three or four years in a row, so might as well sign another actual pitcher for this one year. 

They are not going to do a complete rebuild, ever.

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1 hour ago, tntoriole said:

All in or all out is better than being in the middle of the road where you always get run over.   They are not going to rebuild until they have finished in last place three or four years in a row, so might as well sign another actual pitcher for this one year. 

And it's the last shot for this group.  They're not going to trade Manny, so why not sign Cobb and some other pieces.  At least try.  You can start the rebuild next year or as soon as the all star break if things go sideways.  

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32 minutes ago, Bahama O's Fan said:

It would not be in Dan's best interest to not rebuild.

Often, market forces, such as the sale of a team, dictate wholesale re-builds. Sometimes, they are contingent on newly constructed stadia. Or a team is such a "poverty-stricken" franchise that they have trouble seeing a path other than one of continual upheaval. I'm looking at you, Oakland.
Even if half of MLB is strategizing to tank the season, that means most of those teams won't be receiving the cherished "Top-5" draft picks. Meanwhile, a team could get one of the 10 available playoff spots out of the other 15 competing clubs. Since baseball's champions provide the least reliable reflection of the league's best talent compared to the other major professional sports, it's a better bet for this team to chance it.
Looks to me that the Orioles will neither be sold within the year nor could they be considered a "poverty-stricken" franchise. The franchise is not financially stressed to the point of tearing asunder its foundation. Mind you, if you want a re-build, you should be willing to stomach trading top prospects that have question marks, specifically Austin Hays, Chance Sisco, Tanner Scott, Ryan Mountcastle, even maybe Hunter Harvey. I am not sure whether I could stomach that kind of full re-build.

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8 hours ago, Bahama O's Fan said:

It would not be in Dan's best interest to not rebuild.

I don't think Duquette makes those kinds of decisions. Angelos won't do a complete rebuild as long as an entertaining team can be put on the field. 

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31 minutes ago, Frobby said:

“On the verge of walking away from the game I love dearly” when he was in his last year with us — wow.    Sounds like he was really down on himself.   

Being a starting pitching in this org can do that to you:)

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2 hours ago, Frobby said:

“On the verge of walking away from the game I love dearly” when he was in his last year with us — wow.    Sounds like he was really down on himself.   

Can any of our current TINSSAAPP's realize their potential and become like Jake?  We have a bunch of candidates but please no (sic) "Calvary" as we approach Easter.  :ph34r:

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On 3/12/2018 at 7:04 PM, tntoriole said:

It is incompatible for management to be all in, except for the one player we need to actually have a chance of competing but nope, we have to save that draft pick which will help us a lot in 2024.  

If we are all in, then the draft pick comes back to us , when Manny and Alex Cobb finish spraying each other with champagne. 

But we are not all in, we are just sorta in, unless it costs us a draft pick, then, nope we are not all in.   We can sign Ubaldo and throw draft picks out the window, but not now.    And I wish we would have signed Ubaldo to a one year deal even with the draft pick...we would have been much better off. 

Sign the daggone guy...to heck with the stupid draft pick. 

Being all in is like being pregnant.  All pregnancies are different, some turn out better than others.  But one thing you definitely cannot be....is sorta pregnant.  The O's are all in, and the sonogram says it's gonna be a healthy beautiful girl.  And you want a boy.  Sometimes we don't get what we want.  DD told me this just last week when I asked him how could we be all in knowing we need 3 pitchers and only sign one real one. ;) 

On 3/12/2018 at 7:54 PM, atomic said:

80 percent of the board hates all the players except Manny but still want to trade Manny for a couple of prospects.

No this is not true, but 20% of the remaining 20% hates the Orioles at least 20% of the time.  (I just read that on the internet so it has to be true)

On 3/12/2018 at 8:02 PM, Roy Firestone said:

Buck told me in a TV interview posted in this board that he"hopes the Oriole pitching IS finished upgrading". Really. He said that. He was trying to defend "his guys" and also not trying to look desperate to FA pitchers...but I think he was being disingenuous.

I think he was heavily sedated. 

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