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O's vs. Yankees for Teixeira?


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Well considering we've basically been stashing money away and not going the extra $ to get guys like Delgado and Lee, I'm pretty sure we've got plenty of cash to go get Tex. This is the offseason the Orioles have been waiting for, I would bet money that we will not be outbid.


As has been documented herein, the Yankees too are going to have "plenty of cash". I myself would not bet any money on not being outbid. Too many big spenders out there to bet against.

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Belle was used as a PR ploy by Steinbrenner to get Bernie Williams back to the negotiating table. Angelos didn't see through the stunt and single-handedly signed Belle. He informed Wren and the rest of the front office after it was a done deal.

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People haven't even mentioned the thought of the Mets who are most likely gonig to be after his hard as well (Delgado off the books).

I'd be surprised if we get him. The Yankees will have more money to offer him and a better chance at winning. The Mets will have almost as much money, and still a better chance to win than the O's.

With all that said I'd be very dissapointed if the O's don't make a very generous offer to him.

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People haven't even mentioned the thought of the Mets who are most likely gonig to be after his hard as well (Delgado off the books).

I'd be surprised if we get him. The Yankees will have more money to offer him and a better chance at winning. The Mets will have almost as much money, and still a better chance to win than the O's.

With all that said I'd be very dissapointed if the O's don't make a very generous offer to him.

Whether we get him or not, I think we can say without argument that we WILL in fact make him a generous offer to come here.

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Whether we get him or not, I think we can say without argument that we WILL in fact make him a generous offer to come here.

Now I would be willing to bet on this, i.e., that we will make a generous offer. When it comes to bets, I am usually of the "short arms and deep pockets" type. But this should indeed be a foregone conclusion/eventuality.

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Whether we get him or not, I think we can say without argument that we WILL in fact make him a generous offer to come here.

You're probably right. Well then personally I won't be mad at the front office if they offer him a generous (and competitive) offer and he signs elsewhere. It wouldn't seem fair to pin it on Angelos or McPhail. I don't want them trying to spend $26 million just to get a local guy, but as long as they try hard to sign him I won't fault them.

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As has been documented herein, the Yankees too are going to have "plenty of cash". I myself would not bet any money on not being outbid. Too many big spenders out there to bet against.

The Yankees won't and can't pay him more than A-Rod. I doubt the Mets would do it either. So that puts everybody on a 27 million per season and under budget. Tex's season hasn't exactly been the greatest either so I doubt he sees 25 million. My guess is he'd want to stay with the Braves if they forked over the $ but I see them taking the two draft picks to rebuild. The Yankees are a circus and the Mets well, they are the Mets. They offer a good chance to win, now but the media circus and fickle fanbase go with them. And although the Mets may be the best chance to win now, they don't have enough depth to become consistent winners.

The Orioles are a young up and coming team with a fellow GT alum about to become a perennial AS catcher and have two of the best young OFers in the league. Tex also knows he can basically do no wrong here and will be heralded as a hero. He can become the Orioles' Manny Ramirez.

If he doesn't re-sign with the Braves, I think we land him...

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Agreed. And along those lines, I just don't see Angelos allowing the YANKEES to outbid the O's for the hometown kid.

Really? The O's getting outbid by the Yankee's... That would be SHOCKING! :eek:

I've read this book before, it's a tragedy. If you think Steinbrenner is getting outbid by a shallow-pocketed AL East team like the Orioles you're crazy. Won't. ever. happen.

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I purposely only said Pavano and Giambi. Pavano for obvious reasons and Giambi because I don't think there's any way they need both him and Teix.

As for Abreau and Moose, they need to keep some of their guys. They can't let all the vets go. Their prospects aren't all that great.

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I think $25M is a ridiculous number for Tex. He's not gonna get that much. $18-20M is the max I think he gets.

8/$160M would be the absolute biggest contract I think anybody offers him.

He's a very good, great even, player, but he's not one of the 4-5 best players in baseball, worth $20M+ a year for a long time. He's not ARod or Santana.

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I think $25M is a ridiculous number for Tex. He's not gonna get that much. $18-20M is the max I think he gets.

8/$160M would be the absolute biggest contract I think anybody offers him.

He's a very good, great even, player, but he's not one of the 4-5 best players in baseball, worth $20M+ a year for a long time. He's not ARod or Santana.

Exaclty and if that's what he gets, I don't see us not offering the most for him. We will offer the best contract, that I am sure of.

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