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No Fanfest in 2020?


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1 hour ago, RoarFrom85 said:

I completely agree.  Hate to say it but it seems like it’s definitely gone this year.  The Orioles are looking at ways to increase revenue and I’ve heard FanFest did not generate much with so many people getting complimentary tickets as season plan members.  The business side is cutting out things that don’t make money, even if they are tradition. I got that kind of response last year when I expressed frustration that the York team store was closed without any warning.

Increase revenue? This will be one of the top three profitable years the Orioles have ever had. The national TV contract and the RSN are all very profitable. They get $209 million from MLB for starters.Plus the lowest payroll since the early 2000's.Need to stop with the Orioles are walking around with a tin cup.Plus one thing they do want more of is very profitable concerts at Camden Yards. Heard they are trying for three or maybe four next year .

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13 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

Increase revenue? This will be one of the top three profitable years the Orioles have ever had. The national TV contract and the RSN are all very profitable. They get $209 million from MLB for starters.Plus the lowest payroll since the early 2000's.Need to stop with the Orioles are walking around with a tin cup.Plus one thing they do want more of is very profitable concerts at Camden Yards. Heard they are trying for three or maybe four next year .

I’m not saying they don’t make a lot of money. But they want to increase it. They don’t want to have events that don’t increase the bottom line. The whole point of the concerts is to make more money, regardless of attendance. Plenty of fans would rather see OPACY stay baseball only. 

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1 hour ago, RoarFrom85 said:

I completely agree.  Hate to say it but it seems like it’s definitely gone this year.  The Orioles are looking at ways to increase revenue and I’ve heard FanFest did not generate much with so many people getting complimentary tickets as season plan members.  The business side is cutting out things that don’t make money, even if they are tradition. I got that kind of response last year when I expressed frustration that the York team store was closed without any warning.

So season ticket sales don’t make money?   

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26 minutes ago, Going Underground said:

Increase revenue? This will be one of the top three profitable years the Orioles have ever had. The national TV contract and the RSN are all very profitable. They get $209 million from MLB for starters.Plus the lowest payroll since the early 2000's.Need to stop with the Orioles are walking around with a tin cup.Plus one thing they do want more of is very profitable concerts at Camden Yards. Heard they are trying for three or maybe four next year .

When the Astros were wining 50 games a year they were the most profitable team in baseball


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1 hour ago, Frobby said:

In my opinion it’s a huge leap to say that Elias is in any way behind any decision to cancel Fanfest or the mid-year “state of the team” talk.    Let’s just take a breath and see what they do.   Overall, it seems to me that Elias made himself available for many more interviews than Duquette ever did.   He even had a long talk with Tony.   I doubt he’s looking to avoid talking with season ticket holders.    Also, although the Q&A of the GM and manager was the highlight of Fanfest for me personally, that’s like 1% of what goes on at Fanfest.    There’s no way they’d cancel it just to avoid Elias taking some questions.    

Most fans won't. They need to announce an alternative quickly, before things get out of their control.

Business is all about relationships. This is the sort of thing that might seem small - but can really sway public opinion against a team, especially in a town like Baltimore.

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10 minutes ago, RoarFrom85 said:

FanFest does not make money, and very few season ticket holders will not renew solely because FanFest is cancelled.

I don’t think it will take much for people to cancel their season tickets.  I am not sure why an event meant to promote the club is supposed to make money.  Very short term thinking. 

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55 minutes ago, RoarFrom85 said:

FanFest does not make money, and very few season ticket holders will not renew solely because FanFest is cancelled.

Correct, but there was a lot of grumbling from people on other sites about how dissatisfied they were about Season Ticket stuff this year.

The mid season autograph session, Orioles Talk, lack of "Social Media Night," and now Fan Fest. Plus, the "rewards" this season.

Like ocean said, they need to announce something quickly. They need to do a lot more "fan friendly" stuff if they want people to stick around during the rebuild.

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12 hours ago, Frobby said:


Where did you hear that?   I’m not aware of any members of the Angelos family telling anyone they wanted to move the team.   Don’t spread unfounded rumors unless you can back it up.   

I heard it first-hand from a very reliable source, if you want to state I’m spreading unfounded rumors thats your prerogative, I have been posting here for 10 years and have no incentive to lie. I’m not going to defend myself, believe whatever you’d like.

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47 minutes ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

Correct, but there was a lot of grumbling from people on other sites about how dissatisfied they were about Season Ticket stuff this year.

The mid season autograph session, Orioles Talk, lack of "Social Media Night," and now Fan Fest. Plus, the "rewards" this season.

Like ocean said, they need to announce something quickly. They need to do a lot more "fan friendly" stuff if they want people to stick around during the rebuild.

I completely agree with all of you! I was just saying the gist of what I heard about why they are moving on from FanFest and what my season plan rep (who is very transparent) told me. 

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3 hours ago, Frobby said:

In my opinion it’s a huge leap to say that Elias is in any way behind any decision to cancel Fanfest or the mid-year “state of the team” talk.    Let’s just take a breath and see what they do.   Overall, it seems to me that Elias made himself available for many more interviews than Duquette ever did.   He even had a long talk with Tony.   I doubt he’s looking to avoid talking with season ticket holders.    Also, although the Q&A of the GM and manager was the highlight of Fanfest for me personally, that’s like 1% of what goes on at Fanfest.    There’s no way they’d cancel it just to avoid Elias taking some questions.    

Also, I had a bit of a cash flow issue and waited until late to get my season tickets, and I ended up with a personally signed letter from Elias asking me to come back.  Sure, it was typed up by someone else, but he took the time to sign all of them, which was likely a considerable amount of letters.  Something like that tells me he's not shying away from being in the public eye.  

I just wish that they would replace these events with others to make the players more accessible to the fans, especially the season ticket holders.  I don't mind change, and if Fanfest and STH Appreciation Day no longer move the needle, then that's fine.  My problem comes with cancelling them entirely, and not replacing them with anything.  Because they also canned social media days, where you could interact with players, and with the nets up, it's really hard to interact with them before the game unless you get in super early for BP (and hopefully they aren't wrapping up at that.) 

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1 hour ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

Correct, but there was a lot of grumbling from people on other sites about how dissatisfied they were about Season Ticket stuff this year.

The mid season autograph session, Orioles Talk, lack of "Social Media Night," and now Fan Fest. Plus, the "rewards" this season.

Like ocean said, they need to announce something quickly. They need to do a lot more "fan friendly" stuff if they want people to stick around during the rebuild.

Exactly this.  Though I think they are on the right track with some of the rewards.  It just takes an adjustment period, and fans want access to the players.  That's the think they are missing right now.

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16 hours ago, section18 said:

I agree with Dipper9 only I have been a fan for 64 years. My addition to his comments would be the crime in the city has made people look at the team differently. Small crowds make it more unsafe walking out of OP at night late when you may walk out of there alone or with someone.  I have complained to my season ticket reps for a few years about the lack of police visibility on the streets near OP and on the lots outside the park. Nobody armed and in sight.They need to get attendance up and sooner than later. Rebuild yes with spot additions from outside the team. I'm one of the few who thinks with a few key additions including some of our top prospects we can be an above.500 team again in a year or two. Start with the bullpen and get rid of Givens. How many games did they blow last season?

The Nationals success has changed things as well and it really bothers me how they have spent money and are now going to the Series starting tonight while it seems like yesterday we were beating Detroit and losing to the Royals in the playoffs. Games I attended. Sign a couple of younger free agents or trade for some help and people will come back more often as the wins pick up. I think people have enough issues in their life today without getting depressed at an Orioles game. I actually changed the type of vehicle I drive from a sedan style to a SUV because of the crime and squeegee boys who I have come close to blowups with. I almost swung my door into one of them last season but a friend talked me out of it. The Mayor is useless and there needs to be immediate action taken if the Orioles have to hire their own police force. Being more raised or elevated in a vehicle allows you to look down on them and give you a little bit of an edge.

Is there anything better than going to Dempsey's before a game or afterwards on a day game?  Especially if they are winning.!

FanFest? Not having it is a mistake in my opinion even though I never went and would give my passes away. It's a great warm up on a cold day for the coming start of Spring Training and the regular season. It looks like it's another cost saver and something the front office doesn't have to be bothered with as they bring their new fresh ideas into view. Problems with players not showing up for it should never be a problem. It should be written into their contracts they are to attend or be fined. Is the Convention Center booked in January? I doubt it and think they should change their minds about this and somehow spend some money and make it the best they have ever had. How about a free crab cake to everyone attending ? $120,000 ?  Okay ! Too much ? Slice of pizza and a coke? $50,000 ? Do it !!

First of all, great post.  I don't want to detract at all from it by cherry-picking the one question I have, so I quoted all of it and left a like.  

As someone who comes up from Annapolis for the games- I leave work to get there before gates open for BP.  I have the 29 game package and BC parking, and if it's a game where I dont have the pass, I am there in plenty of time to buy in the A annex, C lot and in rare cases, D lot.  So I never encounter any of this crime and unsafe places that people talk about.  It's 97-695-295 in, and the same way out, and even if I am by myself, I am travelling with a ton of fans.  So I am guessing this is the case for people who are parking north in the city, or other satellite locations?  I'd really like an answer so I can understand those questions a bit more.  

I will also say that I noticed the decrease in police presence this year, especially when the crowds were below 10,000.  

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2 hours ago, Legend_Of_Joey said:

Correct, but there was a lot of grumbling from people on other sites about how dissatisfied they were about Season Ticket stuff this year.

The mid season autograph session, Orioles Talk, lack of "Social Media Night," and now Fan Fest. Plus, the "rewards" this season.

Like ocean said, they need to announce something quickly. They need to do a lot more "fan friendly" stuff if they want people to stick around during the rebuild.

They are still looking at other things.Not sure why they announced it was cancelled until they had a replacement ready to go.Still could have Fanfest but at a later time or even around the same time. 

One thing about Buck Showalter,  he did many things in the Bsltimore area with his wife.Also bought a house here for during the season.Buck was involved with many charitable events.I hope when Brandon Hyde gets settled he will get more involved in the area. I know last year was probably too crazy to do that as a first year manager 

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There are three open days, a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, following their last spring training game and before the home opener.   We might see an open workout or such on Tuesday with some signings included.   Obviously not convienent for out of town folks, but might actually get more significant local media play if it was a late afternoon affair.

Seperately, what has ever become of the exhibition the Orioles were to host at USNA Annapolis.   After the Nats snuck in there and played the Red Sox a few years back,  the O’s claimed Annapolis was their territory and promised an ongoing relationship with USNA.  Well they had an Army Navy baseball doubleheader at OPACY and a day when the O’s went down to eat lunch with the midshipman and tour USNA but still no mention of any exhibition game.  Of course tickets to the game were restricted to midshipmen and family and that wouldn’t change,  but it’s just another promise seemingly unfulfilled.

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