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What do you want from this rebuild?


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4 minutes ago, Redskins Rick said:

If we had a winning team, then what would people in OH have to gripe and complain about? :)

It took too long

If the front office wasn't stupid, we'd be even better

If the front office would spend money, we'd have won it all

Ownership is more worried about their yacht payments than my fan enjoyment

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4 hours ago, DrungoHazewood said:

A self-sustaining competitor. A team that most years has the pipeline of talent to contend without having to sign a bunch of free agents.  

This.  Plus, I want to like the team.  I want the team to treat players, fans and staff well, when possible and when they deserve it. 

Okay, I want to win, forget the be decent to people part.

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55 minutes ago, NCRaven said:

This.  Plus, I want to like the team.  I want the team to treat players, fans and staff well, when possible and when they deserve it. 

Okay, I want to win, forget the be decent to people part.

I'm a fan of English soccer team Tottenham Hotspur.  Until two weeks ago they were managed by Mauricio Pochettino, who had an almost cult-like following among the players and fans.  They loved him.  Multiple players publicly said they'd spurn $100M deals from the biggest clubs in the world to stay for The Gaffer.  He's just a really good guy, and attracted really good people for the team. 

They had a bad run.  The team fired Pochettino.  They replaced him with kind of a suave Billy Martin, in José Mourinho.  He speaks in the third person. He blames all failings on his players or the refs or the gods or something.  When he managed other clubs you'd root against him just because.  You know that within a couple years something will go terribly wrong and he'll get the axe.  But they might win two or three trophies before he burns it all down.

I'm still rooting for the team.  It's fine.

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An organization that drafts well and signs quality international free agents.

An organization with top 5-10 player development.

People I genuinely like, who are in it for each other and for the fans.

A willingness to re-sign our expensive players and attract others, through trade or FA.

The winning will follow.

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4 hours ago, Larry18 said:

World Series victory 

I'm 48.  Let's say I have 30 years left, for the sake of argument.  If the Orioles have a 1/30 shot at winning it all each year (if I picked the correct probability calculator) that means there's about a 64% chance of the Orioles winning the World Series in my lifetime.  Or a 36% chance that they don't.

If you think their annual shot is only half that, or 1/60, then the chances fall to 40/60 against.

Reality will be more complicated, because there will probably be at least a few years where their odds are 10% or 15% or even higher.  And years like 2020 where the odds are essentially zero.

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