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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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8/200 From Boston is NOT TRUE. Remember about the media reports I told you all that you would be hearing.

<img src= "http://freespace.virgin.net/sanjeev.sarpal/images/intro.1.jpg">

"Pay no attention to the Boston infidels! Truly they are slaughtering themselves at the gates of the Warehouse as The Great Angelos, Peace Be With Him, is winning the favor of the Warlord Boras with great gifts of gold and treasure being presented at the feet of the native warrior, the Shiek of Teixera, Praise Be His Name."

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<img src= "http://freespace.virgin.net/sanjeev.sarpal/images/intro.1.jpg">

"Pay no attention to the Boston infidels! Truly they are slaughtering themselves at the gates of the Warehouse as The Great Angelos, Peace Be With Him, is winning the favor of the Warlord Boras with great gifts of gold and treasure being presented at the feet of the great crusader the Shiek of Teixera, Praise Be His Name."


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The average fan, in my estimation, has never considered logging on to a message board to talk O's, and probably can't even recite the whole lineup off the top of their head. The signing of a big star means a lot to them.

But, you know, I'm not even sure Tex is that "level" of a household name so as to shake the average fans out of their slumber. Perhaps he could be.

Probably not, but if his name isn't then the Ws that come along with him will be. All the Orioles have to do is win enough to get a couple seconds of air time on ESPN and more people will start to show up for the games. It is a shame in my mind but that is how it works.

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<img src= "http://freespace.virgin.net/sanjeev.sarpal/images/intro.1.jpg">

"Pay no attention to the Boston infidels! Truly they are slaughtering themselves at the gates of the Warehouse as The Great Angelos, Peace Be With Him, is winning the favor of the Warlord Boras with great gifts of gold and treasure being presented at the feet of the native crusader, the Shiek of Teixera, Praise Be His Name."

Would that be Boras Bob?

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Wha? I didn't say they weren't human. When you are someone who travels for a living, traveling to see your family isn't as big of a thing. Tex plays 80 games a year on the road, is away for spring training, and probably spends the whole off-season traveling for various business-related activities. If this meant that much, you'd see a whole heck of a lot more players taking hometown discounts. As such, that's why it's so rare to see "hometown heroes" like Cal.

You don't seem to be getting my point. For one, he is now in a position to determine where he and his family live for most of the remainder of his career. If you have children, you know it's important to let them set down roots and establish relationships, particularly in early childhood. Also it is important for them to have regular contact with their grandparents. Further. if his parents' health is in question, then it may be of concern to him to have their grandchildren close for the next few years or more. These are human concerns that can't be easily solved with just a lot of money and they may weigh heavily with him. They would with me.

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