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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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We've had, what, 11 straight losing seasons and last year we were buried deep in last place. Our talent situation is nowhere near the Rays of 2006-07, so please don't draw comparisons.

Bringing in one grossly over-priced FA hitter isn't going to be enough to lift us past the Yankees, Red Sox and D-Rays. No way.

No disrespect to your asking nicely of me not to draw comparisons, i'm going to anyway. ;)

The difference between us and the Rays is that we CAN afford stars. That helps make up for the fact that our young talent isn't on par with the D-Rays. But what put TB over the top this year? Wasn't it their pitching prospects, even though earlier in your post you mentioned that you can never count on pitching prospects?

With the exception of Price, our pitching prospects now are up there with there's in terms of national rankings. (But probably not near the quantity of top tier pitching prospects)

We can agree to disagree here, but a guy like Tex doesn't come along that often and there's no reason to believe that he won't still be in his prime when the other pieces are in place. Not to mention the local ties and home town hero stuff. This is a huge opportunity for us on many levels.

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LOL, that we can't particularly count on PA for anything?

It really seemed more like an unnecessary shot rather than a statement point out what you just said. Yeah we care about the past ten years, but things look bright for the time being. The past ten years happened, and hopefully we'll come out of it soon. I think things are looking up from here, so I will continue to hope for the best.

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No disrespect to your asking nicely of me not to draw comparisons, i'm going to anyway.

The difference between us and the Rays is that we CAN afford stars. That helps make up for the fact that our young talent isn't on par with the D-Rays. But what put TB over the top this year? Wasn't it their pitching prospects, even though earlier in your post you mentioned that you can never count on pitching prospects?

With the exception of Price, our pitching prospects now are up there with there's in terms of national rankings.

We can agree to disagree here, but a guy like Tex doesn't come along that often and there's no reason to believe that he won't still be in his prime when the other pieces are in place. Not to mention the local ties and home town hero stuff. This is a huge opportunity for us on many levels.

I completely agree. I think some people have the misconception that we have to build a team like TB has.

There is no reason we can't run our organization the way Boston has. They have a superb farm system and spend money on FA talent when it becomes available.

The Boston model is the one we should be following, IMO.

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

Sounds good. Thanks for the info.

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

Is that an 8/160 or 7/160 offer?

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

Interesting info, thanks for sharing.

It doesn't surprise me that the Red Sox wouldn't want to go higher than 160 million.

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

Appreciate the info. Hopefully that holds true.

And Tex learns to pitch.

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No disrespect to your asking nicely of me not to draw comparisons, i'm going to anyway. ;)

The difference between us and the Rays is that we CAN afford stars. That helps make up for the fact that our young talent isn't on par with the D-Rays. But what put TB over the top this year? Wasn't it their pitching prospects, even though earlier in your post you mentioned that you can never count on pitching prospects?

With the exception of Price, our pitching prospects now are up there with there's in terms of national rankings.

We can agree to disagree here, but a guy like Tex doesn't come along that often and there's no reason to believe that he won't still be in his prime when the other pieces are in place. Not to mention the local ties and home town hero stuff. This is a huge opportunity for us on many levels.

Can we?

My recollection tells me that PA basically announced that we can't compete against teams bankrolling big FAs.

Our shot won't be too much different than, say the Indians. It will come and go. Perhaps we'll have enough cash to get a few FA pieces when the time comes... unlike the Rays (not that they need it, now)... but we are not going to all-of-a-sudden become a monster organization that has the $$$ to blow people away with FA acquisitions.

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Tex would increase fan interest by quite a bit. Lets say # of fans increased by 5000 per game. Each fan spent an average of $125 (Includes tickets,parking,food etc) that would be around 405,000 for the season. I'd bet 405,000 would be low as I believe Tejada 1st year it jumped higher than that. 405,000 fans x 125 (a conservative number also)=$50,625,000. Subtract 40% in product related cost (Food,cups,electricity)$20,250,000.

Tex would pay for himself!

This was what I was most upset about in Olney's blog today. He was correct in saying that only success will sustain ticket sales in the long-run, but Tex will likely pay for the first year or two of his contract through short-term increased interest in the team.

So if the increase in tickets pays his salary in the first two years and the O's are competing in 2011, where's the harm to the O's in signing Tex, Buster???

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So if the increase in tickets pays his salary in the first two years and the O's are competing in 2011, where's the harm to the O's in signing Tex, Buster???

Because he won't be a Yankee or part of the Bandwagon Nation so they won't be able to talk about him.

All good players have to go to the Yankees or Red Sox, that's the rule isn't it? :rolleyestf:

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