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The Teixeira Watch: Part IV


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You all beleive guys who are just sitting there making stuff up. Angelossss is the worst owner in pro sports. The O's are being laughed at all across the Nation. They are not even mentioned for the first week of the discussion until at last they have to acknowledge that they made an offer. Olney now reports that the O's are substancially less than the other teams.

How does this make everyone feel? After 11 losing seasons, 25 really, minus 96,97. And keeping a light payroll for a decade, they care nothing about what their fans want.

If ANYONE, spends a penny on an O's game, you should have your head examined first.

"Insiders". They are the only 2 people on the planet that say the O's are in this. And everyone is jumping for joy.:scratchchinhmm:

So why are you posting here and not on Sons of Sam Horn?

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You all beleive guys who are just sitting there making stuff up. Angelossss is the worst owner in pro sports. The O's are being laughed at all across the Nation. They are not even mentioned for the first week of the discussion until at last they have to acknowledge that they made an offer. Olney now reports that the O's are substancially less than the other teams.

How does this make everyone feel? After 11 losing seasons, 25 really, minus 96,97. And keeping a light payroll for a decade, they care nothing about what their fans want.

If ANYONE, spends a penny on an O's game, you should have your head examined first.

"Insiders". They are the only 2 people on the planet that say the O's are in this. And everyone is jumping for joy.:scratchchinhmm:

Pretty sure this won't go over well on here.

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Every time Olney writes an article like today's, he puts his professional reputation on the line. Readers have a long memory, and he certainly has no desire to be tarnish his reputation. Just think about how many times Roch is going to hear about his guaranteeing that Adam Loewen will sign with the Orioles in his lifetime, before you think that Olney would report something he doesn't believe in.

I understand what you're saying, and sympathize, but the fact of the matter is that when speculating in situations like this, the pundits and journalists are often very wrong, and when they are they pretend that nothing ever happened and move on to their next gossip. Most readers do quickly forget about it.

What they're doing is passing on gossip, which has varying levels of credibility. Journalists have to fill space for the advertisers by keeping the public entertained. That agenda doesn't always intersect with accurate information.

The one insider involved in this who makes me wonder is Sonny. He doesn't go out on a limb, seldom makes definite predictions, and his hits are spectacular.

I have no idea what's going on. It will surely be educational when it's all over, however.

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So the guy is confident. Why don't you believe him?

Just to add to this...

Belkast only knows what he is being told. If his contact is extremely confident that something is happening, it's only one side of the story.

SG pointed out yesterday that MacPhail and/or Angelos even don't know what's going on outside the Warehouse. Maybe that 8/200 offer from the Red Sox is legitimate...maybe they are offering a 10/260 deal? No one knows at this point.

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ESPN reported just the other day that all teams upped their offers. I agree with the other PP's, ESPN is just reporting all angles of this so they can say they got it right. I also agree with the other PP who said there's no way a team goes from front runner to out of the race in just 24 hours.

I know, I am repeating what I thought Olney just said today.

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So the guy is confident. Why don't you believe him?

I don't know who to believe. This thing has been so crazy. I want to believe Belkast, but the glut of reports to the contrary coming from pretty much every news outlet do make that a little challenging sometimes. Again, I'm not trying to bash Belkast, I'm just stating what's going to happen if this doesn't come to fruition...and I won't post anything negative about him if it doesn't happen, but some will.

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The m&m plant is coming to Baltimore. It is not true. But I took the time to post it, so I am doing this as a favor.

Those guys are no more insiders then my cocker spaniel.

I mean, how do you vett them? lol.:)

Keep this up and I'm sure you might have some more time to play with your cocker spaniel...

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The m&m plant is coming to Baltimore. It is not true. But I took the time to post it, so I am doing this as a favor.

Those guys are no more insiders then my cocker spaniel.

I mean, how do you vett them? lol.:)


You do not want to go this route. Your 5th post could be your last. Read the rules of the board. Putting down insiders is not tolerated.

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The m&m plant is coming to Baltimore. It is not true. But I took the time to post it, so I am doing this as a favor.

Those guys are no more insiders then my cocker spaniel.

I mean, how do you vett them? lol.:)

These guys are going to hunt you down and do terrible things to that cocker spaniel of yours. They take their insiders very seriously.

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