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Teixeira watch part IX....The final stages?

Sports Guy

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Why is he on a losing team for a decade? The O's may be ahead in terms of rebuilding, but the Nats play in a much easier division and have two picks in the top 10 this year, including the #1 overall.

Phillies just won the World Series. Mets are always good. Braves are improving. Marlins...eh? I wouldn't say its a MUCH easier division.

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Honestly, who do the Bugs have besides Ryan Zimmerman (who is seemingly injury-prone)? Lastings Milledge? Elijah Dukes? C'mon! We have Markakis, Roberts, Adam Jones, MATT WIETERS (who shares Boras AND attended Tex's alma mater), not to mention our pitchers (Tillman, Matusz, Arrieta, Patton, Guthrie, etc.) We are SO much closer to contention than the Bugs it's absurd!! Not to mention the best fans AND ballpark in all of baseball (The New Yankee Stadium be damned)...

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What I don't understand is if we are willing to go as long as 7 years, what's the difference if we go 8, 9, or 10 if the yearly salary stays the same.... not to mention the whole reason we want Tex is so that in 2-3 years, when our young pitching comes up, we will have a solid core defensively and offensively behind them to take the pressure off....

Because at 35, the 7th year of his contract, he's a lot more likely to be still producing than at 38 in the 10th year.

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I think Votto (Plus another prospect) would cost us Tillman and Reimold. Based on the command issues that Tillman seems to have, I think i would make that deal. I mean, we are talking about giving Teixeira $22 Million per. If we got Votto we would save about $20 Million per season and still have a VERY good 1st baseman in Votto. We could then take the $20 Million in savings and sign Sheets and Lowe. They would likely cost us about $27 Million per. Then we would have Sheets, Lowe, Guthrie, Arrieta, and Matusz while only spending $5 Million more than Tex. I actually like this plan better.

If we could somehow get Votto and Neftali Soto for those two, I would do it in a heartbeat.

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I think Votto (Plus another prospect) would cost us Tillman and Reimold. Based on the command issues that Tillman seems to have, I think i would make that deal. I mean, we are talking about giving Teixeira $22 Million per. If we got Votto we would save about $20 Million per season and still have a VERY good 1st baseman in Votto. We could then take the $20 Million in savings and sign Sheets and Lowe. They would likely cost us about $27 Million per. Then we would have Sheets, Lowe, Guthrie, Arrieta, and Matusz while only spending $5 Million more than Tex. I actually like this plan better.

Sounds good to me if it could be done, but I'd still want to sign Tex first. If he goes to another team then I would love this scenerio to play out.:D

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Do you have any comprehension of sample size at all?

No offense, but you're making a fool out of yourself and you should just drop it.

You're pretty much trolling this thread.

Please. Someone tried to make the point that Teixeira didn't have an opportunity for any "signature moments" with Arod and Rangers....

So what in the hell are we doing looking at this guy??????

We are every bit as dumb as the Rangers were bringing A-Rod on board with their silly contract.

No pitching... and the possibility of some rising stars.

This talk of Baltimore --- and, IMO, anyone --- offering this guy this kind of insane money because he's now (all of a sudden) the BEST player in the MLB in the last two decades is just wrong.

His presences on the Braves and the Rangers wasn't up lifting to the tune of $160 MILLION dollars and he joined the Angels when they already had an 11 1/2 game lead in the west.

Let me repeat that. He was acquired by a team at the end of July that had an 11 1/2 game lead in their division. While in Anaheim he had Vlad and Torri behind him and Chone and Garret in front of him.

The team was loaded... and Teixeira probably saw a ton of good pitches.

Yet, in the playoffs... when it's time for the bat to do all of the talking... Teixeira had narry an extra basehit. Not one.

So you're telling me... that this guy who is SO GOOD to command one of the largest contracts in MLB history... a guy that couldn't uplift an Atlanta Braves line-up (mind you, refer to the massive impact that Manny had this year when he went to LA).... is really worth all this cash.

If Manny were younger, would probably have me convinced - DESPITE HIS DEFENSIVE LAPSES - that he is every bit of one of the best impact hitters in the game. A true game changer. But, this Teixeira guy hasn't carried a team like Manny.

Despite the fact that the Dodgers didn't win, in the playoffs Manny hit .521, 6 extra base hits (2 Doubles and 4 Dingers), 10 RBI, and 11 BB. Teixeira, on the other-hand hit .467 (which is nice), but had no ebh's, 1 RBI and 4 walks.

Who is the game changer?

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If the Nats offer is 8/180, thats 22.5 mil a year.

The Orioles current offer of 21.5 a year over 7 years would pay 21.5 mil A year.

I think our offer can be flexible enough to add one year and increase the yearly salary by a million dollars. No reason they can't match this.

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If the Nats offer is 8/180, thats 22.5 mil a year.

The Orioles current offer of 21.5 a year over 7 years would pay 21.5 mil A year.

I think our offer can be flexible enough to add one year and increase the yearly salary by a million dollars. No reason they can't match this.

That's why they need to add a year and increase the salary. That'll go over what the Nats are offering. It looks complicated but simple. I just don't know why Andy isn't calling Boras right now and doing this. Then call Roch right afterwards.

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Nats 8/178-184 ($23/yr) could go to 9/207 or 10/230.

Did PA, AM & Co. wait a day too long and end up a dollar too short?

I don't think they have waited to long at all. As many on the board believe the thinking was that we would get the last chance to bid and make a final offer instead of bidding against ourselves.

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