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Angelos Family Fued

Going Underground

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I am just now seeing this, and having read most of the pages to this thread. I understand its one side but based on the history of dealing with this family as owner I can't help but to see it as likely. Just pure disappointment. To think, this team could have been sold 2 years ago. I understand a new owner may not be better but I truly find it hard for one to be worse. 

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3 hours ago, Going Underground said:

The 49 page complaint is in the article to download. I can't do it now on my phone.

Baseball ownership | Courthouse News Service



Wow, I read the whole thing and yes, like @SteveA said, it reads more like a novel. Now, this is obviously from Lou Angelos' side but here's my takeaways:

- John and Lou really never got along
- John, despite not passing the bar, completely and utterly out maneuvered Lou
- There a lot more to the story of Mr. Angelos asking John to come back to the fold when he was ill. Gotta wonder what he really thought of Lou who paints himself as a loyal son and employee. 
- John certainly comes across as the guy who gathered the forces, divided his threat (Lou) from his ally (Mrs. Angelos) and then about systematically taking control of everything in the inheritance including the Orioles.
- Again, with no dog in this fight, John come across as manipulative, but also as very savvy and successful in getting what he wanted done.
- Lou paints Elias and Bader as John loyalists. Seems like Bader, who has been around a long time, was savvy enough to pick the right brother to back.

As a side bar, I wish they would have discussed how Elias was hired. I always heard both brothers were involved but that whole part of his hiring was not mentioned in the suit. Lou was there along with his brother during the Elias press conference. 

I actually find this all fascinating after having so much of this behind the curtain for so long. I have no idea if the lawsuit will be successful, but considering what's happened so far, I would doubt that John will outmaneuver Lou once again. 



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2 hours ago, Going Underground said:

Mr Elias " DO you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the true,so help me God".

" I have to check with my analytics department and will get back to you".

Haha.. Sig would be back there going, "My computer program says to pick up another AAAA reliever of the waiver wire!"

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53 minutes ago, WarehouseChatter said:

While this all makes me sick, it could be the best thing for Orioles fans.  Feels like we’re going to reach some form of final conclusion. God I hope.  If this issue lingers like the MASN issue, I won’t make it.

Man, this is awesome.  Some good drama to keep us on our toes.

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7 minutes ago, Tony-OH said:

Wow, I read the whole thing and yes, like @SteveA said, it reads more like a novel. Now, this is obviously from Lou Angelos' side but here's my takeaways:

- John and Lou really never got along
- John, despite not passing the bar, completely and utterly out maneuvered Lou
- There a lot more to the story of Mr. Angelos asking John to come back to the fold when he was ill. Gotta wonder what he really thought of Lou who paints himself as a loyal son and employee. 
- John certainly comes across as the guy who gathered the forces, divided his threat (Lou) from his ally (Mrs. Angelos) and then about systematically taking control of everything in the inheritance including the Orioles.
- Again, with no dog in this fight, John come across as manipulative, but also as very savvy and successful in getting what he wanted done.
- Lou paints Elias and Bader as John loyalists. Seems like Bader, who has been around a long time, was savvy enough to pick the right brother to back.

As a side bar, I wish they would have discussed how Elias was hired. I always heard both brothers were involved but that whole part of his hiring was not mentioned in the suit. Lou was there along with his brother during the Elias press conference. 

I actually find this all fascinating after having so much of this behind the curtain for so long. I have no idea if the lawsuit will be successful, but considering what's happened so far, I would doubt that John will outmaneuver Lou once again. 



I think it's more likely Lou and John will take each other down and doom any chance of their continuing ownership of the O's.  That's a good outcome, imo, but it might take a long time, maybe years to get to that point.

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I'm watching Sportscenter.  No mention of the O's/Angelos drama.  There have been several mentions of the dispute between the Spanos siblings who I assume co own the Chargers thru a trust.  The Spanos sister Dea is trying to get her brother removed from his ownership share in the Chargers for various things including sexual improprieties.  NFL of course overshadows the MLB in popularity, so I guess the Angelos feud won't get much national coverage w/ this other ownership battle going on.

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1 minute ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

I'm watching Sportscenter.  No mention of the O's/Angelos drama.  There have been several mentions of the dispute between the Spanos siblings who I assume co own the Chargers thru a trust.  The Spanos sister Dea is trying to get her brother removed from his ownership share in the Chargers for various things including sexual improprieties.  NFL of course overshadows the MLB in popularity, so I guess the Angelos feud won't get much national coverage w/ this other ownership battle going on.

According to ESPN the only three baseball teams that exist are the Yankees, Red Sox and Dodgers. 

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