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John Angelos continues to remind us how awful he is

Sports Guy

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This seems to be a never ending problem with ownership that relies on the team revenue for their own personal profits. Let's face it, the Orioles has always been his only income and he should ever be considered to remain an owner because of this fact. 

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1 minute ago, brucewayne said:


You don't get it. Angelos cannot outbid Cohen. Do you understand how much more money Cohen has? 

And so you blame Gunnar Henderson for taking that money? What sort of logic is that? Why should Gunnar sign a 'loyalty-deal' with the O's when reaching free agency in his prime?

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I definitely am not enamored with Angelos, but do wonder why it is that people think owners are obligated to run teams at a loss.  I surely would prefer an owner willing to do so and would also be willing to pay more for a better product.  However, it is unrealistic to think this team will have a Braves level payroll.  Heck, the Braves blanched at paying Freeman.  Do you think that had nothing to do with the payroll.  

All of the above being said, the payroll should have room beyond its current level especially if more fans come to the park.  I just don't see why anyone would think this team wouldn't be more like the Guardians or other similar size market.

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7 minutes ago, Malike said:

I think the confusion is, if Peter dies she needs to pay an estate tax and couldn't afford to, thus they would have to sell the team. She does not have to pay an estate tax as a spouse, and with John having her ear over Louis, they could potentially own the team for another decade or more, if she remains in good health.

That makes a fair amount of sense.  I can see them wanting to hang on to make some more money and also for the value of the club to rise even further.  I would prefer that they sell, but honestly can't say that I would sell if I owned a baseball team through my mother.  

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5 minutes ago, CallMeBrooksie said:

And so you blame Gunnar Henderson for taking that money? What sort of logic is that? Why should Gunnar sign a 'loyalty-deal' with the O's when reaching free agency in his prime?

So the OH board can agree that the O's should retire his number.

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8 minutes ago, TonySoprano said:

Someone suggested like they do in Oakland and have "Sell the team" t-shirts.  That'll likely getting you kicked out by John's ushers.   Perhaps if it just reads "Sell" in orange letters, the First Amendment will prevail.

Attend home playoff games with a grocery bag over your head with "SELL" across the forehead.

People will go, "Huh... attending a home playoff game with a grocery bag over your head?"

Make people think because they're unlikely to do it on their own.

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26 minutes ago, Ohfan67 said:

But the state house can't force the Orioles to sign the lease...and I can imagine John Angelos using the Angelos delaying tactics too long and ending up with a short-term lease that just treads water until there's a new owner. 

The State of Maryland is under no obligation to give the O's the $600 million they've already set aside in the absence of a long term lease. And with Governor Moore speaking about budget shortfalls, there's no guarantee that amount of money is going to be there later.

John Angelos has very little leverage. Sign a short-term lease and he risks losing $600 million. Threaten to move, and you're going to get litigation from the State of Maryland and a lot of pressure from Congress on anti-trust grounds after a state offered up a bunch of public money, which would in turn become lots of pressure from Manfred and MLB.

By comparison, Vegas just offered $380 million in taxpayer money to get the Athletics to move. The State of Maryland is offering almost TWICE that to UPGRADE an existing stadium. If Angelos tries to move with that offer on the table, it would definitely get the attention of politicians in ways MLB wants to avoid at all costs.


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Does anyone wonder why the new Governor replaced Tom Kelso as MSA chairman?  From today's Baltimore Sun

"At the request of current Orioles chairman John Angelos, Maryland officials seriously considered an extraordinary idea: that the state sue Major League Baseball on behalf of the team, alleging the league was misusing its antitrust exemption in a dispute over fees from the Os’ broadcast network.

The prospect of such a lawsuit — which would have fractured the club’s already-tense relationship with the league — went far enough in 2019 that Attorney General Brian Frosh attended two meetings with a representative of Gov. Larry Hogan, Maryland Stadium Authority chairman Tom Kelso, Angelos and others to consider it, according to participants.

The meetings were confirmed to The Baltimore Sun by Kelso, a Hogan appointee who chaired the stadium authority from 2015 until March. Frosh, a Democrat who left office in January, declined to discuss the sessions, saying they were confidential. Two other people with direct knowledge also confirmed the meetings to The Sun. They requested anonymity, saying the talks were private.

Ultimately, no suit was filed. But the discussions underscore Angelos’ propensity for making big “asks” of his landlord: the state of Maryland. "


Kelso told John Angelos "No" so he must go.  Hogan wasn't going to fire him; he appointed him.  Time to ask a favor of his newest best friend, Governor Moore.


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