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New Book details Barry Bond's Steriod Use


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Nothing earth shattering there, we pretty much already knew that, this is just a lot more detailed. I'm not sure why people would want to read the book after getting so much of the info in this article.

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Nothing earth shattering there, we pretty much already knew that, this is just a lot more detailed. I'm not sure why people would want to read the book after getting so much of the info in this article.

Thanks for bothering to grace us mere earthlings. Some of us are interested in facts and the story around Balco, Bonds and all the sensational allegations that arose from the grand jury "leaks". I'd like to read the book and find this fascinating, and I do not care if you do not understand why. To the OP, thanks for the post.

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This is just absolutely ridiculous and disgusting. I hope this book shames Bonds into retiring before he breaks Hank Aaron's record.

This is especially angering to me because I have been thinking about Puckett today and how he represented to me everything good about baseball. I was telling someone today that in 1991, at nine years old, I fell in love with baseball. I liked it before that and I followed the O's, but '91 with Memorial closing and the amazing World Series, I absolutely fell in love with this game. Puckett was a big part of it because he was so hard working and fun loving and he was bigger than life in that series (only hit .250 but the HR in game 6 was huge and he got walked 5 times).

Now Puckett's tragic death will probably be overshadowed by this loser. Bonds had so much more talent than Puckett. He was a superstar before steroids. But instead of continuing to work hard, the draw of even more money and fame led him to cheat.

If he does break the records, I don't think there should be an asterisk, because I think putting asterisks on records is silly. But everyone will know what he did, and I hope this haunts him for the rest of his life.

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Not to speak on Mweb08's behalf, but I think he was just saying the article had a lot of information and details in it. Thus, to some, reading the book would be almost redundant? I don't think he was saying that he didn't understand people's interest in the book or topic.

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Barry Bonds uses steroids?

Gee....never saw that comming. :002_scool:

I'm glad someone's finally composing evidence against Bonds instead of all the accustations. Granted most of this stuff looks like circumstantial evidence, but murders have been convicted with less.

I mean he's haning around steroid dealers. His trainers have been banned from the clubhouse due to their steroid ties. And Bonds offers no explanation for any of this other than "It's just the media's desire to see my family destoryed"

What more do we need on this guy?

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Certainly a lot more detail and it seems like impressive documentation. The book and related media coverage is certainly going to ruin the rest of Barry's spring.

IMO this extensive documentation makes the HOF debate kinda interesting, more so than raffy, although one could certainly argue 1) he wasn't caught and 2) prior to 1998 (assuming that is when he started using PEDs) he had already had a 12 year career likely HOF worthy.

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he had already had 12 year career likely HOF worthy.

I disagree that this should be a factor. Joe Jackson had a full HOF worthy career before 1919 and his one mistake erased all of that.

Pete Rose may have played like a HOF'er for years before he started gambling. His later mistakes erased that.

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Thanks for bothering to grace us mere earthlings. Some of us are interested in facts and the story around Balco, Bonds and all the sensational allegations that arose from the grand jury "leaks". I'd like to read the book and find this fascinating, and I do not care if you do not understand why. To the OP, thanks for the post.


Whatever, not sure why my comment was offensive to you, but have fun reading the book. I will get all the info I want from the article and other media coverage of it.

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I'm not going to be able to stand it if he breaks Aaron's record. I'm glad it's all coming out. He needs to feel some of what Palmerio and Giambi have had to go through.

He's already been feeling much of what they've gone through.

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He's already been feeling much of what they've gone through.

Even still. I want him to have to hear the heckles and Dodger Stadium. I want him in the batters box at Shea. I want to see his own crowds reaction when he's in a prolonged slump.

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I'm not going to be able to stand it if he breaks Aaron's record. I'm glad it's all coming out. He needs to feel some of what Palmerio and Giambi have had to go through.

Are you saying that Bonds hasnt been receiving a ton of heat these past couple years? Maybe since you live in the Baltimore area it doesnt seem that way but if anything Giambi and Palmeiro should be receiving more criticism.

Giambi got off very easy last year from the national media when he finally started to play well and there is no way that if that was Bonds he would have received comeback player of the year.

As for this book, who cares? We all know that Bonds used steroids and it still isnt going to change anything. MLB simply didnt care enough to stop steroids during this time and I'm not going to hold this against players of this era much like people dont hold spit balls or greenies against the better player's of past eras. Raffy is a different story after getting caught after the crackdown but I find it joke to worry about keeping players out of a Hall of Fame that's already littered with rules breakers and admitted cheaters.

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Even still. I want him to have to hear the heckles and Dodger Stadium. I want him in the batters box at Shea. I want to see his own crowds reaction when he's in a prolonged slump.

Yeah, he's already heard that.

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