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Dukes benched on Saturday for off-field issue...


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I don't think he got paid for the event. Although I could be wrong.

They paid his fine, but that is not exactly the same.

He was paid $500 for his attendance at this event. Again, this was NOT sponsored by the Nationals or MLB in any way, shape, or form.

I still believe the punishment was completely justified, regardless of Dukes' good intentions.

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I still believe the punishment was completely justified, regardless of Dukes' good intentions.

I am not saying that the punishment is not justified, but I do not think that this should be lumped in with his past indiscretions. This could not be more of a different situation than his other troubles.

And I am in no ways a Dukes supporter at all. I just think this is something that should have been handled in a much different manner.

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A Redskins player was also at the event but didn't get paid to be there.

I think it's important to differentiate a guy donating his time to a non-profit organization and a guy making some money off his fame to pay his back child support.

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Listening to Rob Dibble on XM the other day, he said that the "apperance fee" is very standard and that $500 is a drop in the bucket compared to what other guys get to make similar appearances. So I'm not going to criticize Dukes for that. Also according to Dibble, all Dukes had to do was call the team and let them know he was running behind because of the event.

So, oddly enough, while I believe the fine was justified, I also come away with a more favorable impression of Dukes than I did before the event.

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I am not saying that the punishment is not justified, but I do not think that this should be lumped in with his past indiscretions. This could not be more of a different situation than his other troubles.

And I am in no ways a Dukes supporter at all. I just think this is something that should have been handled in a much different manner.

Oh I agree completely. I'm not lumping this in with his past indiscretions whatsoever. If anything, I've also come away with a more favorable impression of Dukes following this incident.

What I have a problem with is the media giving the Nats management such a hard time about enforcing team rules. That's ridiculous. Dukes broke a rule, and was punished for it. The Nats shouldn't be taken to task for that.

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Listening to Rob Dibble on XM the other day, he said that the "apperance fee" is very standard and that $500 is a drop in the bucket compared to what other guys get to make similar appearances. So I'm not going to criticize Dukes for that. Also according to Dibble, all Dukes had to do was call the team and let them know he was running behind because of the event.

So, oddly enough, while I believe the fine was justified, I also come away with a more favorable impression of Dukes than I did before the event.

I'm sure other guys get more than that. Still, I think it's crazy that they would pocket $500 for the honor of having people fawn over you for a couple of hours. At the very least, they should direct that money to a charity. Better yet, do it for free. Use your celebrity to help these organizations.

Youth sports organizations have dozens of folks who donate hours and hours of their lives so that kids can play some ball. Right now, there are some guys spreading dirt around a muddy infield so that my kid can play T-ball this evening. They are doing that for free. The juxtaposition of that scene with Dukes cashing a $500 check for signing some autographs is pretty striking.

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He was paid $500 for his attendance at this event. Again, this was NOT sponsored by the Nationals or MLB in any way, shape, or form.

I still believe the punishment was completely justified, regardless of Dukes' good intentions.

Wow, someone gave me neg rep for THIS post? Really? :rolleyes:

Please, anyone, tell me what is wrong with my post above.

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