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Should Pie have plowed into Joba?


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Ok then, I'll take your words. I thought it was close enough that the ole "Tie goes to the MFY" would apply.

I agree, it looked close on the first viewing from the front angle, but Pie's front foot was knocked well away from the plate and he touched with his hand after Chamberlain had tagged him.

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You don't see the difference between Pie v. Joba and your scenario?

It shouldn't matter who the players involved are. Pie needs to man up. He makes boneheaded mistakes all the time and that slide was another one. You don't play for fear of injury. When you do you increase the chance of injury.

Pie should have plowed into him if for nothing else to set a tone that we're not the same old O's who will bow down to the Yankees, fall down and crawl toward home plate. Like I said before, I know you can't make a decision based on that in a split second, but I'd hope that Buck would be telling his players after tonight that if something like that happens again, to run into the guy, no matter who it is.

This candy-ass stuff needs to end.

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It shouldn't matter who the players involved are. Pie needs to man up. He makes boneheaded mistakes all the time and that slide was another one. You don't play for fear of injury. When you do you increase the chance of injury.

Pie should have plowed into him if for nothing else to set a tone that we're not the same old O's who will bow down to the Yankees, fall down and crawl toward home plate. Like I said before, I know you can't make a decision based on that in a split second, but I'd hope that Buck would be telling his players after tonight that if something like that happens again, to run into the guy, no matter who it is.

This candy-ass stuff needs to end.

Meh, I think you're really over-reacting to this. It's understandable because it was such an awful loss, but take some time to get over it.

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It shouldn't matter who the players involved are. Pie needs to man up. He makes boneheaded mistakes all the time and that slide was another one. You don't play for fear of injury. When you do you increase the chance of injury.

Pie should have plowed into him if for nothing else to set a tone that we're not the same old O's who will bow down to the Yankees, fall down and crawl toward home plate. Like I said before, I know you can't make a decision based on that in a split second, but I'd hope that Buck would be telling his players after tonight that if something like that happens again, to run into the guy, no matter who it is.

This candy-ass stuff needs to end.


More Pie hating I fear here. Joba did it right and blocked the plate with his girth. Should Pie do a Pete Rose on him - no! But it's all instinct on a bang bang play. I'd have loved to see NMS on that play....:rolleyestf:

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Meh, I think you're really over-reacting to this. It's understandable because it was such an awful loss, but take some time to get over it.

I am not really that upset about it. I think Joba made a good play and Pie tried to slide, but as with his history, didn't come through when it mattered.

I just wish this team would sack up and finally go at the Yankees aggressively. I guess because we have players like Pie, that's not gonna happen.

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I am not really that upset about it. I think Joba made a good play and Pie tried to slide, but as with his history, didn't come through when it mattered.

I just wish this team would sack up and finally go at the Yankees aggressively. I guess because we have players like Pie, that's not gonna happen.

I don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but this is kind of your M.O. We have a bad loss and you're looking for someone to blame, or something to complain about. I mean your avatar is a guy with a bag over his head for goodness sake. So, I'll stick with my point that you're over-reacting.

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A lot of the responses in this thread are really over the top. Candy ass, really?

Look, Pie had to make a split-second decision there. In hindsight, perhaps the better play would have been to try and run Joba over. However, what are the chances that Felix has of successfully moving Joba when he easily is giving up 50-60 lbs on him? I'd say not very good, and the potential for injury is tremendous with a play like that.

Pie did the best he could given the situation, IMHO. The hybrid "half-slide" or whatever you want to call it was most likely caused by the surprise of Joba blocking the plate in that manner. How many pitchers actually do that? Watching the replay on YES, it was quite apparent that the move by Pie would have actually been successful had it not been for Joba kicking his foot offline at the last moment. Call it a good play by Joba, but more likely it was just sheer luck that his foot collided with Pie's at the same time like that.

All in all though, I'm not sure how anyone can really fault Pie for the result of that play. It was just unfortunate luck all around.

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A lot of the responses in this thread are really over the top. Candy ass, really?

Look, Pie had to make a split-second decision there. In hindsight, perhaps the better play would have been to try and run Joba over. However, what are the chances that Felix has of successfully moving Joba when he easily is giving up 50-60 lbs on him? I'd say not very good, and the potential for injury is tremendous with a play like that.

Pie did the best he could given the situation, IMHO. The hybrid "half-slide" or whatever you want to call it was most likely caused by the surprise of Joba blocking the plate in that manner. How many pitchers actually do that? Watching the replay on YES, it was quite apparent that the move by Pie would have actually been successful had it not been for Joba kicking his foot offline at the last moment. Call it a good play by Joba, but more likely it was just sheer luck that his foot collided with Pie's at the same time like that.

All in all though, I'm not sure how anyone can really fault Pie for the result of that play. It was just unfortunate luck all around.

I think that is the key. Most pitchers don't try to block the plate, and I don't think Joba meant to block the plate either. You have to remember, it takes a dump truck longer to brake to a stop than it does for an average car...by the time Joba got stopped, he just happened to be blocking the plate.

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I don't mean to sound like a jerk or anything, but this is kind of your M.O. We have a bad loss and you're looking for someone to blame, or something to complain about. I mean your avatar is a guy with a bag over his head for goodness sake. So, I'll stick with my point that you're over-reacting.

Whatever, dude. Put me on ignore if you dont want to hear what I have to say after a bad loss. Bottom line is that against the Yankees, we always seem to come up short, hence last night with the Pie play and Gregg's first-pitch HR to Posada.

It would just be nice to steal one of those games instead of pissing them away, like we always do.

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VT and RZ are right...Here is a highlight of the game and you can see that Pie did go into a slide and then tried to go around Joba as he was doing it.

Again, Pie did nothing wrong here unless you feel he should have plowed into Joba and really, I am not even sure he could have done that after watching it again. For him to have done that, he would have had to know that Joba was going to be exactly where he was at the time he was there and Pie was going to fast to make that decision IMO.

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I'm extremely confused that some people are saying Pie didn't slide. His leg was clearly sliding when Joba stepped on/kicked Pie's leg which caused him to semi stand up and try to tag the plate with his hand. When you watch the slow-mo from home plate it couldn't be more clear Pie was going into a slide.

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