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Roberts to miss FanFest to avoid stress, Duquette wants him to reconsider


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Guys, I know his condition is serious. I'm not some cold-hearted SOB. But, I do have a problem with Roberts not showing up. He has every excuse in the book. Does he want to answer questions about his career? No. Does he want all the flashbulbs popping? No. I get it. There's ways to make this work and I want to see Roberts and the Orioles do their very best at making the best out of a bad situation.

"Guys, I know his condition is serious. I'm not cold-hearted SOB. I just expect him to put himself into a situation that can cause himself nausea, extreme migraine headaches, and dizziness. I mean, it'd be going against the wishes of his doctors, but they clearly don't know what they're talking about."

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What do you mean? This is the MLB. If you can't play, you get paid anyway under the MLB labor agreement. I'm not suggesting doing anything unfair by Roberts. Come to a settlement with him. Get him a job with the organization. I have the utmost respect for him as a person and what he used to be as a player. But he's hurting the team right now.

Fixed that for you. Players who get hurt get paid. The team bears the risk of almost all injuries in MLB, and that's the way it is. You might wish this was the NFL, but it isn't. And for all the doctor-wannabes on this board who are assuming that because BRob can't play now, that means it's definite that he'll never be able to play, you are simply wrong. Recoveries from concussions are unpredictable. Roberts may feel 100% healthy 3 months from now, or he may have symptoms every day for the rest of his life. We don't know, and neither does he. This isn't a Belle situation where we knew he could never play again. So there's no reason for BRob to "settle" for less than the $20 mm he is owed, and there is no reason for the team to pay him and release him. If BRob were not making the effort to try to recover, I would think very poorly of him. But he is trying to recover, and so long as there is a chance that he will be able to, the situation is going to continue as it is.

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Just saw this online. It's obvious that the O's don't really plan on Brian being in the lineup to start the season. What worries me is Endy Chavez having a starting spot. Oy!

As for Brian... he doesn't owe the O's fans anything. He has done plenty for us over the last decade. Let the man rest and let him decide if he's ready to play or not. My gut feeling is that he is waiting for ST. If he thinks he's in a good place he'll be around for the length of his contract. If he decides to retire then maybe we bring up the whole "should he give back what is owed to him or not?" idea. But right now you all are being way too paranoid and are jumping to conclusions about a silly thing like signing autographs. If I were him I'd stick to my regimen and stay at home and make sure I was ready for ST. Not getting on a plane, booking a hotel, waking up for a long day and then going home.

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Actually, that's not how it works. If you get injured on the job, you receive workers compensation, and if you reach a point of permanent disability and do not return to work, you receive (in most states) only 60-67% of your annual salary. So, in fact, you do take a pay cut, as long as you don't return to work. Most companies encourage and welcome "return to work" options (and return to full salary), because in the long run it saves them a bundle on work comp costs in the form of premium paid to insurers. And if you don't, or can't, return to work, employers most certainly find a replacement. Or they just ask your coworkers to make up for the lost production, but that's a different analogy... Just sayin'...

That's if he reaches the point of permanent disability. We're not there yet. We're at the, "trying to figure out whether or not he can be productive and work" phase still.

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That's if he reaches the point of permanent disability. We're not there yet. We're at the, "trying to figure out whether or not he can be productive and work" phase still.

I like Brian and truly believe he would be there if he could. That said, if his symptoms really are bad enough that he can't attend a function that requires him to pose for pictures and sign autographs and chat with fans than I am personally past the point of "trying to figure out whether he can play". I think he's done and I wish him the best.

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I like Brian and truly believe he would be there if he could. That said, if his symptoms really are bad enough that he can't attend a function that requires him to pose for pictures and sign autographs and chat with fans than I am personally past the point of "trying to figure out whether he can play". I think he's done and I wish him the best.

As a fan, I've written him off, and I'd consider any contribution he gives down the line as a bonus. But I also know that it's not out of the realm of possibility that his symptoms let up enough for him to play baseball effectively again.

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Ignoring most of the content of this thread...

If Brian is still this bad, it might be better if the club released him. Amicably of course. He'd still get his money. I'm not sure if that would count on our payroll... probably. The big thing is the roster spot the next two years. Brian has to be on the 40-man at the end of ST. Then to the 60 DL. That's what killed us with Belle every year. It's not the money (so much...)

EDIT: After hours... he has to be on the roster two more years for the Rule 5 draft in December too. ;)

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Fixed that for you. Players who get hurt get paid. The team bears the risk of almost all injuries in MLB, and that's the way it is. You might wish this was the NFL, but it isn't. And for all the doctor-wannabes on this board who are assuming that because BRob hasn't , that means it's definite that he'll never be able to play, you are simply wrong. Recoveries from concussions are unpredictable. Roberts may feel 100% healthy 3 months from now, or he may have symptoms every day for the rest of his life. We don't know, and neither does he. This isn't a Belle situation where we knew he could never play again. So there's no reason for BRob to "settle" for less than the $20 mm he is owed, and there is no reason for the team to pay him and release him. If BRob were not making the effort to try to recover, I would think very poorly of him. But he is trying to recover, and so long as there is a chance that he will be able to, the situation is going to continue as it is.

I know how the system works, I'm just expressing my frustration with this situation. Can't Brian do SOMETHING, ANYTHING to help us out?

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I don't blame him for missing FanFest, because avoiding brightly-lit places and crowds are things that one should do while recovering from a concussion.

However, if he's bad off enough where attending that event will have detrimental effects on his health, he won't be playing baseball anytime soon, and in all likelihood, ever again.

I think anyone who is criticizing Roberts here is completely off base. Has anyone here had PCS or known anyone to have it? Let me help you out.

Source: wikipedia - criticize it all you want, I can find the same information elsewhere.

Roberts is in a physical and emotional hell and you want to criticize him for not signing autographs. Would you like to have any of the bolded symptoms in the middle of a convention center surrounded by thousands of people?

Wow, thank you... As someone who has had multiple concussions and suffered symptoms for a significant period of time, I can fully understand 100% that he may not be able to be at FanFest. Concussions are no joke people, it's been something like 6 years since my last concussion and I still believe that I am not 100% 'post-concussion free'.

Wasn't it Corey Koskie who said he literally couldn't pick up a bat for a year? And look at Sydney Crosby...

Some of these comments are unbelievable... Fact is, if he isn't able to handle FanFest, which should be completely understandable to anyone with any sort of knowledge on concussions, he probably isn't going to be ready for spring training. Both Roberts and the Orioles need to be prepared for that...

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Question: IF, and I emphasize, "IF", the Orioles were to sign Prince Fielder, would Roberts be at FanFest?

In other words, does Fielder's signing give him "motivation" to come back and give it his all to this organization because he thinks the O's can be serious contenders? Look at it this way, if Fielder was an Oriole right now, the city would be electric and on fire for the Orioles. Would Roberts be at FanFest? I think my answer and your answer says a lot about Brian Roberts, the indivdual.

I think his outlook for this club is tepid at best and he just doesn't have that passion for this team anymore, after all the losing and broken promises. Can you blame him? Probably not. But this guy is still someone's hero and right now, Roberts is nothing more than a "me-first" prima donna, to me. Again, I say, to "ME." Don't go ballistic on me. This is my opinion and how I feel.

Did you pull something when you typed this, because you are reaching pretty far....

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Ridiculous. Brian Roberts has busted his ass for this team and they have sucked literally since we drafted him. If he's lost his desire to play it's probably because playing is a bit difficult DUE TO HIS SEVERE BRAIN DAMAGE. You think Sidney Crosby lost his desire to play, too? Or did his eyeballs lose the desire to focus on objects on account of his. Brain. Being. Damaged.


I feel sorry for Brian Roberts, I really do. I think I said somewhere in my ill-advised post that the problem with concussions is you and I don't know what he is feeling, what his symptons are. If they are as bad as you think they are, he is taking an aweful risk playing. Maybe he should retire.

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These comments irritate me. This is a guy who has done a TON for the Baltimore community over the years. He gets the full benefit of the doubt on this. I am sure he is having symptoms that aren't good and his doctors don't want him pushing it. It is too bad, but I guarantee you Roberts isn't looking for an excuse not to come out and do something for the fans.

I think we can forget about BRob playing baseball this year. Concussions are mysterious, you never know when symptoms will recede. That's why I doubt he will just retire, because there's a chance he will at some point emerge and be able to play, even if it isn't in 2012.

And This

I like Brian and truly believe he would be there if he could. That said, if his symptoms really are bad enough that he can't attend a function that requires him to pose for pictures and sign autographs and chat with fans than I am personally past the point of "trying to figure out whether he can play". I think he's done and I wish him the best.

I'm a fan of Brob as well, but you guys are right if he can't even handle attending a fanfest because of his Post Concussion Symptons I don't think he will be playing at all this year.

I'm amazed that there are posters accusing Roberts of not playing simply because he doesn't want to play for the Orioles any more, or had he been on a playoff team last year he would've played last fall. He couldn't even walk his dog without feeling like crap and yet some think he could play baseball "you can not be serious!?!" Brian is a professional and if he could play he would be out there. I want to see him back in the lineup as much as anyone, but It's pretty obvious that he is still feeling the effects of his concussions.

I'm also not a fan of Duquette calling out Brob on this when this info is coming from Brian's doctors.

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