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Nestor & Flanny speak on rally

ex-man O

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Almost to a person, everyone who has something negative to say about the protest, brings up Nestor's name. I've never listened to the guy and don't care about him one way or the other. I can look at this protest in a pretty objective way from that angle, I think. I will guarantee to almost a person, that if Tony Pente had said that he was fed up with Angelos's ownership and said he was hoping for full support from the Hangout in this kind of protest, that there would be near unanimous support of it. Enthusiastic support. JMO

What's bringing up his name have to do with it? That's flimsy sideways arguing. Both sides, even the neutral reports, bring up his name because he organized the thing.

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I don't think Cubs fans accept losing at all. I mean honestly who accepts losing????

Cubs fans just love their team, and are going to support them no matter what. That doesn't mean they accept losing, that means they are good fans.

Exactly. I referenced poor Steve Bartman for a reason. You ask him if he thinks Cubs fans accept losing.

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Almost to a person, everyone who has something negative to say about the protest, brings up Nestor's name. I've never listened to the guy and don't care about him one way or the other. I can look at this protest in a pretty objective way from that angle, I think. I will guarantee to almost a person, that if Tony Pente had said that he was fed up with Angelos's ownership and said he was hoping for full support from the Hangout in this kind of protest, that there would be near unanimous support of it. Enthusiastic support. JMO

For this idea? I wouldn't support Tony either.

However, I think Tony has better sense than Nestor.

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This isn't about the team. It's about the owner. Why don't you get the separation of the two?

Um, because we have in indication, our ONLY indication at the moment, that no matter who it might be aimed it, the team IS taking it personally? That might be the reason? Right or not?

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I said what I believe. You can have your own opinion without acting like mine is stupid.

You can disagree with Angelos all you want, but sometimes he's turned out to be right in his frugality. And you may recall there was a day when the Orioles were near the top in payroll. Who was the owner then?

Angelos deserves as much blame as anyone for nine straight losing seasons. But treating him like a scapegoat and effectively burning him in effigy solves no problems.

Didn't mean to act like it was stupid, sheesh.

He's the owner, he calls the shots. I'm sorry, thats the way I see it.

You are right about the frugality being right sometimes, but he's so paralyzed by the fear of making a wrong move that he won't make any. Except lateral moves for over the hill players who are "clubhouse leaders".

I think a lot of people on the OH would be pleased if he took major FA risks because thats a lot more than he's been doing lately. He let Albert Belle and his bum hip ruin any chances of bringing big names to Baltimore.

Some moves work out, some don't, but you never know until you try. Angelos is not a scapegoat. At the very least, he is one of the largest reasons for the 9 losing reasons. I can't think of any other person or entity who should get as much or more blame as he has.

Think of it this way, the players have come and gone, so have the GMs, managers and the coaches, yet the results always stay the same. Who has been the one constant?

If you can think of anyone that's been around for the entire time of this 9 year losing streak other than one Mr. Peter Angelos, I'd like to hear who it is and why they deserve to be blamed as well.

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This isn't about the team. It's about the owner. Why don't you get the separation of the two?

It's Angelos's team. They are protesting the owner of the team. They are attending the teams game to acomplish this protest.

How does that not make it about more than just the owner?

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I'd gather that the great percentage of people don't even know who Edmund Burke is, so the oomph is just the same either way. Not everyone is as enlightened as you. :D

That's true enough. Having any name would make it sound official. True story, friend of mine did an entire history report in high school about fictitious person, and got away with it. It's all about the presentation.

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I don't think Cubs fans accept losing at all. I mean honestly who accepts losing????

Cubs fans just love their team, and are going to support them no matter what. That doesn't mean they accept losing, that means they are good fans.

I don't know that they accept losing, but it appears that they certainly expect to lose. And their ownership seems to have tried(unseccussfully) to field a winner over the past several years with Pryor, and Wood, DLee, ARam, etc, and our ownership has promised us every year how different each new year will be, only to have left us largely disappointed.

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I would say that half the people who attend this rally aren't true Orioles fans to begin with.

Regardless of how much you hate PA or the lack of success we've had the past 9 years, true fans would stay behind the team.

Walking out an hour the game is only going to look foolish. If you are upset with Angelos why did you pay him to attend the game? Why did you stay for an hour of the game?

You've missed the point entirely.

I'm a true Oriole fan. PA has hurt the team I love FAR more than I will going to a rally.

You're a lemming if you disagree.

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I don't know that they accept losing, but it appears that they certainly expect to lose. And their ownership seems to have tried(unseccussfully) to field a winner over the past several years with Pryor, and Wood, DLee, ARam, etc, and our ownership has promised us every year how different each new year will be, only to have left us largely disappointed.

Dave can provide us with some insight behind the Cubs fans. To me they are probably some of the best fans in baseball.

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LOL. Because Mike Flanagan says so?

Listen, I'm not trying to bust your balls or insult you here...but who talked to players more recently, you, or Mike Flanagan? See what we have to work with here? I'm not saying he's playing it straight or not, but our ONLY indication about how the players are feeling about this are coming from him, and he has said they don't like it. If he's lying about that, I'm sure one of the more mouthy players (Millar, Gibbons) will say so.

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OK, I'll accept that they are protesting the owner, but they are protesting the owner for failing to put a team on the field that can win. Therefore, they are telling the players, "sorry, you---most of you---are not good enough to be playing for a winning Orioles team. We will only be satisfied when most of you are replaced by people who can win." And you say the players should not think the protest is aimed at them?

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You've missed the point entirely.

I'm a true Oriole fan. PA has hurt the team I love FAR more than I will going to a rally.

You're a lemming if you disagree.

I've called names on here before, but it's all in good fun.

Calling someone a lemming because they disagree with you ain't right, dude.

I'd hope OH members could verbalize their difference better than that.

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