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I am embarrassed to be an Orioles fan.


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I'm interested to see how this "plan" of signing misfits galore works out. I'd like to see the product in action before I say it was embarassing. If all goes right, DD will look like a genius. Granted, that likely won't be the case...I'm just saying that the season has yet to begin, let's wait it out til June or so before we all light ourselves on fire whilst gouging out our eyes with rusty spoons. Figuratively speaking...of course...I think...

Dude, this isn't the movies. And I am not Rick Wild Thing Vaughn.

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I'm going to have to go with the fact that it's better to be able to go see a losing baseball team play than have no baseball team at all. Sad that I have to say something like this. Not sure what I think of the moves. Can't really rate the moves until I see how they play out on the field.

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I would hope we are all true fans on here and not just oriole fans when they are winning because that is not what a dedicated fan does.

Was the internet even around when they were winning?

I'm embarrassed for our miscues. But I'm not embarrassed to be an O's fan. To me there's a difference.

Also, I'm deeply skeptical - and have been from Day One. That said - and I'll say it again - every GM deserves patience. We'll see what happens. I have my expected outcome, but I will be more than happy to be wrong.

And I won't even say "I told you so," about the risks of sudden ramp-ups in Int'l FA spending. ;) *

*No, seriously. I don't mean it.

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There wouldn't be anyone here if we were just Oriole fans when they are winning.

true but sadly most fans are like that they just support them when there is a winning product but we are fortunate to have two baseball franchises two football franchises within 25 miles and a hockey and soccer team as well. some cities dont have one at all

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It was sarcasm. Sometimes it's more entertaining to be a little obscure. Enough of obscurity. After the last couple of weeks of non-stop Duquette-bashing and general Oriole negativity around here we need another post like the OP and another thread like this about as much as we need three buttocks.

The Orioles don't deserve once single ounce of good will. Not until they show the fans that they're serious about winning.

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Was the internet even around when they were winning?

Think about it this way.

Last time the O's had a winning season the dinky 25lb Sojourner rover had just arrived on mars.

If we don't have a winning season this year, NASA will have gone from dinky solar powered RC car, to hulking 2,000 pound nuclear powered monstrosity of a rover in the period of our losing streak.

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After living O's baseball since the early 60's it's hard to walk away. I admit, that I've had some thoughts about becoming a Nationals fan and have even looked in to parking at Nationals Park, and the cost of tickets, etc, but I guess for the same reason that I could not become a Redskins fan when the Colts left,I just can't leave this team. Not yet. Somethings' got to break. Maybe Cal comes to power. Maybe PA is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. One can only hope.

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