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We have to hit Jeter tomorrow if we get a good lead.


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Do I want them to be afraid? You bet. I want them to be tentative and scared when they go up to bat. I want them looking like scared children. But, I also want them to be scared because Zach is on his game.

In short: I do not want them plunked, but I do want them to fear it though. Sometimes fear can be a great ally in sports.

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I'm almost 70---why are you trying to get credit for this mentality??/ The expected result is to drill a major cog in the fnnn ribs.

Well, grandpa ;) - not quite sure I understand what you're saying? What am I trying to take credit for? I was just going on the assumption that my desire to retaliate was going to be unpopular based on the fact that I've seen a lot of people say that they think "Winning is te best form of retaliation", which I agree is nice, but if we can get the best of both worlds, then lets rock and roll!

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Can't we all just agree that taking 3 out of 4 and eventually winning the division would be good enough? I'm excited to see what happens tomorrow and if a Yankee gets hit (but not seriously hurt) I wouldn't be upset and if one isn't hit that's okay too as long as we have sole possession of first at the end of the day.

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Or maybe the next time you're out walking and someone bumps into you, you can beat the crap out them before they have a chance to talk and then chuckle to your buddies "don't know if that was an accident or not but I bet that person doesn't bump into me again, haha"

Sabathia had plenty chance to talk and he used his chance to beg for a strike.

Pretty solid argujment there. Maybe he should have just said "Because". That's usually a good one too.

Wouldn't be the first time "because" was used as a justification. I think the reason starts with "because" and ends with "the Orioles don't know their place."

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Really? I guess you've never pitched before. Because I have and I didn't care if I hit anyone. It's a risk you take when you step in the batters box.

But yet you think beaning someone is so horrible? You got a twisted sense of logic there bud.

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I think beaning someone when there's something greater at stake is a pretty stupid thing to do, yes. Beaning someone in a high school game when you're on a last place team is totally different.

I never said to do it if the game is on the line. You either get a big lead or if you're too far behind for it to matter. Still I think it's sad to have no remorse at all for hitting someone on accident. Not saying you should be crying over it, but to not care at all...eh. At least when they're shaking in pain. If they shrug it off right away it's a bit different.

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If the game is in hand, one way or another, rail them. Rail them hard, and multiple times. Maybe as part of the younger generation, I have less regard for being polite or sportsmanship, but I do firmly believe in backing up your players and that life is a two way street. You f with us, intentionally or not, it's comin back to you.

Close game, go for the win. Late innings and the game is a few runs apart, go for Any of their elbows/hands/knees/etc.

Woah there. This sounds like more of a job for Ben Roethlisberger than an Orioles pitcher....Too far??

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So it's official.Nick's out six weeks with a broken thumb.I wouldn't be surprised to see the Orioles take some revenge tomorrow. The Yankees just got a big boost in the playoff race by taking out our best hitter.

Hopefully, by putting a ten spot on the board.

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