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For those who attended the game...

The Rick

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I was watching on TV and thinking the Cal statue game was like the opera compared to tonight (I was at that game). Even as deflating as this loss was and has me a bit worried, I'm standing behind this team and going ahead with my plan to buy ALCS tickets since the dates are already set.

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Aside from not winning the game, getting rained on, and standing for two hours waiting for the rain to clear? You know what... even with that stuff, it was still the most fun I've ever had at the Yard from beginning to end. It was also surreal. Really, really surreal. I had to keep reminding myself of the gravity of the game, but not because of the fans. They were electric. I just think I'm so not used to it that it took a while to sink in for me what was actually happening.

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I wasn't there, but I didn't like the "Yankees Suck" chant while the game was still tied. If the orioles had a commanding lead then yeah go for it, but if the game is tied and you lose in the end it's embarrassing and its on National TV. I remember the Blue Jays fans did the same thing the last week of the season, and the blue jays proceeded to blow the lead and lose the game.

Thats just how I see it, i mean I hate the Yankees as much as the next guy but it really isnt the best thing to do on National TV in a close game.

Otherwise i liked the buzz.

Its never a bad time to remind the Yankees of their inner "d-bagness". I'm glad the O's and their fans are finally standing up to the Yankees and their obnoxious fans.

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Maybe I'm wrong, but it felt like the Cal statue game had more energy. This game was great no doubt, but that game was just electric from the start (strong Hammel performance in the 1st inning plus we burst out in the bottom half).

There were more Yankees fans than I thought there would be. And the ones I saw were very belligerent about it. One group of Yankees fans had to be escorted to "safety" because people were throwing stuff at them. And there was another incident that ended up involving the cops (between a group of O's fans and a guy wearing a Cooley jersey with a Yankees hat).

I don't know. That's just what I saw. Good atmosphere though. Shame about the rain, I think it sucked some of the energy out.

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I noticed something similar as Hammel. A total lack of energy at one point late in the game, the eighth sounds right, when I expected the opposite. Granted, the energy levels were off the chart from before the first pitch all the way up to win O'Day got them out of the jam. It was amazing, really. But it's like it all just fell off a cliff an inning or two early.

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I noticed something similar as Hammel. A total lack of energy at one point late in the game, the eighth sounds right, when I expected the opposite. Granted, the energy levels were off the chart from before the first pitch all the way up to win O'Day got them out of the jam. It was amazing, really. But it's like it all just fell off a cliff an inning or two early.

Hopefully the fans can ride the energy till the end next game.

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Just got home.. It was everything I was expecting and more. When the announcer came on and said TBS is about to start broadcasting and now is your chance to show you're the best fans, it was electric. I also got teary eyed during the national anthem just from the fire works and the feeling of playoff baseball back in Baltimore. Great stuff, bad outcome but we will bounce back.

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I noticed something similar as Hammel. A total lack of energy at one point late in the game, the eighth sounds right, when I expected the opposite. Granted, the energy levels were off the chart from before the first pitch all the way up to win O'Day got them out of the jam. It was amazing, really. But it's like it all just fell off a cliff an inning or two early.

Wasting the Hardy double was pretty demoralizing. I agree with the others re: the 'Yankees suck' chant, but I just don't like it in general. They don't suck; they're an excellent baseball team and have been for millennia. I justwant the O's and everybody else to beat them very badly. The rain did stifle the energy a bit, I think, but very few, if any, fans ducked out early. The energy was fantastic overall and the crowd was into the right moments. I stayed til the end, got sucker punched in the ninth, and now I'm on the train back to NYC because I have to be at work today and I missed the last train out last night. One hundred percent worth it.

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I was at the game. Great atmosphere. Seemed like the crowd got tired or the beers got to them. The last two innings lost some of the energy at the beginning of the game. Not alot of Yankee fans but had a few. Please don't throw anything at the game. The person rows up hit an Oriole fan instead of a Yankee fan with a can. Not cool to throw things. Yelling and ribbing are fine but some people go overboard. Also,the bathroom lines in the upper deck were too short.:)

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I thought the atmosphere was amazing for any game, and this one was delayed 2+ hours and 50 degrees out. A couple Yanks fans in my section got shouted down and put in their place in the first.

My kid Sam was awesome. We did leave before the disappointing part. But how many four year olds stick it out without complaint for over three hours in a cold rain before the game even starts? He was booing Jeter and Tex with the best of them!

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The "O" during the national anthem was one of, if not the loudest I've ever heard the stadium. It had a thickness and bravado to it that it kind of hurt my ears a little. The crowd was great. At some points I'd agree the Cal statue game was better, but the crowd last night was very creative. The "steroid" chant for Rodriguez, the "traitor" chant for Mark T., they were coming up with stuff that was clearly heard on tv because I got text messages asking me what they were saying. There were some moments in the middle of the game where it was eerily quiet when there wasn't a reason for it to be, to which I think the cold and earlier rain had an effect, but it was still an amazing crowd and an amazing atmosphere. The ending just didn't turn out the way we'd hoped.

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I thought the atmosphere was amazing for any game, and this one was delayed 2+ hours and 50 degrees out. A couple Yanks fans in my section got shouted down and put in their place in the first.

My kid Sam was awesome. We did leave before the disappointing part. But how many four year olds stick it out without complaint for over three hours in a cold rain before the game even starts? He was booing Jeter and Tex with the best of them!

justD said you guys seemed to be having a great time when she saw you on Eutaw St. Glad you got to do it.

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