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For those who attended the game...

The Rick

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Wasting the Hardy double was pretty demoralizing. I agree with the others re: the 'Yankees suck' chant, but I just don't like it in general. They don't suck; they're an excellent baseball team and have been for millennia. I justwant the O's and everybody else to beat them very badly. The rain did stifle the energy a bit, I think, but very few, if any, fans ducked out early. The energy was fantastic overall and the crowd was into the right moments. I stayed til the end, got sucker punched in the ninth, and now I'm on the train back to NYC because I have to be at work today and I missed the last train out last night. One hundred percent worth it.

Yeah, not sure why everyone equates the phrase "Yankees Suck" with it meaning they are a bad baseball team. It has never been about how talented they are, it has to do with how we as a fanbase feel about them. It's not meant to literally mean "The Yankees are a bad baseball team" - even when chanted while we are beating them - it is something that we chant to get under their skin and to make the rivalry more intense...

To be honest, anytime a fanbase in any sport chants "(insert team here) suck(s)!", it is usually a sign of respect. How often do people chant "Royals Suck!" or "Padres Suck!" - if a team really is that bad, nobody bothers to chant anything at all. Even the over-rated cheer is reserved for good teams that are losing...

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The rain deflated me some. It was just annoying, nothing that we could do, just annoying. Though I wish they would give us more information. I think we got an announcement every hour that they were keep track of the weather. I just would have liked something like, the storm should be moving out at this time, etc...

I loved the ARoid and Trader (though I would prefer Sellout) chants. The Yanks got booed hard at the beginning.

There were hardly any Yanks fans, at least I only saw I'd say a total of 15. I'm sure there were more but that's all I saw walking around.

Just want to win today! The crowd will be pumped.

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Yeah, not sure why everyone equates the phrase "Yankees Suck" with it meaning they are a bad baseball team. It has never been about how talented they are, it has to do with how we as a fanbase feel about them. It's not meant to literally mean "The Yankees are a bad baseball team" - even when chanted while we are beating them - it is something that we chant to get under their skin and to make the rivalry more intense...

To be honest, anytime a fanbase in any sport chants "(insert team here) suck(s)!", it is usually a sign of respect. How often do people chant "Royals Suck!" or "Padres Suck!" - if a team really is that bad, nobody bothers to chant anything at all. Even the over-rated cheer is reserved for good teams that are losing...

It's not a sign of respect, it's just a shortened, yell-able version of "The Yankees ridiculous, entitled culture of frontrunning mindless fans cheering on $250M payrolls and rosters chock full of wall-to-wall superstars bought with money hoarded through a ridiculously unfair territorial system that lets them monopolize the largest market in North America and paper over all shortcomings with bushel baskets of $1000 bills sucks."

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It's not a sign of respect, it's just a shortened, yell-able version of "The Yankees ridiculous, entitled culture of frontrunning mindless fans cheering on $250M payrolls and rosters chock full of wall-to-wall superstars bought with money hoarded through a ridiculously unfair territorial system that lets them monopolize the largest market in North America and paper over all shortcomings with bushel baskets of $1000 bills sucks."

I think we are saying the same thing, except that if you don't call it "respect", then it just comes across as "jealousy"...and jealousy doesn't always mean "you would rather be them" either...you can be jealous of a team/person that you wouldn't ever desire to be or be like...

Again, I prefer to call it "respect"...because you don't waste your time taunting bad teams, do you? Also, that said, I was responding to those that were saying it was "premature" in case we don't win the game and it makes us look bad...because we aren't chanting it to claim they are a bad baseball team. But I think you and I agree on that point...even if you don't like my "respect" or "jealousy" comments...

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I had a great time and thought the atmosphere was fantastic... except for after the Yankees scored in the top of the 9th. I was actually pretty disgusted with the crowd after that, since about 50% of the people started heading home. I was yelling "You know we still get to hit, right?" to little effect. I just couldn't believe people were leaving and not wanting to stay and support the O's in the bottom of the 9th, even if the odds were very long that we'd come back. We've been waiting 15 years for this, and people feel like they need to beat the traffic? Obviously, I don't feel this way about those in the crowd with children, but other than that, or some other extenuating circumstance, I don't get not staying for the long haul.

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I had a great time and thought the atmosphere was fantastic... except for after the Yankees scored in the top of the 9th. I was actually pretty disgusted with the crowd after that, since about 50% of the people started heading home. I was yelling "You know we still get to hit, right?" to little effect. I just couldn't believe people were leaving and not wanting to stay and support the O's in the bottom of the 9th, even if the odds were very long that we'd come back. We've been waiting 15 years for this, and people feel like they need to beat the traffic? Obviously, I don't feel this way about those in the crowd with children, but other than that, or some other extenuating circumstance, I don't get not staying for the long haul.

I feel this way about spring training, let alone the playoffs. Traffic beaters are crazy in my opinion. Maybe they should ask to pay 89% of face value when they buy their tickets at the box office...I mean, after all, that's all they got to see of the Orioles at bats...89%. A lot can happen with 11% of your outs remaining. #FairweatherFandom at its ugliest...

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Let me just add to what I wrote.... Tapatalk makes it impossible to edit ;-)

The fact that it was a real hometown crowd last night was absolutely incredible. At some of the key points in the game the decibel level was over the top. If they had won, the house would have come down!

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I do have to ask, as I don't live around Bmore anymore. Did the city turn Orange? I know for the Ravens they spray paint the sidewalks, and some buildings have purple spotlights on them. Driving in I didn't see any of that for the O's, but I got to the stadium pretty early. I'd really like to see the businesses back the O's like they do the Ravens

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I think we are saying the same thing, except that if you don't call it "respect", then it just comes across as "jealousy"...and jealousy doesn't always mean "you would rather be them" either...you can be jealous of a team/person that you wouldn't ever desire to be or be like...

Again, I prefer to call it "respect"...because you don't waste your time taunting bad teams, do you? Also, that said, I was responding to those that were saying it was "premature" in case we don't win the game and it makes us look bad...because we aren't chanting it to claim they are a bad baseball team. But I think you and I agree on that point...even if you don't like my "respect" or "jealousy" comments...

I don't think it's jealousy. Was Netscape jealous when Microsoft used their monopoly to crush them and brush them aside like nothing? MLB made a series of intentional decisions over many years to give the Yanks massive advantages other teams don't have because they believed it was better for the long-term health of the league. I think they were wrong, and in committing that wrong they screwed fans of Baltimore and other cities.

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Let me just add to what I wrote.... Tapatalk makes it impossible to edit ;-)

The fact that it was a real hometown crowd last night was absolutely incredible. At some of the key points in the game the decibel level was over the top. If they had won, the house would have come down!

It really was amazing to see almost everyone wearing O's stuff. Ok, the 95% of the crowd rooting for the home town boys. The wine-and-cheese-crowd-turned-apathetic-Fenway-South OPACY was swept away and replaced with a black-and-orange clad college football enthusiasm.

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Hammel said during the 8th and 9th inning the crowd was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Interesting.

I think he had the mindset that the fans should have been live regardless. I mean I get that because as fans we really should be happy that we're actually experiencing playoff baseball for the first time in 15 years no matter what the score is in the game. At the same token I understand why the fans got deflated in the 9th.. when your heart is in it.. it can be hard to contain the rollercoaster of emotions the game brings.

The 8th inning was extremely loud, so I have no idea what he's talking about there. The 9th inning homer off JJ definitely quieted the crowd, and let's face it, the game got out of hand very quickly from there. Frankly, when it got to be 6-2 with a runner on 3rd and they were changing pitchers, our family left. By that time it was midnight, we'd been there for six hours, and my son had to be out of the house for school by 7 a.m. Overall, the crowd was great, much more enthusiastic than during most of the 1997 playoffs.

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