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What is going on with the Ray's fan support?


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Indeed Florida's pro sports fans are pretty fair weather. I guess what I was trying to say is that sustained winning brought the fans for the Bucs. The Rays have a fan base, people just don't show up to the games..

But if they were fair weather that wouldn't explain why their attedance is so putrid when they've been a winning team. Maybe Floridians won't get out of bed for anything less than a League championship in their sport?

The bit about spring training taking over the state is fascinating. I could understand why this would box in the Rays. The Rays have only been there for 15 years or so, but they've had those relationships for decades, and they're 15 minutes away from teams, as opposed to an hour. And they can still follow their teams on ESPN, FOX, and MLB.tv throughout the year.

And addressing the TV/game experience issue. The MLB isn't like the NFL where most of the revenue comes from TV. I'm not sure of the exact breakdown, but you still need to do well with your gate receipts and concessions to make money in the MLB. Plus, people won't want to watch the game on TV if the crowds are dead. Maybe they should consider lowering their prices, having special giveaways/deals, improving the in-game experience, or blacking games out that fail to sell a certain number of tickets.

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