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Adam Jones on Fans that left game.


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I didn't even go to the game. so they certainly don't need my support to make comeback wins. I also havn't been to a single game this year. Nor do I plan to go. That's my business. If Jones decides to make sarcastic tweets about fans who don't go to games, well that's his business.

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This is my take as well. AJ's tweet was kinda petulant and indirectly set down some criteria for appropriate fan behavior. It's really not a players place to have an opinion on a fan's decision to stay or leave.

Maybe it's not a player's place to use social media to shoot out his opinions, but I'd bet every player who ever saw the hometown crowd get up and leave during a tough spot in a game had exactly the same opinion. Just laced with more profanity.

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Let me pose a hypothetical....

Customer walks into a business. Let's call it a clothing store. He buys a new suit at the store, but doesn't have time to look at a new shirt and tie and says he will come back later to pick those out and buy them. He comes back a couple of hours later to look at shirts and is helped by the same employee that helped him earlier. The customer looks at lots of different shirts but can't decide on one and is obviously getting impatient. He finds one like he likes but is not in his size so the employee is going to go to the back to see if he can find one. After the employee is gone for 5 minutes, the customer has had enough and decides to walk out the door. As the customer is leaving the door, the employee comes out to see him and shouts across the store "we didn't really need your support anyway".

That's how I see this situation in a real-world scenario. IMO, the way to deal with this is not to air it out on twitter. Maybe saying how much you appreciate the fans that stayed as some have suggested would have been the best bet. Personally, I just don't think you call out your customers, ESPECIALLY in public. (I would say there are times when you need to address rudeness or being blantantly obnoxious)

I do agree with AJ. I think it's terrible for fans to leave when your team is only down by 1 unless you have a legit reason. But I just don't think it's right to call out paying customers unless they have been completely obnoxious or rude.

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Maybe it's not a player's place to use social media to shoot out his opinions, but I'd bet every player who ever saw the hometown crowd get up and leave during a tough spot in a game had exactly the same opinion. Just laced with more profanity.

No doubt. We've all had bosses, coworkers, friends, relatives, etc. who've richly deserved a pointed comment or two but we've sensibly held our tongues. I, for one, have rarely regretted that decision. It's fascinating to watch AJ mould himself into a team leader, even from a distance as I'm forced to do. I get the impression that there's a fair amount of conscious effort involved and mistakes occasionally get made because he's learning something that doesn't completely come naturally.

This is a very small thing, but even so, in my opinion AJ's getting to the point where passion is no longer an excuse for lack of judgement.

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Funny stuff. So you can't appreciate Adam Jones and criticize him? You can't appreciate him and see any faults in him? It's a shame everything has to be either black or white. "You're either with us or against us!!!!"

There is no place in the statement that I implied that "you are with us or against us". You can have any opinion you want based on your life experiences, perceptions and biases. As stated (more simply) for you, some will always find fault, and if that strikes a nerve, it might indicate the problem isn't where you direct it.

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Let me pose a hypothetical....

Customer walks into a business. Let's call it a clothing store. He buys a new suit at the store, but doesn't have time to look at a new shirt and tie and says he will come back later to pick those out and buy them. He comes back a couple of hours later to look at shirts and is helped by the same employee that helped him earlier. The customer looks at lots of different shirts but can't decide on one and is obviously getting impatient. He finds one like he likes but is not in his size so the employee is going to go to the back to see if he can find one. After the employee is gone for 5 minutes, the customer has had enough and decides to walk out the door. As the customer is leaving the door, the employee comes out to see him and shouts across the store "we didn't really need your support anyway".

That's how I see this situation in a real-world scenario. IMO, the way to deal with this is not to air it out on twitter. Maybe saying how much you appreciate the fans that stayed as some have suggested would have been the best bet. Personally, I just don't think you call out your customers, ESPECIALLY in public. (I would say there are times when you need to address rudeness or being blantantly obnoxious)

I do agree with AJ. I think it's terrible for fans to leave when your team is only down by 1 unless you have a legit reason. But I just don't think it's right to call out paying customers unless they have been completely obnoxious or rude.

The only problem with that scenario you leave out the following:

- the customer being openly snarky and hostile to the staff

- the customer openly shouting the the staff has quit on their job

- the customer booing the staff for poor performance

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

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Good thing they don't see the ones who turn the channel when they are losing (sometimes) or don't watch a few games because they can't stand to watch their team lose.

Botom line for me is: I don't blame Jones for feeling the way he does. He should keep his mouth shut though publicly. Part of the ticket money of the fans who left the game early yesterday, is eventually winding up in Adam Jones' wallet. Peter Angelos doesn't pay Adam Jones. The fans do.

That only goes so far. I work for the federal government. Some of your tax money goes to pay my salary. If you insult me in public is the appropriate response for me to nod my head and say "thank you"? Even if that is the right response, do you think most people would act that way?

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some appreciate what you do, others will always find faults.

Sure you did. There are only two groups of people in your statement. Those who appreciate him and those who find fault.

I appreciate the way Adam Jones has played CF since May. I appreciate the way he hustles 99% of the time. I appreciate the big hits and homeruns he's had for this team. I appreciate that he's a good player. I also find fault with him from time to time over baseball related matters and sometimes over fairly insignificant stuff like this.

You are like a parent when a child brings home 4 A's and a B+ on their report card, and your first response is about the B+. If you chose to remark over "insignificant" aspects about anyone or player, so be it. You apparently can't teach common sense or decency.

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Guest rochester
This is crap. The Os are drawing around 30k fans a game this year. Ahead of the Pirates (the feel good story of the year), well ahead of the Indians, A's, and Royals (all teams having great seasons in markets similar in size to Baltimore), and they are not even that far behind Boston. Boston supposedly has the best fans in baseball, yet have one down season and their fans jump off the bandwagon quicker than a northern Virginia Yankee fan. Seriously, look at the change in attendance in Boston after ONE losing season. Can you imagine what would happen after 14?

The Os have some of the best TV ratings in baseball. They play in one of the more electric stadiums in baseball. Is there a better big game atmosphere found anywhere else in MLB (see this night 1 year ago today)?

I am tired of Oriole fan bashing with the crap this fanbase put up with for 14 seasons. Attendance is WAY up, interest is way up, ratings are way up. We draw much better than teams playing in similar markets.

All that said, I don't really have an issue with what AJ said. I like his fire and I like that he speaks his mind. He is generally really appreciative of oriole fan support and I like his no filter/no BS approach.

Gotta say - all excellent points. If this was Tampa Bay? well, there would not be a Tampa Bay team.

AJ does wear it on his sleeve - which is one of the reasons I like him. He also hears his teammates get booed when he knows more than us how badly they want it.

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