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Adam Jones on Fans that left game.


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Listen. This was just like sitting through a game thread. Hearing all the trash talk and the spin. The denigration of the team that you are pledged to. And then mystically, they win. A toss of the gauntlet back at the hordes is to be expected. These same twitter idiots (or their forefathers) ran Eddie Murray out of town. Before the internet.

The media ran Eddie out of town. Not the fans.

And the owner.

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Well, this was an extremely frustrating game. So many failed chances to score even when they gave it to us with errors. It would have been really frustrating to lose. What if you have an anger problem, and would beat your dog if you witnessed the Orioles lose that game?

Maybe it was some frustrating. But what a great comeback win.

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I don't feel that's an appropriate response. You can take an us vs. the world approach, but no need to do so with your own fans. They paid their own money, so they can do what they want.

But you do think that it is an authentic Adam Jones response. Right. Even if you don't care for it? I would be fine if he never tweeted. But he certainly has adopted the Baltimore chip with fine aplomb.

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Guest rochester
This is ridiculous. Players don't play differently depending on how many fans there are! Or, at least, they really shouldn't -- if they aren't internally motivated enough to give it their all every time they come to the plate regardless of whether there are 10, 1000 or 100000 fans cheering for them (or against them), they don't deserve to be making the money they're making, they don't deserve to be called a professional, and they don't deserve to be playing in the professional baseball system. I mean, for ****'s sake Adam, isn't $40 million dollars enough to motivate you?

If players were somehow able to do better because of fans cheering, then most teams would have about a 10% winning percentage on the road and about a 90% winning percentage at home. But it's often the case in recent years that the Orioles even do slightly better on the road than at home, and that's with opposing crowds of various sizes cheering for the pitcher who's trying to get them out.

Adam should pay less attention to the bleachers and more attention to the ball at the plate -- he was 2 for 5 today with no runs scored, no RBIs, 1 left on base, and a flurry of unremarkable plays in the outfield. He was hardly a major factor in this game -- anything but. If he feels like he can do better if he has 39,000 fans cheering for him compared to 18,000, he should have his head examined, or he should reconsider his "profession".

The whole "crowds give the players energy" thing is mysticism. 12th century superstition type stuff. There's absolutely no science proving that it has any effect whatsoever. If crowd size had any impact on team success, then Tampa Bay would be in last place; they have about as many fans as there are active OH participants showing up to each game at the Trop. And I recall the Blue Jays having a few great years despite the fact that nobody in Canada cares about Major League Baseball (relatively speaking; I'm sure people who live in apartments next to Rogers Centre care at least a little).

Adam can say whatever he wants on Twitter, but he's got nothing on the fans. The fans owe him nothing and do not answer to him for their decisions. If anything, the fans who actually paid for a ticket to today's game are doing a lot more good for the club than anyone who watched it on TV (like me), regardless of whether they left in the 1st inning, 9th, or are still there celebrating.

So, like dude, when did you leave. I was like getting it until all that talk about science and stuff.

Are you kidding me? Really? This subject gets you this riled? Really? 12th century superstition type stuff? mysticism?

I'm just kidding... oh, you didn't see my fingers crossed?

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Baseball is never over until the last out is recorded.

I hope all those fans who left after that homerun feel bad for weeks if not years that they missed the opportunity to see #OsMagic in the flesh.

And I hope any who upon reaching the exits and started to hear rumblings of a comeback were denied re-entry like these fine outstanding folks:


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Guest rochester
Anyone see him blowing bubbles as the ball arrives anymore?

All those people who said he couldnt control it are just blind Jonesphiles. He can and does control it.

He is going to BBA (Blowing Bubbles Anonymous). It only has one step.. to take the %&^%& gum out of your mouth.

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It's unclear to me why you're defending Adam so much on this. I mean, I know you're a fan and close with the team, but if AJ wants to call people out, he should expect the backlash.

I'm not terribly bothered either way, but this tweet doesn't exactly further endear me to the guy. I love him one minute and don't like him the next. I guess that comes with being the focal point all the time.

And it is unclear to me why what he did bothers you so much. I support the team. I can see how a player that sees fans leave think that they are giving up before it

is over. If Adam has the gumption to call out the fans that gave up and left early

then more power to him. They are fair weather fans. If the O's had been ahead I

bet they would not have left.

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Guest rochester
Remember guys baseball players aren't allowed to have any emotions other than joy and reverence.

Remember athletes are not allowed to criticize anyone at any time.

But we fans are allowed to be simpering little (the following diatribe has been edited for content) all day everyday.

This is what twitter has allowed us people. Can you imagine the things Ty Cobb would have said if he had twitter.

Suck it up cry babies.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using Tapatalk 2

This is a great post! I have not seen/heard simpering for a long time - I am going to use it with my kids tonight. And the Ty Cobb/Twitter reference is pure art. +1 Thank you!

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There are a few posts I wanted to quote, but choose none.

I just don't understand what Adam has to do. It seems a good chunk of people can only concentrate on his deficiencies. I just don't get it.

Whether you use traditional counting stats or advanced stats, he is a pretty good player. A very good one. But, it seems the only thing people dwell on is his issue swinging at sliders off the plate and blowing bubbles...

In reference to the actual point of the thread. His tweet is irrelevant to me, one way or another.

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I don't care that he posted that tweet

I do care that he wants to win

I do care that he has a bit of a chip on his shoulder about it

I do care that he wants to win as an oriole

I do care that it irritates him when others don't believe in the Orioles as much as he does

Anything that feeds the energy to not give up and keep fighting right down to the end is what we need right now. IMO.

This. I applaud the courage and call to arms of Adam's Tweet. Sometimes fans need to be schooled, too. Go O's and O's fans!!

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So let me get this straight. People are mad at their all-star center-fielder for having so much passion for the game he calls the fair weather fans out in the midst of a comeback victory? I stayed till the end it was a very frustrating but rewarding game to watch. Weather was awesome. I called out the "fans" around me because I had a few too many. Good thing for DD's. Yes you all are weak for thinking what he said was wrong. I hear the Sox are playing good ball and have plenty of seats for you.

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