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Last-minute attempt by O's to sign ace holding up trade


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You must be new around here, huh?

Also, I think you can just say "pissing" and "ass", you don't need to use $'s. However, d*ck, sh*t, and b*tch, they're friggin' different ;-)

lmao thank you for the heads up on what I can say. :D Yeah been here bout a month now, but in that time already witnessed the whole angry because of frustration turn into a thread melt down. Was trying to toss water on it lol.

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This had better not be true...

Talk about a bunch of hypocrites!! Are all of you serious? Last year when talks of trading Bedard came up- they were always qualified with the assumption that WE COULDN NOT RESIGN HIM! If we can sign him to a contract extension- I'm all for it!

Some of you I think are just too trigger happy at this point. You'd rather give up arguably the best left handed pitcher in the American League- if not all of baseball- for PROSPECTS???

I'd bet the Yankees and red Sox hope we make this trade. They will be sick if we sign him to an extension- and it's two fold.

A- if we sign him to an extension- that's 3 or 4 more times a year they have to face him at least... and

B- if we don't re-sign him- in 2 years=- he will most ceryainly test the free agent market- at which point it will be noone other than the same Yankees and red Sox undoubtedly going after him...

If WE CAN'T sign him to an extension- I'm in full support of this trade- and excited by it- but if not- I'm more excited to see what he can do for this franchise as we attempt to rebukld WITH him... because as I said- ridding ourselves of Tejada is alreday a huge step in the right direction...

Imagine our rotation this year with Bedard, Loewen, Guthrie, Cabrera.... Everyone forgets the injuries our starting rotation had last year- take away those and maybe history unfolds differently....

BUt seriously- get off the trade the Bedard REGARDLESS trip- it's just ignorant- and negates the entire sentiment for trading him in the first place!

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Go back and read some of the public coments made by Bavasi. He is on the hot seat to produce THIS year. Or he just may not be here next year. He has publicly stated that they need a front of the rotation pitcher to accomplish this. Where else is he going to fine that RARE ANIMAL at now other than Erik.

Now that being said we are having a very hard time driving up the offer to whatever Andy thinks is reasonable. No other bidders. Well thanks to Andy's thinking we have competition. Enter stage left none other than PGA himself. Now Bavasi is bidding against PGA to save his job.

All of you out there who have posted you would not want to play poker or chess with Andy, you are sooooooooooooooooooooooooo RIGHT!!

You all have been saying roller coaster. People from what I have been observing, the roller coaster is just getting warmed up.

Rare animal? WTF is Bedard, a Bald Eagle?

<img src = "http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1006/554687370_31a161a1d3.jpg?v=0">

K, perhaps a BaldING Eagle...

I see where you're coming from, I really and truly do.

But at some point I think you risk pissing off the other guy and shooting yourself in the foot.

Not saying that will happen here...but if it did, would anyone really be surprised?

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Signing Bedard long-term would be the dumbest move this team has made in a very, very long time. And that is saying something.

We would mortgage our future, and pay out what, $100M? Ya, that sounds like a GREAT deal.

Please, Dear Most Heavenly Father, no!

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I understand the reason for trading Bedard, and i would also like to trade him. However doesn't it seem strange that for the first time since Mike Mussina we actually have a proven ace, the owner actually wants to sign him. And now the fans are upset. Just thought it was a little amusing. Who knows maybe thats why Peter wants to sign Bedard, to make up for the mistake of letting Mussina go.

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You must be new around here, huh?

Also, I think you can just say... ;-)

You're not supposed to type all those words with stars in them either, silly. Also, you could say "Mike Bor****" until one former italian stallion with a virtual handlebar mustache ruined it for all of us by calling somebody one.

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As much as I'd like a trade, I'm not going to re-argue with signing Bedard to a 5-year contract if it comes at reasonable terms. He's a good pitcher. I'd rather have him here than not here - but, depending on the return, I can see the logic going the other way.

That said, Jones, Sherrill, Tillman and Butler isn't a fantastic trade. If that's your return...

Didn't most of this board want to try to re-sign him like three months ago? Or does the Tejada trade change everything? I'm just curious of people's thoughts.

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Oh give me a break. He isn't doing anything but gently pointing out something that it blatantly obvious to all of us. He wasn't trolling you at all. Any of us could have a field day posting all the roller coaster crap you've posted over the past month. You write one thing. Then you write another thing that completely contradicts the first. Sometimes 15 minutes apart. You react extremely to every little morsel that gets posted here by anybody. At some point, it gets a bit old. It seems that you just post whatever happens to float through your head at that moment w/o regard to its merit. It is ok to have an unexpressed thought, especially when so many of them are rather pointless IMO. Now, all of this is your perogative to do, but give me a break on getting upset with Shack because he gently asked you to justify your conflicting positions.

Then place me on ignore. Problem solved!

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As much as I'd like a trade, I'm not going to re-argue with signing Bedard to a 5-year contract if it comes at reasonable terms. He's a good pitcher. I'd rather have him here than not here - but, depending on the return, I can see the logic going the other way.

That said, Jones, Sherrill, Tillman and Butler isn't a fantastic trade. If that's your return...

Didn't most of this board want to try to re-sign him like three months ago? Or does the Tejada trade change everything? I'm just curious of people's thoughts.

I can't recall ever wanting to re-sign him. We're no good with him and by the time we're any good without trading him he'll be on the decline. He's the best way to stock up on talent and jumpstart the rebuild.

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As much as I'd like a trade, I'm not going to re-argue with signing Bedard to a 5-year contract if it comes at reasonable terms. He's a good pitcher. I'd rather have him here than not here - but, depending on the return, I can see the logic going the other way.

That said, Jones, Sherrill, Tillman and Butler isn't a fantastic trade. If that's your return...

Didn't most of this board want to try to re-sign him like three months ago? Or does the Tejada trade change everything? I'm just curious of people's thoughts.

I've never been in favor of giving a long term, big money extension to a player two years away from free agency based on one year's performance. I highly doubt he'd be interested in signing one that reflects his career averages or the likelihood that 2006 is more like his typical performance because if he's confident in his ability he should want to go out next year and show this year wasn't a fluke and he really belongs among the game's elite pitchers. I think given the interest in him and the dire state of the team, he should be traded (and I have thought that since before the Tejada trade), but if for some reason he were not going to be traded I still wouldn't enter into serious negotiations on an extension going more than one year into his free agency unless he were offering a hometown discount which I think we can all pretty well surmise that he's not.

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You aren't a bad guy and I've got nothing against you, but come on man. You have to admit you've been acting like a caricature. I'm honestly worried about your health. On the bright side, you definitely aren't alone and you do have a very pleasant, good natured way of freaking out. ;)

Okay, I can't argue with that. :D

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