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Toronto looking for New President to be Duquette.


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Wow, a Moose sighting. How rare! What's up man?

Living the dream. Fancy clothes, big yachts, fast cars, faster women. You know, the usual.

Enjoyed your insight on Rosenthal. Hopefully that munchkin isn't still holding a grudge but it looks like he is.

Nick leaving took the wind out of my sails a little bit, I can't lie. It was probably for the best from a baseball perspective but that was a guy I was hoping would spend his whole career here and would get another few shots at the postseason. Heart is upset for him leaving, mind says it's probably a good thing. Same with Cruz, sort of.

If DD leaves, I'd be a bit crushed. Why the F does it have to be Toronto? Can't it be some dumb team like the Padres?

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Melewski takes on Rosenthal's critics.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Wow, O's fans on my blog totally diss/dismiss Rosenthal's reports. While any reporter can be wrong, this is not another Jr high wannabe.</p>— Steve Melewski (@masnSteve) <a href="

">December 8, 2014</a></blockquote>

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What Steve may or may not realize is Ken is no taller than a Jr High wannabe. :D

Yeah, Kenny, I was 5' 3 1/2" tall once...when I was 14, but went to 5'8" the next year, and kept growing from there

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Melewski takes on Rosenthal's critics.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>Wow, O's fans on my blog totally diss/dismiss Rosenthal's reports. While any reporter can be wrong, this is not another Jr high wannabe.</p>— Steve Melewski (@masnSteve) <a href="

">December 8, 2014</a></blockquote>

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My issue is less that I think Rosenthal made anything up and more the manner in which he "reported" the information he had. Citing information to general "sources" is lazy at best and often times can be misleading or lead to further confusion as it did in this case. Don't give up your sources, but do give your readers an idea of where the information is coming from when that is an important part of the story. The reaction to yesterday's story would have been completely different depending on where Rosenthal was getting his information from. If it was from the Jays side, I think most would have looked at it as something to monitor while understanding it is tinted with what the Jays want. If the report was from the O's side, that would have meant things were fairly far along in talks if the Orioles had been notified of Duquette's intentions. If it was from friends of Duquette, that would mean that the part about Duquette wanting to leave (which is different than being interested in interviewing) might have had real legs. As it was, Rosenthal left it so open-ended that people were free to speculate in any direction. That's not good reporting. I'd say it is somewhat irresponsible given how it potentially impacted the Jays, O's, and especially Duquette.

In addition to hiding behind the vague "sources" terminology, I think Rosenthal erred by also being vague and/or sensational with how he reported what he heard. "Angelos standing in the way" is definitely a dramatic way of saying "Duquette is under contract to the Orioles". I can't speak on his intentions in phrasing it like that, but it certainly came off like he was trying to paint Angelos as a bad guy in the situation when that wasn't really the case. Asking "how can Duquette give Orioles full, undivided attention?" also somewhat called into question Duquette's integrity and work effort in a manner that I don't think was necessary. If you are a reporter, then report. Don't report and then mix that reporting in with provocative statements/questions like that. Lastly, he failed to give any insight onto when Beeston was leaving the Jays. That was the first thing I searched for yesterday and found out quickly that nobody knew for sure. Now we find out he is staying through the end of this season. It seems like a reporter should find out (or at least state he doesn't know) when the position is going to be open. Rosenthal acted like it was imminent which turned out not to be the case at all.

Sorry for the rant, but this kind of reporting/journalism irks me. I find it hilarious when Melewski and others get high and mighty about wannabe teenage reporters. You know why those kids think they can get away with throwing out a rumor and attributing it to "sources" without repercussions? Because that's what the "real reporters" do. The difference of course is they usually actually have sources but I can totally understand how a kid can see reporters get away with throwing out rumors that never come to fruition and think they can make stuff up and do the same. I'd rather have less information and more accurate information, than the current state where any rumor is thrown out there and reporters aren't held accountable as long as someone actually provided them with that information.

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I'm going to state a few things once and move on in hopes that the Twitter gossipers can't influence everyone.

- It makes total sense that someone in DD's spot would be interested in a team President role. That is not the same as being disgruntled and any attempt to make them the same is erroneous.

- I have contacts to Rosenthal through 3 different intermediaries. I do not know the man personally. However, the contacts do know him, in 2 cases quite well. I spoke with one of them last night.

- Ken is a good man overall but, like a man who has been through a bad divorce with kids involved, he has a loss of perspective where Angelos is concerned. Based on what I know about their past, Ken has good reason to hate PGA and I'm not surprised he struggles with perspective.

- I would take anything from him regarding stuff like this with a huge grain of salt. He had at least two tweets yesterday where his bias came seeping through IMHO.

I trust Rosenthal's factual reporting. I feel he has broken many stories about the Orioles that the team's beat reporters were slow on. When it comes to his opinions about the team (especially issues involving the owner), that's another story entirely.

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I really hope that article about Beeston staying on is correct, although that too seemed a bit speculative.

If DD had left at the end of the season then it would have been one thing, but so far during the off-season we have had some major disruption to our squad, with huge names like Cruz and Markakis being effectively released by DD. Whilst a bit shocking (especially in Nick's case), we always fall back on the 'In Dan we Trust' mantra...he will sort something out to ensure we are competitive. So, to walk away after that dismantling but before he rebuilds would be a completely different story.

On the flip-side, I'm sure DD has nothing but the best intentions for the O's whilst still under contract so I don't think anyone need worry about this.

Hopefully the news from Toronto is on the money, and this whole thing has been a storm in a teacup.

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My view of the story the whole time was when something actually happened, then I'll believe it. With that piece of information, wrap it up, there doesn't appear to be anything more to see. I say that, but I know I don't believe it. Because some folks, the same ones who riled this thread up to 70+ pages and made reactionary fools of yourself, will make it into more than it is. The reliance of some of you on simple minded gossiping that has no context and clinging to 100 characters as the gospel truth might be good for online hits and trafficking, but it sure doesn't make any of you look good. I think I need a personal vacation and a drink after going through this thread.

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I trust Rosenthal's factual reporting. I feel he has broken many stories about the Orioles that the team's beat reporters were slow on. When it comes to his opinions about the team (especially issues involving the owner), that's another story entirely.

I think it was Ken who got the inside information from Brady and broke this story.

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