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It's time to get on anyone's Train


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Jeez, no wonder you always have such a negative outlook on the Orioles. I'm really sorry your life sucks so bad and things never work out the way you want. I'm pretty grateful for my life, and things go the way I hope often enough for me to feel like there's a decent chance things with the Orioles will go well. I also think Buck and Dan are damned good at planning for the contingencies. That's why we were able to win 96 games last year with our catcher and third baseman injured for at least half the season and our first baseman having a terrible season. So, like you, I expect some things to go wrong this year viz. players getting hurt or having bad seasons, but unlike you (apparently), I have confidence in our GM and manager's ability to cope with those kinds of issues. And towards that end, I don't think we've finished building our 2015 team now, nor do I expect Dan to sit idly for six months once the season starts.

I have a great life. Great family. Great friends. Maybe that is why I am so naive.

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I don't hate the people, I hate the ridiculously naive and unrealistic line of thought.

Like, life sucks. In your life you'd be insanely lucky lucky if 5% of the things that happen to you end with a positive result, so why in the name of anything would you set yourself up to be disappointed with the ridiculous optimism and apologetic line of thinking?

You guys with that thought process think the Orioles are the most talented team in the majors, and you think De Aza is an all star, and you think everything is going to go according to plan. News flash: life sucks, things aren't going to go the way you hope. Why is this not recognized? We are not going to get 162 games out of every starting position player. I'm so sick of the "returning player from injury is like an addition" mantra. No, it's not. All of those players were on the team last year and all of them sans Wieters played at least half of the season.

I am hearing a lot of this from you right now...


But what I'd liek for you to work on is saying more things like this...


You get to be the boss, chief.

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I literally don't care if we sign or trade for anyone else at this point. The Orioles are a very good team right now and Dan Duquette is a very good GM. If someone can't hack it(Lough or De Aza, for example) and a hole presents itself, DD will likely be proactive in addressing it, ala Scott Feldman, who was acquired well ahead of the trade deadline because a need was there.

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You have no idea how much your posts fuel my disdain for optimists and apologists.
I'm sorry that I make you hate other people.

Weams, after reading that guy's most recent post ......

I don't hate the people, I hate the ridiculously naive and unrealistic line of thought.

Like, life sucks. In your life you'd be insanely lucky if 5% of the things that happen to you end with a positive result, so why in the name of anything would you set yourself up to be disappointed with the ridiculous optimism and apologetic line of thinking?

You guys with that thought process think the Orioles are the most talented team in the majors, and you think De Aza is an all star, and you think everything is going to go according to plan. News flash: life sucks, things aren't going to go the way you hope. Why is this not recognized? We are not going to get 162 games out of every starting position player. I'm so sick of the "returning player from injury is like an addition" mantra. No, it's not. All of those players were on the team last year and all of them sans Wieters played at least half of the season.

I don't think that you "make him" hate people, or for that matter, I don't think that you make him do anything.

I think that he has plenty going on on his life that has nothing to do with you.

For whatever reason, he has made a correlation between whatever misery that he experiences in his life with your posts and your opinions about how the Orioles are run, and expects you to reciprocate his feelings.

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I just get annoyed by positive people. It's not a realistic way to through life.

Oh, yeah ???

Well, your own behavior seems to belie that:

I think it's awesome. I was at Game 1 in 2012 and 2014 and they were two of the best days of my life. I wish the organization cared about winning a championship HALF as much as I do, but they really don't care. They just want to be decent enough that people will still buy tickets and merch.

Why did you even bother with going to these games at all in the first place, when you knew full well that in both 2012 and 2014 there was no way that the Orioles would win the World Series ??? I mean, especially considering that the organization doesn't/didn't care about whether or not they win championships in the first place.

Why did you bother getting your hopes up (and spending your money and your time) when you knew full well that ultimately, you were going to be disappointed? Is that not unrealistic and irrational behavior on your part?

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Sports are my getaway, and in the last few months it's become apparent to me that the team doesn't give a single you know what about winning a championship. Maybe I care to much, but I hate that the people in the warehouse don't care at all.

I really feel bad that you think this. It's not true. I hope some day to get the opportunity to show you that.

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Because sports is pretty much all I have. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm still singe because girls see me as someone to take advantage of me and friend zone me instead of date me...no wife, no family for me. I have an average job. Sports are my getaway, and in the last few months it's become apparent to me that the team doesn't give a single you know what about winning a championship. Maybe I care to much, but I hate that the people in the warehouse don't care at all.

Chin up man life will get better.

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Because sports is pretty much all I have. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm still singe because girls see me as someone to take advantage of me and friend zone me instead of date me...no wife, no family for me. I have an average job. Sports are my getaway, and in the last few months it's become apparent to me that the team doesn't give a single you know what about winning a championship. Maybe I care to much, but I hate that the people in the warehouse don't care at all.

There is a 1981 song by the Kinks that I suggest you listen to.

You may think that the lyrics and the theme of the song is a lot of malarkey, but it has a great melody, and I believe that it's great to listen to, just for the pure enjoyment:


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