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For Chris Davis' and Baseballs sake, should "The Shift" be banned?


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The great value that OH has held for me over the years is the opportunity it provides to learn more about baseball. Whether it's about the game's history or about emerging issues in the game. This morning provided such an opportunity. While reading a thread posted by Weams regarding expansion, I subsequently engaged in some OH debate with Can o' Corn and that forced me to do a little research. I learned about what, to me, and apparently some others, is an emerging issue regarding the Defensive Shift in baseball. The basic argument is the shift is significantly hurting offense, especially the offensive production of pull hitters, like Chris Davis. I'm providing two articles related to the issue, which gave me some background and insight into the problem and will hopefully help you as you consider this issue.

Before revealing my perspective i'd like to read yours first. Here are the articles.

. http://www.si.com/mlb/2014/07/22/shifts-rule-change-lefthanded-batters-david-ortiz


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If it affected every hitter, I'd consider a rule change, but there are a lot of hitters who are talented enough to beat the shift through bunting, going the other way, switch hitting, etc. If you're unlucky enough to only know how to hit the ball to one spot every time you get up to bat, why do you deserve an exemption? Do players that routinely hit the ball up the middle have a case for banning the second baseman?

It would be equally silly for the NFL to ban double coverage on wide receivers.

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Hitters should learn to hit what the defense is giving them.
First time he saw the Boudreau shift, Ted Williams literally began to laugh. He promptly hit right into the teeth of it, as if playing along, and he was thrown out by Boudreau himself, who as shortstop was standing between the first and second baseman. The whole thing seemed a joke. “If teams start doing that against me, I’ll start hitting right-handed,” Williams said after the game. Well, everyone laughed. I’ve spent the last day or two reading sportswriters initial reactions to the shift; nobody seemed to take it seriously at all. Nobody seemed to buy it as a viable defense against a hitter as great as Williams. One of my favorite oolumns was Whitney Martin’s “Down the Sports Trail.” His conceit was that he wanted to come up with a nickname for the shift (“T-Formation” — T for Ted — and the “Boston I” were two of the more fun suggestions). The best part of the column, though, is the paragraph spent talking about what a field day a great hitter like Paul Waner (“who could drop a ball in a hat”) would have had with that shift. As it turns out, Waner would probably be more instrumental in helping Williams deal with the shift than anyone else.

Nobody could see it then. Heck, I don’t even think Boudreau himself saw it; I think he came up with the shift out of frustration and desperation. He did not know what else to do. But in the end, I think, the shift touched on three themes that sort of cut to the heart not only of baseball hitting but of sports and, not to get too deep, life.

These are:

Theme 1: Hitters find it very hard to change their core character.

Theme 2: Fans will react negatively when hitters can’t do something that looks easy.

Theme 3: Pride will cause a hitter to do self-destructive things.


And secondly, We don't have to worry about Davis after this year.

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Hitters should learn to hit what the defense is giving them.

That was my initial gut reaction too. Except after reading Verducci's article, and seeing the extent to which the shift is being used, (2010-2,464; 2014-13,789) I'm concerned that, if allowed to continue without modification, the shift could eliminate a whole class of hitter. Pull hitters. I certainly don't want to go to a hittem' where the ain't style of play. Although I do respect that style as part of the game. One of my all time favorite hitters was Tony Gwen. Ichiro is also a great example of this kind of player. But I also enjoyed watching those prodigeous right field blasts by Chris Davis.

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This team will need a real First baseman in 2016. Christian Walker not the answer his D at first was awful last year when he played. Hardy was having problems throwing to a 6 foot tall first baseman.

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