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Jack Cust, back to the bigs!


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Why care about hitting 30 at Ottawa when he could hit 30 this year in Oakland? :rolleyes:;)

Hit his 8th last night....unreal. It'll be interesting to see how he adjusts once the league figures him out...

When he was in the Orioles system with bad wrists he was a powerless shell of the hitter he is today. Until he got to the organization / doctors that determined he needed surgery he had no chance of being a contributor at the major league level. Wouldn't you agree that it is a shame that the problem with his wrists wasn't discovered while he was still property of the Orioles?

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When he was in the Orioles system with bad wrists he was a powerless shell of the hitter he is today. Until he got to the organization / doctors that determined he needed surgery he had no chance of being a contributor at the major league level. Wouldn't you agree that it is a shame that the problem with his wrists wasn't discovered while he was still property of the Orioles?

I'm teasin ;)

But yeah, it is a shame....however something tells me we'd have screwed it up with him anyway.

Wrists aside, in the short stint he was here, he still got on base at a good clip...

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