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Adam Jones really looks lost at the plate.


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I stay away here..but not on my FB page as some know only too well.

I know you didn't mean it, but I'm African-American and seeing those letters together gave me a sick feeling.

Please try not to use those letters in a fanciful way. There's a dark history of murder and suffering with the KKK in our country.



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I know you didn't mean it, but I'm African-American and seeing those letters together gave me a sick feeling.

Please try not to use those letters in a fanciful way. There's a dark history of murder and suffering with the KKK in our country.



Read your graphic novel got picked up.


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Just too many strikeouts. 13 on Saturday..8on Sunday.then 19 in extras on Tuesday plus 18 last night.

I get that we are a "free swinging" team and things like this will "happen during the course of a season", but this is still unacceptable.

Not THAT many K's.

Not against a pitcher like Colin McHugh.

The team is suddenly swinging at almost anything and a majority of the at bats are quick and overanxious.

Adam has reverted to swinging at pitches well out of the zone. Trumbo is also swinging at anything.

At least Davis put a bat on the ball for hits last night. Someone needs to tell these players to watch a few pitches and try and work a count. Only Kim looks like he understands the strike zone.

Ive watched baseball for something like 55 years...Ive NEVER seen a team this strikeout prone .

Careful Roy, a lot of the sabermeterics people will jump all over you with the nonsensical argument that strikeouts don't matter

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Sorry. Wasn't directed at you so much (I quoted you just because you were on this page), just the general tone of the discussion was making the odd choice to compare K numbers from guys who played in completely different eras with different expectations.

I think he was just wondering about the player who is generally seen as the greatest of all time.

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Is anyone feeling like they almost don't trust Jim Palmer anymore? I used to count on Palmer to tell it like it is. Hunter or Bordick might try to spin every Orioles failure as bad luck or amazing effort by the opposition, but Palmer wasn't afraid to criticize. But during this series it's been all about how the Astros pitchers are superhuman and nothing is wrong with the approach or execution of the hitters. It's like some kind of announcer Stockholm syndrome.

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I'm sick and tired of him swinging at pitches three feet off the plate and hitting into double plays. I have not seen a player in this much of a funk in a long time. He is an automatic out every time he approaches the plate. Sit him down for an extended period of time. I don't want to hear how we will miss him on defense. Believe me it's overrated, he misplays fly balls and for every runner he throws out at the play, he bobbles five that he could have made a throw on or its a terrible throw

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I think Adam Jones should never swing at an 0-2 pitch. Nobody throws him a strike, or anything even close to a strike, in that situation.

In his career, Adam has faced an 0-2 count 1,149 times. Incredibly, the at bat was resolved on the next pitch 53.5% of the time (league average is 44.2%). 264 of those were strikeouts. I'd bet you could count the called strikeouts on one hand.

The Orioles' strikeout percentage is at 22.6%, 5th highest in the league. Not really that terrible considering the spike in the last seveal games. The league average is 21.0%, up from 19.9% last year.

And right on cue, Will Harris bounces a two strike pitch five feet in front of home plate, and Jones swings at it anyway.

It's like they decide to swing as soon as the ball leaves the pitcher's hand, and they can't help themselves. I don't know why anyone would ever throw a strike to this lineup.

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