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Perlozzo--from the Cumberland Times News


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""It doesn't matter how many right moves you make and it still doesn't work. The manager gets fired. But not with the Dodgers. They fire their hitting coach. Here, we keep reshuffling managers."


I agree with him here. We need to completely clean house. I don't want anybody on the bench to remain here unless Girardi (or whoever) wants them here. We absolutely cannot saddle our new manager with this group of coaches. If that means Leo goes, so be it.
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Sam's talking out of both sides of his mouth if he's saying he would have prefered the FO to say his job was not in jeopardy and then just fire him rather than not addressing it. If it was the other way around, he'd be complaining about that too.

He didn't get the dreaded vote of condifence before his dismissal.

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He didn't get the dreaded vote of condifence before his dismissal.
I know. They didn't say anything.

Perlozzo is saying he would have preferred they announced that he was in no danger of being fired and then fire him "2 days later" than the no comments that were given. I think thats complete BS. If he had gotten a vote of confidence and then gotten fired, he'd be saying he would have preferred to have heard a no comment from the FO rather than thinking he was safe when he needed to improve his performance.

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Wow. Talk about airing your dirty laundry. He named more names than Jason Grimsley. I'm sure he's upset, but that's why you wait until you've cooled down before talking to the press in so much detail. I can't believe he says he thinks he made "all the right moves." Even the best managers make mistakes for crying out loud! He had a bad situation but he also needs to realize that he didn't exactly make the best of it. I especially like this part:

"It doesn't matter how many right moves you make and it still doesn't work. The manager gets fired. But not with the Dodgers. They fire their hitting coach. Here, we keep reshuffling managers."

So he implies the other unpopular coach (at least with the fans) on his staff should have been fired instead? (The difference of course is that the players vehemently defend Crowley.) Classy! What happened to all that stuff about Sam being such a nice guy? What happened to the captain going down with the ship? My biggest problem with him from the get-go was that he couldn't teach the players responsibility because he didn't take responsibility himself. That sure doesn't seem to have changed. :rolleyes:

I'm not saying he should just stand there and say "I was horrible and I deserved to be fired," but there's a lot of happy medium between that and blaming Kevin Millar's lack of foot speed for your firing.

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I think Sammy showed inthat interview that he has heart. Really he should have put these views out in public about 3 weeks ago. But Sammy is a good soldier and would never do that. It looks like he lost alot of respect for many of the players over the past few weeks. The reference to other teams firing the hitting coach when the offense is bad is a great statement on one of the big problems with the O's. Sammy is basically saying he was ready to dump the crow. I feel for him and wish him the best. I hope the Orioles realize that good soldiers rarely make great generals.

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People are getting angry about these comments the same way they get mad about reporters trashing the team. But it's all true! Sam may be bitter, but I don't disagree with anything he's saying. The team signed lousy players that can't gel, the hitting has been terrible for years and the hitting coach sticks around, and the top players are in amazing slumps.

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So he implies the other unpopular coach (at least with the fans) on his staff should have been fired instead? (The difference of course is that the players vehemently defend Crowley.) Classy! What happened to all that stuff about Sam being such a nice guy? What happened to the captain going down with the ship? My biggest problem with him from the get-go was that he couldn't teach the players responsibility because he didn't take responsibility himself. That sure doesn't seem to have changed. :rolleyes:

If he cares about the franchise which I think he does it's good to point out some shortcomings. One of which in recent years has been to reshuffle the manager and expecting that to "fix" things.

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People are getting angry about these comments the same way they get mad about reporters trashing the team. But it's all true! Sam may be bitter, but I don't disagree with anything he's saying. The team signed lousy players that can't gel, the hitting has been terrible for years and the hitting coach sticks around, and the top players are in amazing slumps.

If I worked for a company that was horribly mismanaged, I would be quietly circulating my resume. If I got fired by said company I might have a few things to say to my friends and family about it and I might even start an anonymous thread about it in the rant section on here, but it's just bad form to say all that to a reporter about a current or former employer, not to mention all the individuals he called out. Ragging on Millar's speed (something he can't do a whole lot about)? Calling out Williams by name as someone he told the team not to sign? Just not professional. I wouldn't mind him providing some more well thought out analysis of the team's problems at a later date, but pointing fingers left and right while not acknowledging any wrongdoing cheapens whatever useful insights he might have.

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I hope Sam stays with the Os.Hes a nice man.Im sure he must feel really bad:( There is no need to bash Sam anymore on here .

What about the stuff he said about Terry Crowley (without using his name but he did pretty clearly imply he thought he should have been fired), Kevin Millar, Todd Williams, etc. Sammy may be a nice guy most of the time, but today he threw quite a few people under the proverbial bus and that was uncalled for.

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