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*GASP* Millar goes to Boston for game two!!!

Moose Milligan

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So what? Why should anybody here care what fans are like in NE? Almost nobody here gives two hoots about NE sports fans. We're Oriole fans, why should we care about NE sports fans and the relationship between Celts fans and RS fans? What BOS media does, and what sports fans in NE do, has zilch to do with how anybody here should think about Millar. Unless you think NE sports fans should somehow control how we react to things, like they evidently control how you react. You live in NE and you don't like the sports climate there. Well, too bad for you. But I don't see how the climate where you live should be a problem for O's fans, one way or another.

And look at me, trying to reason about.

Note to self: Self, you're being a dope.

Because a lot of these fans are the same ones that are flying or driving down to OPACY to see the Red Sox beat the Orioles. There are a bunch from Virginia no doubt, but a lot of them do come from NE. The Orioles are a joke to everybody here, a big doormat. OPACY is a vacation destination to watch the home team Red Sox beat the visiting Orioles. We don't need our current player trying to relive his glory days with the Sox and we certainly don't need him reaching out to them either, which is what Millar keeps doing with these publicity stunts.

I forget now which charity, but a charity in Massachusetts is selling tickets to see the Red Sox play at Camden Yards. Not Fenway Park mind you, but Camden Yards. I'm sure you can see what's wrong with that.

If the Orioles want to stop the Red Sox invasion, then maybe they should stop being so friendly to the Red Sox and their fans. Putting a muzzle and a leash on Millar would be a good start...

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Because a lot of these fans are the same ones that are flying or driving down to OPACY to see the Red Sox beat the Orioles. There are a bunch from Virginia no doubt, but a lot of them do come from NE. The Orioles are a joke to everybody here, a big doormat. OPACY is a vacation destination to watch the home team Red Sox beat the visiting Orioles. We don't need our current player trying to relive his glory days with the Sox and we certainly don't need him reaching out to them either, which is what Millar keeps doing with these publicity stunts.

I forget now which charity, but a charity in Massachusetts is selling tickets to see the Red Sox play at Camden Yards. Not Fenway Park mind you, but Camden Yards. I'm sure you can see what's wrong with that.

If the Orioles want to stop the Red Sox invasion, then maybe they should stop being so friendly to the Red Sox and their fans. Putting a muzzle and a leash on Millar would be a good start...

I believe Angelos is on record stating that he doesn't mind the "Red Sox invasion".

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Because a lot of these fans are the same ones that are flying or driving down to OPACY to see the Red Sox beat the Orioles. There are a bunch from Virginia no doubt, but a lot of them do come from NE. The Orioles are a joke to everybody here, a big doormat. OPACY is a vacation destination to watch the home team Red Sox beat the visiting Orioles. We don't need our current player trying to relive his glory days with the Sox and we certainly don't need him reaching out to them either, which is what Millar keeps doing with these publicity stunts.

I forget now which charity, but a charity in Massachusetts is selling tickets to see the Red Sox play at Camden Yards. Not Fenway Park mind you, but Camden Yards. I'm sure you can see what's wrong with that.

If the Orioles want to stop the Red Sox invasion, then maybe they should stop being so friendly to the Red Sox and their fans. Putting a muzzle and a leash on Millar would be a good start...

I had completely forgotten that no Red Sox fans had ever set foot in Camden Yards until 2005 when Millar personally invited all of them to start coming to the stadium.

I've never seen a bigger, more thorough collection of BS than your posts in this thread. Absolute nonsense.

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I have friends that are Red Sox fans but I'm not being played to compete against my so called friends in a three game series the next day. Millar is being paid to compete against these guys and their team. Yet he keeps trying to stay in the hearts of Boston fans any chance he gets. How does that look to his teammates? Better yet what does Trembley think about it?

When Millar is seen with Ortiz who has shown up Oriole pitchers numerous times, how does that help club chemistry? The Orioles are supposed to be united against the Sox, so I would guess it doesn't help when one of your teammates tries to hang out with the team and relive past glories of 4 years ago every chance he gets.

I have no problem with fraternization before a game in warmups, or even after the season. But spending the night out with the opposing team members before you play the opposing team is not right. Ramirez was crucified in the Boston media and by the fans for hanging out with a Yankee during one series. I don't see why Millar shouldn't get the same treatment, unless people have given up on the Sox being a rival and are just content to let them walk all over us.


Then you must have a problem with the majority of pro athletes, since that happens all the time!

Do you honestly think that him going to the game with Ortiz affects his play or desire to win in that series? If anything, you want to play better in front of your friends and ex-team.

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Then you must have a problem with the majority of pro athletes, since that happens all the time!

Do you honestly think that him going to the game with Ortiz affects his play or desire to win in that series? If anything, you want to play better in front of your friends and ex-team.

I do remember hearing stories of Jordan going out gambling with Barkley during their Finals when the Bulls played the Suns.

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Go get 'em JTrea. I like how you won't back down in the face of overwhelming opposition.

I understand where you are coming from, in general, but I don't really care about Millar going to a Celtics game. That's just the way the NBA is... Celebrities and athletes love to be seen at NBA games and it just so happens the O's were up in Boston. I don't think this means that much more than Millar showing up at Wizards game.

I too revile Boston and their elitist, entitled fans. I hate that we are viewed as a joke in New England and to "bandwagon Nation." Millar's shtick from the World Series last year served only to exacerbate all of this.

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