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*GASP* Millar goes to Boston for game two!!!

Moose Milligan

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If he's as much of a jerk as you think, maybe all his Orioles teammates were so sick of him they all went out somewhere without him leaving him with no choice but to call some of those other guys he knew in town?

Also, at this time I want to humbly apologize to all my grad school classmates for cheering for the UMBC basketball team while I was a student at Rutgers. I now understand that this was inexcusable and probably the reason my intramural co-ed soccer team didn't repeat as league champions in my second year.

I'll come clean, too. I apologize to the O's, my fellow fans, the Hangout staff, and our many members for pumping my fist on behalf of the Colorado Rockies several times last year.

Now I feel better!!! :D

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I'll come clean, too. I apologize to the O's, my fellow fans, the Hangout staff, and our many members for pumping my fist on behalf of the Colorado Rockies several times last year.

Now I feel better!!! :D

Aw, man, I'm guilty of that one too!

Come to think of it, so is a certain second baseman who's very good friends with Matt Holliday, but JTtrea's gonna have blueberry problems if he goes on the warpath against him... and Maine is FULL of wild blueberries!

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So how do you feel when a former O's player comes back to town and the fans give him a big round of applause and he thanks them. Thats the same thing. Should his new team immediately cut him because other people choose to acknowledge his former presence in the organization and he doesn't steadfastly deny it?

Friggin' Piazza took a curtain call after homering off Pedro in Shea last year or the year before.

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To review:

  • JTrea feels humbled, dissed and angry because the BOS media is talking about Millar in a certain way...
  • So he somehow thinks that all of Oriole Fandom should feel humbled, dissed, and angry too...
  • Which in turn somehow makes Millar a traitor for going to a basketball game with a former teammate on his day off...
  • And all of this is because of how JTrea feels about the words that the BOS media uses.

We know that JTrea is certifiably insane when it comes to Millar and BOS.

When you combine his raw nerve on this topic with his completely inability to use basic logic, this is what you get.

Meanwhile, somewhere Moose is giggling like a little boy who just put sand in his sister's underwear ;-)

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It's not the game, it's being identified as still being part of the Red Sox and Boston sports while under contract to a team in Baltimore that is supposed to be a rival. A team that is going to play the Sox today.

But I guess that's where I am different. I actually see the Red Sox as a rival and an enemy where others are neutral or passive toward them because they are a better team. If you truly hate the Red Sox and Boston how can you approve of one of our players identifying himself with them during the season?

Because we're not insane?

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Because we're not insane?

If there were more "insane" people like me, OPACY would be rid of all the locusts. So I don't consider my "insanity" a bad thing.

I'd rather see this team act like Tampa Bay vs. the Red Sox than the Millar led team we have now acts. Maybe if the Sox were treated more as rivals than friends and the O's had a little bit of a chip on their shoulder, they'd do a little better vs Boston.

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Interesting that Millar was the only former Red Sox player to show up. Obviously it was because the Orioles were going to be in Boston that night but there's something about fraternizing with the guys that you are going to be paid to beat two days before you play them that just seems wrong. I could see if a group of Oriole players went but this apparently was just Millar. I wonder how he got the invite...

It's interesting how Millar can just turn the switch on and off like that...

I realize I'm late to this thread and this has probably been hit already- but Millar was extremely popular in the clubhouse and I don't think there's a single guy from the 2004 world series team that doesn't love, or at least respect the guy. As much as it eats away at our own desire to have all Orioles bleed hatred of the sox and it's current players- that's just not gonna happen.

Say you lost a job but a bunch of your close buddies still worked there and there was a Christmas party you got invited to. You'd go and lap it up with them- regardless if you now worked for a rival sales company or not.

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If there were more "insane" people like me, OPACY would be rid of all the locusts. So I don't consider my "insanity" a bad thing.

I'd rather see this team act like Tampa Bay vs. the Red Sox than the Millar led team we have now acts. Maybe if the Sox were treated more as rivals than friends and the O's had a little bit of a chip on their shoulder, they'd do a little better vs Boston.

That's true, TB's attitude towards Boston is certainly helping them perform so much better against them than we have.

Oh wait, thats complete nonsense. We've got a .500 record against Boston and TB is .333, despite being a better team than us.

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This thread is a good example of why I have a real hard time reading this site. Discuss whether or not its a good thing for a player of one team to hang out with friends on another team, for pete's sake; don't attack a person holding a minority point of view. And I'd feel that way even if I didn't agree with him to some extent. Besides, how can anyone not get angry at Millar for throwing out the first pitch and filming a 'Go Sox!" commercial while being on the roster of a rival team?

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It's not the game, it's being identified as still being part of the Red Sox and Boston sports while under contract to a team in Baltimore that is supposed to be a rival. A team that is going to play the Sox today.

But I guess that's where I am different. I actually see the Red Sox as a rival and an enemy where others are neutral or passive toward them because they are a better team. If you truly hate the Red Sox and Boston how can you approve of one of our players identifying himself with them during the season?

Didn't you ever have friends from rival teams? I played summer/club ball with guys from two rival high schools...can you draw me a diagram of exactly where my loyalties should have lied back then? How about now that we've all moved on from high school? What about our parents...was it/is it okay for them to fraternize? They even ***GASP*** went to their games! Imagine that! An Eastern Tech parent cheering on Kenwood players?!?! TRAITORS!!! :rolleyes:

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This thread is a good example of why I have a real hard time reading this site. Discuss whether or not its a good thing for a player of one team to hang out with friends on another team, for pete's sake; don't attack a person holding a minority point of view. And I'd feel that way even if I didn't agree with him to some extent. Besides, how can anyone not get angry at Millar for throwing out the first pitch and filming a 'Go Sox!" commercial while being on the roster of a rival team?

This is a message board...discussing opinions (and opinions of each others' opinions) is kind of what we do here.

As far as Millar throwing out the first pitch and filming the commercial...that's been discussed ad nauseum already. Use the search feature if you want to see what was said in that regard.

Regardless...ones' opinion on Millar's actions during last year's post season don't justify unjustifiable piling-on for taking in a basketball game with some old buddies.

I think sometimes people forget these guys are human beings with friends and everything!

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Apparently you don't get how Millar wanting to be identified as still be part of the Red Sox and Boston sports instead of hanging out with his current teammates isn't a slap in the face to the Orioles and their fans. Either that or you feel the Orioles are inferior to the Red Sox and could care less...

Dude - he has friends that happen to play with the Red Sox. Boston has a team in the basketball playoffs. Maybe, just maybe, he has a relationship or two with a member of the Celtics.

If you look back, the Red Sox wanted to go in a diffferent direction with their team, and Millar's position on that team (which, in retrospect, turned out pretty good...but I digress).

So, he has friends in Boston, some guys he used to "work" with that he is still friends with. Some of his friends happen to be basketball fans and wouldn't you know it, but their team is in the playoffs and Kevin wants to catch a game since he has the chance to be in town on that given day, so he goes with his FRIENDS, who happen to be RED SOX.

It's not like he's cheating on his wife or anything like that, man. I guess if the Orioles were as jealous as you apparently are, then I guess there would be some major problems. But lucky for us, they are mature adults who recognize that Kevin Millar is just bieng Kevin Millar, and he's going to give 100% the next time he face the Red Sox or anyone else.

Get over it......

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