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Chris Davis 2019 and beyond


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1 hour ago, LocoChris said:

I really want to know if putting him back on Adderal will help. MLB should allow the exemption. 

I believe he is on an ADD medication (Vyvanse) with the exemption.   So that’s probably not it.    

It’s painful to even watch him play.  I do hope for some type of resolution, but have a feeling this is going to drag on for a while yet.   

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A positive drug test.

I’ve got a morbid curiosity now to see how bad Davis can get since Buck refuses to sit him at least a couple games a week.

A .150 batting average with 12 home runs and 200 strikeouts?  We’re in uncharted territory.

If it was me, I would be begging to get benched, or go on the DL so I could attempt to fix myself.  

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1 hour ago, OriolesMagic83 said:

I couldn't agree more.  The broadcasters seem to have been given a script to talk about Davis like he is in a slump.  He has a sub .500 OPS 1/3 of the way thru the season.  I had to laugh when I saw the graphic that Davis had a 1.000+ OPS career line in Toronto.  Like that has anything to do with 2018 Davis.

Maybe on the air but Joe Angel isn't pulling any punches on Twitter...


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3 minutes ago, OsFanSinceThe80s said:

A positive drug test.

I’ve got a morbid curiosity now to see how bad Davis can get since Buck refuses to sit him at least a couple games a week.

A .150 batting average with 12 home runs and 200 strikeouts?  We’re in uncharted territory.

If it was me, I would be begging to get benched, or go on the DL so I could attempt to fix myself.  

I doubt he hits double digit home runs. 

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31 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

Really? Hitting a baseball is more difficult than filling out a lineup card. Buck's season is worse.

That might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.   Do you measure the difficulty of everything in life against hitting a baseball?  That's not even an apples and oranges comparison, that's like an apples and spatulas comparison.  

Davis is 32 years old and is by most accounts, healthy and should be able to hit better than he is.  Buck is 62 years old and hasn't picked up a bat in decades.  And you're trying to say Buck's season is worse because of....what again?  

You were right about one thing.  Buck has to fill out a lineup card.  You, or anyone else here couldn't get significantly better results with the players he has to pick from.  

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Just now, Moose Milligan said:

That might be one of the dumbest things I've ever read on here.   Do you measure the difficulty of everything in life against hitting a baseball?  That's not even an apples and oranges comparison, that's like an apples and spatulas comparison.  

Davis is 32 years old and is by most accounts, healthy and should be able to hit better than he is.  Buck is 62 years old and hasn't picked up a bat in decades.  And you're trying to say Buck's season is worse because of....what again?  

You were right about one thing.  Buck has to fill out a lineup card.  You, or anyone else here couldn't get significantly better results with the players he has to pick from.  

I'm comparing Buck filling our a lineup card (i.e. his job) with Davis on it to Davis hitting a baseball (i.e. his job).

Therefore, by putting Davis in the lineup every night (even an extended trial in the leadoff spot), he is failing at an easier job than Davis.

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13 minutes ago, atomic said:

I doubt he hits double digit home runs. 

He won't.  As pointed out, he's gotten worse since last year.  I didn't think it was possible but here we are.  He will be under .150 for the season, no doubt.  He might not even double his number right now and get to 8.  

Batting .139 over his last 11 games (arbitrary number I just picked on baseball reference).  -1.8 WAR for the season.  OPS+ of 32.  

The phrase "video game numbers" gets tossed around when someone is putting up ridiculous stats.  But Davis is like, video game numbers if you picked up a video game you haven't played before and cranked the difficulty all the way up.


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3 minutes ago, DirtyBird said:

I'm comparing Buck filling our a lineup card (i.e. his job) with Davis on it to Davis hitting a baseball (i.e. his job).

Therefore, by putting Davis in the lineup every night (even an extended trial in the leadoff spot), he is failing at an easier job than Davis.

Right, but you and I both know how sports work and and you know as well as I do that when you have a guy making as much as he does, he's in the lineup.

I don't like it, you don't like it, no one likes it.  But that's one of the crappy things about professional sports.  It's not Little League where everything is fair and everyone gets to play.  If you've got a guy with a big salary, he's in the lineup.

Putting Davis in the leadoff spot was dumb, but at least it was an effort to think outside of the box and try to jumpstart him.  If you recall around here there were cries of DO SOMETHING and FIGURE OUT HOW TO GET DAVIS TO HIT BETTER and a whole bunch of whining about...well, trying to get Davis to hit.  

So an attempt was made.  I'll give Buck some credit to try something different in an effort to get a poorly performing player to perhaps figure out a different approach and figure things out. 

Subtract your emotions from the situation and look at it for what it was, it's not the most terrible thing in the world.  I mean, down in Tampa there's a guy who's starting relief pitchers instead of starting pitchers.  How come that guy's not getting tarred and feathered but actually being celebrated for trying something new?  Maybe because he's had some decent results with it (also some poor ones) but I don't blame Buck for one second for trying to make chicken salad out of chicken $#@#.  

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In my head-to-head fantasy league he has a TOTAL for the season of 7 points!  He had 10 before tonight's game but lost 3 more points with his 3 strikeouts. As a point of comparison Manny is around 225 on the season. Just stunning. 

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Just now, Moose Milligan said:

Maybe because he's had some decent results with it (also some poor ones) but I don't blame Buck for one second for trying to make chicken salad out of chicken $#@#.  

Buck is the chicken playing with his own poop trying to turn it into salad.

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