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MD vs GM


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On 11/22/2019 at 9:26 PM, sdmarkakis said:

This thread, like the last one about Fairfield, did not age well.

Can the Turge haters at least wait til later in the game to make these threads? Appreciate it. 

I didn't see the GM game, but the team did not look like a top 25 team against Fairfield. I saw the same concerns that have of every Turgeon team and that's a disorganized offense, turnovers, and bunch of guys who under performed to their abilities.

This team is pretty deep with talent and perhaps they will put it together and be the special team they should be, but they will have to overcome Turgeon to do so. The last time the Terps had a top ten team this early they under performed early against their gimme games, and that's what this team has done so far besides the GM game, which by most indications was their best game of the year.

I'm hopeful this will be a special year but before this GM game, they certainly have not played like a top 5 team in the country.

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18 hours ago, Can_of_corn said:

Good thing the voters don't read the Hangout.

It's not just the Hangout. I read a lot of other sites and the non fan boys and Turgeonites also see a team that has not played very well against sub par competition. Now it could be they are just trying to gel, or it could be they are just limited by an unimaginative offense,  a lack of responsibility for dumb mistakes, and a head coach that is typically outcoached by his opponent. 

I'm hoping it's the former and that they will be over overcome the rest with their depth and talent, which is clearly there.

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28 minutes ago, sdmarkakis said:

Nahh, you're putting way too much weight on nothing. This team looks far deeper and more dominant than any Maryland team I can remember since prime Gary era. Every game they have started off slow, but after that slow start they were clearly dominant and destroyed everyone they've played. 

I think you're putting way too much weight on the outcomes of these games overall - look at UNC and Virginia. They're beating their trash opponents by less than 10 points in most games and guess what? It doesn't mean anything at this point. Good, deep teams will get better. You're extremely entrenched in your Turge hate and can't see just how good this team will be. 

The 2015-2016 team was ranked as high as #2 in both polls as late as week 14.  You think this team is far more dominant?

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14 minutes ago, vatech1994 said:

I didn’t really believe that the 2015-16 team was as good as people predicted and that has been born out by what happened to the “great” players from that team.  Layman is the only player who did anything at all at the next level.

Stone was lazy and didn’t play intelligently IMHO.  He went from a probable lottery pick to mid-second round pick to out of the NBA almost immediately (he logged 27 minutes) and was cut by 4 teams in 4 years.  I could say some rude things about him, but I’ll stop there.

I felt Robert Carter was also lazy and didn’t play intelligently.  He had a lot of talent IMHO, but just didn’t care much from what I saw.

Melo was a damn good college player but struggled against NBA caliber opponents.

Sulaimon was solid, but very limited in how he could help a team.

I always thought Dez Wells was a big loss from the prior year.

I like this team a lot more.  Cower is similar to Melo.  Smith is better than Stone.  Ayala is better than Sulaimon. Wiggins and Layman have similar upside IMO.  The Mitchell twins have more upside than Dodd but aren’t as developed as Carter.  Lindo and Morsell are both better defensive players than anyone on MD that season.  Beyond that there is Scott, Hart, and Smith who have D-1 skills.

I like this team’s chances a lot more than the 2015-2016 team.  Time will tell.



I still don't think it is accurate to say this team is far more dominant than a team that was ranked #2 multiple times in multiple polls.

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