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NEW 60 GAME Proposal [Baseball is Back!]


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30 minutes ago, atomic said:

Just because you don't care doesn't mean other people don't care. I am not sure why you have a hostile attitude towards it. If people didn't care it wouldn't be on CBS.  

I don't think he is being hostile, I think he is being a baseball fan on a baseball site.

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5 minutes ago, murph said:

I don't think he is being hostile, I think he is being a baseball fan on a baseball site.

Definitely being hostile.  If I mentioned that the NBA was starting up next week I am sure the dude wouldn't have any issue with it.  

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58 minutes ago, atomic said:

Just because you don't care doesn't mean other people don't care. I am not sure why you have a hostile attitude towards it. If people didn't care it wouldn't be on CBS.  

You are totally right.  The 150,000 people that tuned in make it worth watching.  C'mon, Formula 1 racing and the Big 3 basketball leagues got better viewership.

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32 minutes ago, atomic said:

Definitely being hostile.  If I mentioned that the NBA was starting up next week I am sure the dude wouldn't have any issue with it.  

Continuously down voting my responses is childish.  You are on here spouting about how great the NWSL is.  How you wouldn't mind if the Orioles were replaced by a NWSL team at Camden Yard.  Yet, you think I am being the irrational one about a sports league that I would say less than 2% of people on this site could name one team, let alone a city where one resides.  Give me a break. 

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30 minutes ago, Frobby said:

This stuff may render the whole idea of playing a shortened season moot.   The Tampa Bay Lightning also had to close their facility today.    

Florida seems the epicenter right now.  

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On 6/17/2020 at 1:17 PM, Mr. Chewbacca Jr. said:

I think this is how most people feel. Baseball is an entertainment product, when it comes down to it. There's a suspension of disbelief involved with being a fan - just like being entertained by watching a movie. We obviously know that Jurassic Park isn't a real thing, but that doesn't stop us from being thrilled, scared, and emotionally moved when the T Rex breaks out of its cage and tries to eat the kids in the car. With being a baseball fan, there's a similar suspension of disbelief - we buy expensive hats and jerseys to feel part of the team's success even though we contribute absolutely nothing in the field of play, we can vilify other teams like the Yankees and Red Sox even though they are made up of innocent twenty-something kids, we can forget that we're paying large portions of our modest paycheck to watch millionaires throw a ball around.

That suspension of disbelief is a pretty fragile thing and is rather fleeting. Our ability to enjoy a movie can quickly die if an actor is exposed as being a not-so-great person. No one is listening to R Kelly anymore. People boycott restaurants or stores if it is discovered that they are donating to a backward political cause. Our ability to be a diehard fan can be affected in a similar way.



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14 minutes ago, backwardsk said:

Both Spring Training states are having bad trends currently.

New York numbers seem to be trending back up as well. Probably from snowbirds deciding Florida wasn’t so safe after all.  Highest death count in the country today.


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If you look at what is the area trending it is not the beach area.  It is like something else that happened in the last two or three weeks is causing it to be large cities seeing the huge increases.  I just can’t put my finger on it though.  I am sure the media will be right on it though.


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8 minutes ago, bpilktree said:

If you look at what is the area trending it is not the beach area.  It is like something else that happened in the last two or three weeks is causing it to be large cities seeing the huge increases.  I just can’t put my finger on it though.  I am sure the media will be right on it though.


I'd say the vast majority of it down here was ending the lockdown and opening things back up.  Before then most folks that went out at least had on masks.  Now a majority of folks down here are acting like nothing is going on.

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    • If they sit Kjerstad for a few days for what could have warranted a  concussion protocol, it would make sense to bring up Mayo. I've said many times, I don't expect the kid to rake right away, but he could be a spark, could be a momentum changer. We don't know unless we make the move. It may not happen, but this could be the situation that makes sense.
    • I've been called the  whiner,  the "reverse jinx" guy, the guy who sees the "dark cloud" behind the silver lining....you name it.  But I would like to say this. Yes, this team is struggling and yes this is a significant series and we might not snap out of it right away. But remember. This team is too talented, too energetic, too destined to be denied over the long haul. We are going to bust out...and soon. It might take a while but when we do, look out. There will be new personnel, perhaps some new pitchers and bullpen pieces...maybe they wont make a splash, but it will be an upgrade. Its coming. This team will have a very fine second half of the season. Our youth is showing a little bit, but over the long haul...this team will NOT be stopped. Not over the course of a season. I want to see this team playing with a swagger and confidence I've seen before. It will happen. It will be a hit, then another hit. Then it will be contagious and it will be exciting to watch. A long time ago, the Beatles' John Lennon used to ask his bandmates, "Where are we going fellas"? And Paul, Ringo, and George would chime in... "We're going to the topper most of the popper most , Johnny" That's what I'd like to say . WERE GOING TO THE "TOPPERMOST OF THE POPPERMOST".  We're gonna be "Fab" again. I promise. And I can't wait to get there with them. Who's with me?
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    • Oh my god! The slide? The Orioles have three more wins this year than they did at this date last season. If you want to get technical, their record thru 94 game is identical to last season. Calm down. 
    • I get what you are saying but I still admit I surprised they have the early starts when school is out. I’m fine with them myself but you would think an additional half hour could convince someone to make the trek.     At the game tonight the empty seats filled in by about 730. I always thought years ago 730 starts made sense on Friday’s but I gave up on that idea. 
    • Goes without saying a split rest of way keeps Orioles up one game at break and also means they would be up 6-4 in season standings. Win both you clinch season series. Play at NYY 3 games with 6 games to go. Just avoid a damn sweep. I think the series is more important from a tiebreaker standpoint than necessarily being up or down a game.    Hopefully some frustration was released in the 9th inning. One big hit and maybe this team relaxes some.  
    • Brought this up in game thread. Send Povich down for an arm. Technically don’t need a 5th SP until SD series but based off how the Orioles like give guys an extra day they can start Irvin vs MIA.  Play a DH at home Mon July 30. Can call him back up then. Play 11 games before that DH. One start by Irvin vs MIA is worth an extra arm.    I know he needs to be added to the 40 but Mayo could come up for Kjerstad. Concussion IL is 7 days. You have 4 days off at the break. If not Mayo then obviously Stowers, it makes no sense to take any chances for losing Heston 3 games at most.     
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