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Baseball ages of tonight starting lineup


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27 minutes ago, Explosivo said:

much love to you phil. By the way, your name always reminds me of this scene from City Slickers 2:




I had forgotten that scene...because my name is Philip.

Remember that scene from Star Trek the next generation…

Where the annoying woman is taking to Data and keeps calling him “Dah-ta.” And he keeps politely correcting her, every single time, until eventually she flies into a rage and says, “ ‘Dah-ta,’ ‘Day-ta’ whats the difference?”

And he replies,” One is my name. The other is not.”


edit: Considering it’s 30 years ago, I remembered it pretty well.



Edited by Philip
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Hyde has hinted that this won't be the last call up. Perhaps we see some of these young starters. We certainly have some arms to check out in the bullpen with guys like Kramer waiting in the wings. I think Elias will inject these little shots in the arm as we progress. 

We are in a great position to be honest. While other teams in our division are subtracting players due to injury, we are in a position to add quality depth. Very exciting weekend!

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1 hour ago, wildcard said:

Alberto 27

Santander  25

Nunez 26

Severino 26

Ruiz 26

Mountcastle 23

Sisco 25

Valaika  27

Mullins  25

I'd say that is pretty young.   Hays 24 could replace Mullins.  Velazquez 25 could replace Valaika.  That would be younger.

I like the passion! 

By my count 5 of these guys are either mediocre in the position they are playing on defense or out of position.... (Alberto, Núñez, Santander,, Sisco, Mountcastle). And they would be no better with Severino at catcher.

Is Valaika even a real SS? 


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