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Rotation announced


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31 minutes ago, Philip said:


That is also one of my pet peeves.

It's hard to bite my tongue sometimes.  Some things just jump out at me so much and the mood catches me right so I say something.  I just do it to mess with people more than to correct them.  My kids have all finished high school and left home so I don't have much opportunity to correct their grammar.  I am left with helping random strangers on the internet.  My help is usually returned with a polite f$*# you!.  My parents were sticklers for proper grammar and I inherited the trait.

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5 minutes ago, Yossarian said:

It's hard to bite my tongue sometimes.  Some things just jump out at me so much and the mood catches me right so I say something.  I just do it to mess with people more than to correct them.  My kids have all finished high school and left home so I don't have much opportunity to correct their grammar.  I am left with helping random strangers on the internet.  My help is usually returned with a polite f$*# you!.  My parents were sticklers for proper grammar and I inherited the trait.

One of my favorite repeating stories of childhood is the memory of the giant dictionary on top of the television. One of those enormous dictionaries that’s a foot thick and weighs 20 pounds.

I remember going to dad, reading a book in the living room and saying, “Daddy, what does this word mean?” And dad would slam his book shut, stand up, point towards the breezeway and thunder, “Philip, there’s a 10,000 page dictionary on top of that goddamn box in the breezeway! Go flip through it and look up the word yourself!“

He would then return to his book…

I would look up the word, and because I had ADD in a big way, I would frequently stand at the dictionary for another 20 minutes or so randomly flipping through pages and looking up words.

Papa always read to us from the great Victorian literature, especially Kipling, but also Ogden Nash or Robert Louis Stevenson, and he literally taught us to use the Kings English. It is sad that today merely knowing good grammar is considered elitism, and therefore a sin. When education begins to be ridiculed, it means we are well on the way down the slippery slope.

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2 hours ago, Sports Guy said:

I don’t see the reason to plan for some crazy scenario.  Lopez in the pen?  Fine.  I agree he could do something out there.

 But I don’t want to see him in the rotation and I will root for others to be in it besides him.

What you literally said was that you hope he proves he doesn’t belong in the rotation.   I’d rather see him prove that he does belong.   Do I think he will?   No.   But if he did prove it, that would be a plus.  

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15 minutes ago, Frobby said:

What you literally said was that you hope he proves he doesn’t belong in the rotation.   I’d rather see him prove that he does belong.   Do I think he will?   No.   But if he did prove it, that would be a plus.  

Yes..that’s what I’m saying. The sooner he is out of the rotation, the better.  The sooner he can provide length and depth in the pen, the better.

I am rooting for the scenario that I feel is best for the team now and long term.  I’m not going to drum up some scenario in my mind that he can all of a sudden go from a 5.5-6 ERA starter and turn himself into an asset as a starter and fetch us something in return.

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So if I am reading correctly, Odor is owed $24M/2 with a $3M buyout and the tone from TX is he is gone. We owe Davis $34M/2 and are already on the hook for the deferred money. We send Davis plus $5M/yr for 2 years to TX and pay Odor's full salary. TX can cut Davis while continuing to pay him. It is a wash financially, we have a better warm body at 2B for 2 years while the MiL guys develop and don't have to talk about him anymore. For the record Cito still sucks, so that does factor in. lol

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4 minutes ago, AnythingO's said:

So if I am reading correctly, Odor is owed $24M/2 with a $3M buyout and the tone from TX is he is gone. We owe Davis $34M/2 and are already on the hook for the deferred money. We send Davis plus $5M/yr for 2 years to TX and pay Odor's full salary. TX can cut Davis while continuing to pay him. It is a wash financially, we have a better warm body at 2B for 2 years while the MiL guys develop and don't have to talk about him anymore. For the record Cito still sucks, so that does factor in. lol

Davis has full no trade protection.

Why should he agree?

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18 minutes ago, Can_of_corn said:

Davis has full no trade protection.

Why should he agree?


It's fodder for bean counters if he's game.

Odor may end up with same basic question as Franco/Galvis - maybe a better team has a reserve role, but do you want reps for next offseason?


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4 minutes ago, OrioleDog said:


It's fodder for bean counters if he's game.

Odor may end up with same basic question as Franco/Galvis - maybe a better team has a reserve role, but do you want reps for next offseason?



Why not get paid to waive it?  He's earned NT status just like he earned that contract.  Why should he just give it up? 

You think he's going to be rehabbing his "injury" in Baltimore?  I don't.


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37 minutes ago, AnythingO's said:

So if I am reading correctly, Odor is owed $24M/2 with a $3M buyout and the tone from TX is he is gone. We owe Davis $34M/2 and are already on the hook for the deferred money. We send Davis plus $5M/yr for 2 years to TX and pay Odor's full salary. TX can cut Davis while continuing to pay him. It is a wash financially, we have a better warm body at 2B for 2 years while the MiL guys develop and don't have to talk about him anymore. For the record Cito still sucks, so that does factor in. lol

What's in it for Texas? Otherwise sounds great sign me up.

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AS to why Davis would agree, he gets all his money, gets sent home to start the next phase of his life without the aggravation of dealing with press questioning him as opposed to staying on the books here where he is clearly not welcome. As for TX, they clear Odor from their roster which seems a priority for some reason or they wouldn't be risking eating $27M. If the money is a wash and both teams get rid of a personnel problem, why not? The O's get an above replacement 2B who might thrive in Camden and TX gets to add someone else to their roster. These are admittedly pretty minor benefits to all parties but there is no penalty to any party involved.

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2 minutes ago, AnythingO's said:

AS to why Davis would agree, he gets all his money, gets sent home to start the next phase of his life without the aggravation of dealing with press questioning him as opposed to staying on the books here where he is clearly not welcome. As for TX, they clear Odor from their roster which seems a priority for some reason or they wouldn't be risking eating $27M. If the money is a wash and both teams get rid of a personnel problem, why not? The O's get an above replacement 2B who might thrive in Camden and TX gets to add someone else to their roster. These are admittedly pretty minor benefits to all parties but there is no penalty to any party involved.

The Rangers can just cut Odor and not have to worry about another headache.

Thats a far better solution for them than trading for Davis.

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