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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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Just a thought...

If Boras is "leaking" this information, it would seem that he doesn't really want to sign with the Red Sox. That he's using this to get more money from another organization that he really wants to sign with. Whether that is the O's, Angels, Nats or even someone else, I don't know. The Red Sox certainly aren't going to beat an offer credited to them, that they never made.

Boras couldn't care less what hat Teixeira ends up wearing, he just wants wherever he ends up to be for the biggest contract possible.

He'll get the largest offers he can from each team, then Tex will pick which he will take, and my guess is he goes to whomever makes the largest offer.

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Just a thought...

If Boras is "leaking" this information, it would seem that he doesn't really want to sign with the Red Sox. That he's using this to get more money from another organization that he really wants to sign with. Whether that is the O's, Angels, Nats or even someone else, I don't know. The Red Sox certainly aren't going to beat an offer credited to them, that they never made.

I don't buy this Boras leak business either. If we are his first choice all things being equal, this serves no purpose, as he can just tell the O's front office where Boston is at, and give us a final opportunity to beat it.

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If that's true, we're screwed.

Am I the only one that thinks that no matter how many times news sources hint that Tex is destined to end up with the Sox that people on here are just in denial? IMO it seems that it doesn't matter what people hear, they still want to believe that he is going to end up here so bad that they just have convinced themselves of it. I don't understand. I have heard so many excuses/reasons not to listen to reports from the “OH insiders”, “lack of respect”, “that’s how AM does business”, etc. I want him here too and I am still holding out hope, but some people are just going crazy over this. Other than speculation and word on here from the “insiders”, I have not heard one thing that would make me feel like he is going to sign with us.

I have been on this board for years and I fully expect to be blasted for saying this, but I just have to say it. It is just my opinion. I think that he will be on the Sox by the end of the week.

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Boras couldn't care less what hat Teixeira ends up wearing, he just wants wherever he ends up to be for the biggest contract possible.

He'll get the largest offers he can from each team, then Tex will pick which he will take, and my guess is he goes to whomever makes the largest offer.

He does care where he winds up. In that, he wants him to go to a team he wants to making the most possible money. My thought is that say Tex says he really wants to stay in LA, he might use this kind of leak to get the Angels to up their offer. Maybe thye don't do 8/200, but the Angels come back with their "Wow" offer of 8/180, or whatever it is. I'm just saying they wouldn't use this kind of leak to get money out of the Red Sox, because they can't. But they can use this leak to get money out of another team.

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Don't put to much into this now. I won't believe it until more sources confirm it. This could be another one of those famous Boras leaks among other things.

We can just do what we are best at, wait it out.

Yep. We should start keeping statistics on what percentage of these first reports of offers actually end up being withdrawn or invalidated in less than 48 hours.

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I agree for the most part. But honestly, if he was that close to signing with Boston as the media has been saying, it would have happend already. For the past week to week and a half all we've heard is that Boston is his choice and it's close to done with them. But honestly, if there was that much intrest from both sides, the deal would be done and we'd be talking about what pitchers we should go after instead.

The hold-up isn't Boras. Especially if it's that close to getting done with Boston, which would almost certainly result in a knee-jerk reaction from the Yankees for another one of his high profile clients. He'd be pressing Tex to sign ASAP with Boston so Manny could get his $20 million from the Yanks.

My gut tells me that this is close to being done for one team or another. In the end I see him with us or the Angels and all the talk coming from Boston was just the Red Sox pushing the price up for other contenders. If Belkast is right and we made a very high offer, I would expect Boras is calling the Angels, Nats and Red Sox to get they're final offers to present to Tex. And in the next couple of days Tex will make his decision. Hopefully it will be us.

Well, I do believe that he will go to the highest bidder period. And I have felt all along that we would not be the highest bidder. I think the only possible exception is the Angels because of geography. But even then, I think if they are the highest bidder that is where he will go. I do think that given his druthers, Boras would prefer Tex go to the Nats or the O's. I just do not think the O's are going to be willing to put up what it takes to get it done. And that is not being critical, I am not entirely sold on paying him $200mm. I think you are right about it being close to breaking by the way, but I just cant see it happening here.

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Does anyone else sort of think that this rumor may have come down to us through a game of telephone. That's a 25 million dollar a year offer, and to me that sounds like something that might have been our wow offer. That's A-rod money, and someone would have to be crazy to give that much for Teixeira in the Red Sox position.

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Am I the only one that thinks that no matter how many times news sources hint that Tex is destined to end up with the Sox that people on here are just in denial? IMO it seems that it doesn't matter what people hear, they still want to believe that he is going to end up here so bad that they just have convinced themselves of it. I don't understand. I have heard so many excuses/reasons not to listen to reports from the “OH insiders”, “lack of respect”, “that’s how AM does business”, etc. I want him here too and I am still holding out hope, but some people are just going crazy over this. Other than speculation and word on here from the “insiders”, I have not heard one thing that would make me feel like he is going to sign with us.

I have been on this board for years and I fully expect to be blasted for saying this, but I just have to say it. It is just my opinion. I think that he will be on the Sox by the end of the week.

Ok...first things first, you will NOT get blasted for offering your opinion!

To answer your question about the speculation, when I heard MacPhail's closing comments at the meetings and Trembley on the Hot Stove show Friday night, they both gave every indication that the Orioles ARE in the Tex sweepstakes and the ball is in his court. They would not have said that if we did not make a significant offer.

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This is the IMOP the turning point for the O's. Angelos must step up to the plate, no matter what it takes, and sign Tex. After 11 losing seasons and some woefully inadequate teams, the fans need to see the owner commit now to ensure that Teixera is an Oriole. I have been uplifted by Belkast's reports and I have read about Angelos' determination, smarts and his wanting to be a winner. I hope that Peter Angelos realizes his legacy is with the Orioles.

Angelos has to figure that he doesn't have too many more years in order to turn the O's around. I believe that he is a proud man and if the O's under his tenure continue to suck, his legacy will suffer greatly (fairly or not, he is more well known as the O's owner than anything he did as a lawyer or businessman). That means, if it means overpaying in both dollars and years for Tex, so be it. Tex is a domino - he falls to the O's, many other good to very good players will either re-sign or sign with us. I believe that McPhail has the pitchers lined up to complement Tex and the rest of an excellent lineup and defense (IMOP). Tex is the key piece - get it done. I will not be satisfied if Tex is not signed unless he takes a substantially less deal.

Why? Because we as fans are the lifeblood for any team. We deserve the best team that the owners can buy and Angelos with the Balt./Wash .market can buy a championship!

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I think that if it is true, that the Redsox have made a 200 million offer that maybe in response with what Tex has already been offered. I mean that they would have no need to offer 8yrs /200mil if Tex was offered 170/180 by the Nationals. It appears to me that Tex has a similiar offer in his possession, making Belkast's inside info appear to be true.

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Speculation upon speculation upon speculation with various people bashing the integrity of Roy Firestone, Roch Kubatko, Buster Olney, Bruce Cunningham, Peter Schmuck, and others...

I really hope we sign Tex, but I'll be pleased on at least one level either way once this circus is over.

You see, this board is a powerful force. We can send journalists of all varieties into denial, bewilderment and utter confusion. We're like an Oriole Drudge Report for sports journalists. Some of what we say might not be true in any way, but that's really not a concern. I bet if we had blasted "Oriole Magic" 24/7, Noriega would have felt like some our local sports guys. I don't know how they deal. I guess Roch works out and Schmuck wears Hawaiian shirts to trick himself into thinking he's a fruity drink and plane fare away from sanity. I actually think this site and the internet itself are the ingenious inventions of Eddie Murray to forever torment the Baltimore media. Porn, Google and Facebook were just unexpected bonuses.

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I think that if it is true, that the Redsox have made a 200 million offer that maybe in response with what Tex has already been offered. I mean that they would have no need to offer 8yrs /200mil if Tex was offered 170/180 by the Nationals. It appears to me that Tex has a similiar offer in his possession, making Belkast's inside info appear to be true.

Well, if that's the case and the Sox matched out offer, say goodbye to Tex. MacPhail and Angelos won't keep playing this game of Boras continually raising the stakes. If Tex wants to be here, $200 should have been enough. If he wants to be greedy and suck us dry, then let him do it to the Sox. I want him to be an Oriole rea badly, but not if he's gonna be a greedy "me-first" player. $200 MILLION DOLLARS! Take it or leave it Tex!

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I think that if it is true, that the Redsox have made a 200 million offer that maybe in response with what Tex has already been offered. I mean that they would have no need to offer 8yrs /200mil if Tex was offered 170/180 by the Nationals. It appears to me that Tex has a similiar offer in his possession, making Belkast's inside info appear to be true.

If this offer turns out to be accurate, then there could be some truth to this. There would be no reason for the Sox to up there offer from a week ago unless someone made an offer over the weekend. With that said, I think that our WOW offer is still very legit and this thing will show signs of closure this week.

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Boras couldn't care less what hat Teixeira ends up wearing, he just wants wherever he ends up to be for the biggest contract possible.

He'll get the largest offers he can from each team, then Tex will pick which he will take, and my guess is he goes to whomever makes the largest offer.

So you don't think he doesnt have an eye on how Tex's signing will affect his other FA's? I agree that he will ultimately goes to the highest bidder but if the teams are close and he can get Tex to a team that would not be interested in Manny anyway it sure would be profitable. If he goes to the NYY or the Angels it hurts Manny's market. I also guaranteee he has his eye to the next few years as well.

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