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The Mark Teixeira Watch part III


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Can we?

My recollection tells me that PA basically announced that we can't compete against teams bankrolling big FAs.

Our shot won't be too much different than, say the Indians. It will come and go. Perhaps we'll have enough cash to get a few FA pieces when the time comes... unlike the Rays (not that they need it, now)... but we are not going to all-of-a-sudden become a monster organization that has the $$$ to blow people away with FA acquisitions.

That is why the MLB needs a salary cap. Plus, with a good GM it is proven that a team can succeed in that type of system (See Oakland). They make the right move at the right time consistently and win more often then the Indians. I find it hard to argue with the idea of adding an all-start 1B to a team gradually getting better. BA and others have said the Orioles are head and shoulders above the rest of the league in terms of top 3-5 prospects. Say 2 of them pan out (Weiters and Tillman/Matusz) and we are already that much better, especially having added Tex. We will have a 1 and 2 starter who can compete with just about any other 1 2 in the league and adding 3, 4 and 5 is in the Os budget for sure.

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Because he won't be a Yankee or part of the Bandwagon Nation so they won't be able to talk about him.

All good players have to go to the Yankees or Red Sox, that's the rule isn't it? :rolleyestf:

There is a pretty good chance that Tex and Manny don't end up being an Yankee now.

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

This makes sense to me.

I don't see Boston going higher than the contract they gave Manny.

They don't need Tex...he is a luxury for them. He is a luxury they are willing to get but they aren't going to get insane for him IMO...They just don't need to and are smarter than that IMO.

I could see them getting involved in a potential Fielder trade or something like that.

I also could see them just keep what they have and just hope to be healthier next year...As currently constructed, a healthy Red Sox team is the best team in the AL IMO.

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I just exchanged e-mails with a non-Red Sox employee, who nonetheless has contacts within the organization and has been inside the offices at Fenway as recently as last week.

His take is that $160-million is the figure the Orioles will have to beat to outbid Boston.

When I mentioned the "wow" offer and Tex being in town for the Ravens game, he responded that 'at least it'll help even out the AL East'

('When Tex learns to pitch' was my reply)

Thanks for the info BBD.

Do you get the sense that this employee really has access to what might be going on with Boston and Tex?

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This makes sense to me.

I don't see Boston going higher than the contract they gave Manny.

They don't need Tex...he is a luxury for them. He is a luxury they are willing to get but they aren't going to get insane for him IMO...They just don't need to and are smarter than that IMO.

I could see them getting involved in a potential Fielder trade or something like that.

I also could see them just keep what they have and just hope to be healthier next year...As currently constructed, a healthy Red Sox team is the best team in the AL IMO.

But would you agree that it is possible that Boston believes they don't need Tex this year, but maybe after this year? Youkilis can move to 3B if need be, Lowell won't be around forever. Ortiz and Lowell have some injury issues. I'm just wondering if the Red Sox are trying to find someone to drive in runs well past 2009.

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But would you agree that it is possible that Boston believes they don't need Tex this year, but maybe after this year? Youkilis can move to 3B if need be, Lowell won't be around forever. Ortiz and Lowell have some injury issues. I'm just wondering if the Red Sox are trying to find someone to drive in runs well past 2009.

Yes, i would agree with that but with Lars Anderson coming up and with other FAs coming onto the market in coming years, Tex is less of a long term need for the Sox than he is for some other teams.

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Yes, i would agree with that but with Lars Anderson coming up and with other FAs coming onto the market in coming years, Tex is less of a long term need for the Sox than he is for some other teams.

What do you make of LAA in all of this. Its been pretty quiet on that end, other than the 8/160 offer that was supposedly made the other day.

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